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Mage hunter

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For the Desolace felhounds, see Mage Hunter.
MobMage hunter
Curator Insivius.jpg
Main leader IconSmall Malygos.gif Malygos †
Secondary leaders None
  Formerly IconSmall DrakonidBlue.gif Curator Insivius †
IconSmall Human Male.gif Mage-Lord Urom †
IconSmall HighElf Female.gif Grand Magus Telestra †
Race(s) IconSmall DrakonidBlue.gif Blue drakonid
IconSmall SpawnBlue Male.gif Blue dragonspawn
HumanHuman Human
High elfHigh elf High elf
GnomeGnome Gnome
OrcOrc Orc
Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
Jungle trollJungle troll Jungle troll
Character classes Mage, Inquisitor, Sorcerer, Wizard
Base of operations Nexus
Theater of operations Northrend
Status Defeated

The mage hunters are former members of the Kirin Tor who sided with Malygos and joined the ranks of his blue dragonflight, after the Council of Six had sent a delegation of emissaries to the Nexus. When they arrived, they were given a choice-either join the blue Aspect as mage hunters or be destroyed. When the emissaries did not return, the Kirin Tor teleported Dalaran to Northrend.[1] Others joined in the hopes of retaining power, or simply in order to protect Azeroth from the use of uncontrolled magic, sharing the azure dragon's point of view. Transformed and bolstered by the Aspect of Magic, they were tasked with rooting out and, if necessary, destroying magical artifacts; killing or imprisoning individuals who practice magic without Malygos' permission; and aiding in the redirection of ley lines using massive constructs called surge needles.[2]

Some of the mage hunters were not recruited voluntarily, but instead conscripted by the threat of their family being killed if they didn't join.[3]

Area of operation

The mage hunters established different operations across Northrend, they appeared to operate mainly in the Dragonblight and in Borean Tundra, but some mage hunters could be found in Crystalsong Forest as well.


The mage hunters appeared to have a ranked structure, the most important of them were:

  • IconSmall Human Male.gif Mage-Lord Urom - A traitor of the Kirin Tor and pledged his loyalty to Malygos, he was an invaluable asset for the blue dragons.
  • IconSmall HighElf Female.gif Grand Magus Telestra - An instructor for Malygos' mage hunters, she guarded Keristrasza's prison and led the effort to redirect the ley lines in the Dragonblight.
  • IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Magister Keldonus - A traitor to the Horde and affiliated himself with the blue dragonflight. He was working on a ley-line in the Dragonblight and reported his work at Magus Telestra using a device.
  • IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Mage-Commander Evenstar - A mage who an expedition of mage hunters in Dragonblight until he was killed by a group of water elementals.
  • IconSmall BloodElf Female.png Inquisitor Salrand - She was the one who oversaw the capture of the Kirin Tor members in the Borean Tundra.
  • IconSmall SpawnBlue Male.gif Goramosh - A dragonspawn who had been tasked with seeing to the negotiations between the blue dragonflight and the Ethereum.
  • IconSmall Human Female.gif Captain Emmy Malin - Archmage Malin's daughter, she was forced to work for Malygos under threat that her family would be harmed. Ashamed of herself, she was actively sabotaging their operations.
  • IconSmall Troll Male.gif Lieutenant Ta'zinni - A troll and the leader of the mage hunters in the Lothalor Woodlands of Dragonblight. He was the brother of the mage trainer Deino.
  • IconSmall Cultist Male.gif Inquisitor Caleras - A traitor of the Kirin Tor, he led a group of beryl sorcerors in Coldarra.
  • IconSmall DrakonidBlue.gif Curator Insivius - A drakonid who led the mage hunter forces in Coldrock Quarry, they were possibly attempting to build new surge needles.

Notes and trivia
