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For the location from an alternate universe, see Telaar (alternate universe).
Type Town
Leader(s) Arechron
Race(s) DraeneiDraenei Draenei
Broken Broken
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
Ethereal Ethereal
Language(s) Common, Draenei, Dwarven
Faith(s) Holy Light
Affiliation(s) Alliance Kurenai
Location Nagrand[54, 70]
Status Active

Yes Inn          Yes Mailbox

Yes Stables

No Anvil & Forge

No Bank       No Auctions
Travel Yes Flight Master(s)
No Mass-transit
No Portal(s)
Telaar from a sky view.

Telaar is the Kurenai-factioned Alliance town in southern Nagrand. The flight point is at 54,75, on top of the inn. It is accessed via exterior ramps on either side of the building.

Telaar is full of draenei, both of normal and Broken. There are plenty of quests to be had, goods to be bought, and things to see. Telaar is also one of the only intact examples of undamaged Draenei architecture in all of what is left of Draenor. The Kurenai quartermaster is here, as is a stable master and a mailbox, in addition to the flight master and inn mentioned above.

Travel connections


Alliance Telredor
Alliance Allerian Stronghold
Neutral Shattrath City



Quest givers

Quests are also available from the Telaar Bulletin Board, next to Warden Moi'bff Jill.


  • It should be noted that most of the draenei NPCs in Telaar (except one, interrogator Khan) are female. It is possible they are just placeholders, as the Broken female model does not exist yet in-game.

Patch changes

External links
