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The known Riftwalkers
Main leader  Magister Umbric
 Alleria Windrunner
Race(s) Void elfVoid elf Void elf
Capital Telogrus Rift
Theater of operations Azeroth
Language(s) Thalassian, Common
Affiliation Alliance
Status Active

The Riftwalkers are an order[1] of void elves tasked with investigating all Void activity that appears on Azeroth. A most vital duty, given how dangerous this dark force can be.[2] The organization was brought together to protect Azeroth from the Void,[1] and is determined to save the world with that very power.[3]


Battle for Azeroth

BattleForAzeroth-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

In N'Zoth's Vision of Stormwind, Fallen Riftwalkers could be found keeping watch outside the Cathedral of Light and had to be dealt with before confronting the corrupted version of Alleria Windrunner.


Dragonflight-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

After Iridikron gave the Dark Heart to the Harbinger, Magister Umbric deployed the Riftwalkers to investigate reports of increased Void activity across Azeroth.[4] After hearing their reports, Umbric noted that Riftwalker Nilara had yet to return from her mission in Northrend.[2] Alleria Windrunner and the adventurer eventually found her at the gates of Ulduar, corrupted by the Harbinger, and were forced to kill her.[5] When the Shadowguard attacked Telogrus Rift, they helped defend the area.[6]


