Patricia Egan

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NeutralPatricia Egan
Image of Patricia Egan
Title <Alchemy Supplies>
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-30 / 10-45
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kirin Tor, Magocracy of Dalaran
Location The Agronomical Apothecary, Dalaran[41.9, 31.7]
Status Unknown
Relative(s) Dorothy Egan, Edward Egan

Patricia Egan is a human alchemy vendor located in the Agronomical Apothecary within Dalaran.

It is currently unknown if she survived Dalaran's destruction.


Broken Isles



I have a wide selection of recipes available.

Buy I'd like to buy from you.

Gossip How have you fared since Northrend?

I have been well, <name>. The fall of the Lich King was a wonder to behold. If only all of Northrend's troubles had been solved by that victory.
Ah, but the past is the past. It feels great for Dalaran to be on the front lines of a new campaign! Though I admit, I'm grateful you're out there fighting the battles instead of me.
Gossip I also wanted to ask about...

Gossip What sorts of things do you sell?

I sell the recipes that Deucus and I research together. As we learn new ones, I add them to my inventory.

Be sure to check back from time to time to see if anything new is available!

Gossip I also wanted to ask about...

Gossip What can you tell me about this alchemy table?

Isn't our alchemy table wonderful? Deucus spent years assembling the components. He's so proud of it!

Gossip I also wanted to ask about...

Gossip It's a shame what happened to the alchemy table.

That awful Svena made a mess of the alchemy table. Poor Deucus! I know he hides it, but he's heartbroken.

I certainly hope you can help him finish rebuilding it!

Gossip I also wanted to ask about...

Gossip The alchemy table looks good as new!

Stub.png Please add any available information to this section.

Dalaran above Deadwind Pass
  • Now is not the time, I'm afraid.
  • What I wouldn't give to get my hands on some new supplies, <name>.
It may be a while. We're on strict orders not to buy, sell or trade until things settle down.
  • You'll be hard pressed to find a shop that's still open, <name>.
  • My apologies, <name>. We were ordered to hold our supplies until further notice.
  • My apologies, <name>. Supply shipments are on hold for now.
  • I'm sorry. I have nothing to offer at the moment.
  • Sorry, <name>. My stock isn't currently available.
  • Greetings! Please have a look around.
  • Greetings, <class>.
  • Let me know if you need help finding anything, <class>.
  • Welcome!
  • Welcome.
Main article: Get Your Mix On#Notes
During holidays
  • Enjoying the Midsummer Fire Festival, <class>?
  • Merry Midsummer, <name>!

Patch changes

External links

Northrend Deadwind Pass The Broken Isles