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This article is about the draenei city. For the in-game faction of the same name, see Exodar (faction).
AllianceThe Exodar
Exploring Azeroth - Exodar.jpg
Type Capital city; Dimensional ship
Races DraeneiDraenei Draenei
Man'ari eredarMan'ari eredar Man'ari eredar[1]
Broken Broken
Night elfNight elf Night elf
HighborneHighborne Highborne
Government Theocracy

 Prophet Velen

Languages Draenei, Common
Faiths Holy Light of Creation, Shamanism
Affiliation Exodar draenei, Alliance
Location Western Azuremyst Isle
PvP status Alliance territory
Status Active

The Exodar (pronounced EX-o-dar)[3] is the draenei's enchanted capital city located on Azuremyst Isle. It is a dimensional ship satellite structure of the dimensional fortress known as Tempest Keep that crashed on Azeroth. Like other dimensional ships, the Exodar was able to transcend dimensions, and warp time itself[4] but that is no longer the case since the ship is apparently beyond repair and now acts solely as the new home of the draenei on Azeroth.[3]

The faction associated with the city, Exodar, is named after the ship itself.


Concept art.

The naaru helped built the Exodar, with M'iri, K'yal, and E'ira each designing one district: the Trader's Tier, the Vault of Lights, and the Crystal Hall, respectively.[5]

Prior to the invasion of Outland, the Army of the Light was unable to directly assist Velen and Khadgar directly despite hearing their pleas, due to their open war against the Burning Crusade across the vast cosmos. The naaru, A'dal, M'uru and O'ros, however, volunteered to aid the people of Outland, traversing the stars and arriving in the shattered realm of Netherstorm with a "dimensional fortress" known as Tempest Keep. A'dal established Shattrath City, where it would serve as a sanctuary for the draenei and other peoples resisting the Legion, while M'uru and O'ros remained abroad the Keep. M'uru was soon captured by Kael'thas Sunstrider and his blood elf legions assaulted Tempest Keep and captured it, taking possession of its treasures and capturing M'uru, sending him back to Silvermoon City for the magisters to utilize in their thirst for magic,[6] and later became a boss in Sunwell Plateau, transforming into the corrupt Entropius.

Velen, the courageous prophet who had led the draenei people since their exodus from Argus millennia before, had hidden himself with his few surviving people in the wake of the Legion-instigated orcish onslaught. M'uru yet remained within the Tempest Keep, hiding itself from the blood elves and managing to bar them from entering its wing of the fortress. Sensing its lingering presence, A'dal recommended Velen travel to Azeroth with his people to seek out new allies against the Legion. With the Broken Farseer Nobundo, first of the draenei shaman, at his side,[7] the Prophet personally led a raid on Tempest Keep to wrest control of one of its satellite structures, the Exodar.[8]

The draenei took control of the Exodar and used it to escape Outland. The blood elves (possibly aided by the draenei traitor Sironas), discovering what the draenei were planning, sabotaged the dimensional engines of the vessel. When the draenei activated it, they escaped Outland and successfully reached Azeroth, but the engine malfunctioned. The crippled ship blazed across the skies of Northern Kalimdor, crystals flying everywhere, until it crash-landed on a small island chain off the coast of Darkshore, on the western side of Azuremyst Isle.[9]

The Burning Crusade

Bc icon.gif This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

The Exodar in World of Warcraft.

The draenei survivors took the islands as their new homeland, and set up their new capital in the largest intact portion of the still-smoking ship. On their side, the surviving blood elves regrouped and, after scouting the area, summoned reinforcements from Tempest Keep with the Sun Gate. The neighboring night elves of Teldrassil also witnessed their arrival and investigated.

In time, the draenei established nearby outposts and settlements, including Azure Watch, where they rescued an Injured Night Elf Priestess, who initially mistook them for their eredar,[10] but later thanked the draenei for helping save her life, beginning a bond between their two long-lived cultures.[11] Shortly thereafter, the kaldorei and the other Alliance nations "unanimously" welcomed Velen and his people into their ranks, giving them shelter and protection.

The Exodar's crash caused power crystals from the Exodar to break apart from the ship and land on the island, an event the Stillpine furbolg call the "crystal storm."[12] These crystals would then be ingested by the nearby nightstalkers causing them to become infected with corruption. Exarch Menelaous, from Azure Watch, fearing that the infection will spread if left unchecked assigns young adventures to purge the forests of infected cats.

Never seen in Nagrand, the first red elekk calves were born in Azeroth after the Exodar's arrival. Some breeders theorize that the unique coloration is somehow caused by the same radiation which ravaged Bloodmyst Isle.[13] The long-term effects of the contamination caused by the Exodar are still under observation.[14]

Prophet's Lesson

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Exodar concept art.

After the Shattering, the Exodar was apparently nearly repaired. According to Vindicator Romnar during a meeting of the Hand of Argus, all key systems were repaired, and they were now just cleaning up and bolstering any areas of apparent weakness. He stated they should have The Exodar up and running, and operational within a week. The Triumvirate of the Hand agreed, and it was decided that unless Velen ordered otherwise, as he isolated himself from everyone, within a week the Exodar would take flight for old Draenor to rebuild their second home on Outland, and assist the Lost Ones remaining behind.

Vindicator Maraad announced that the dimensional ship was fully repaired, arguing they should take the fight to the Legion, or at least return to Outland and heal their former home. However, Velen replied that the draenei and the Exodar would best remain on Azeroth, telling their people to each follow their own consciences, but reminding them their war was everywhere, and that "in service", the draenei would awaken the people of their new world to stand together against the forces of darkness.[2]


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

During preparations for the Battle for Broken Shore, Voraatios the Benedictive used Light-Infused Crystals from the Exodar to enhance the weapons of Alliance champions for the coming battle.[15] The draenei fought alongside the Alliance at the Battle for Broken Shore, sending Exodar Vindicators to bolster their efforts, but they were eventually defeated by the Legion's overwhelming forces.

After the Legion attacked the Exodar and destroyed O'ros, Velen ordered Grand Artificer Romuul to prepare their vessel, declaring that the draenei were going home.[16] According to Velen, the Exodar has long been crippled by the crash which brought the draenei to Azeroth, but some of its resources were apparently used to build the Vindicaar.[3]

The priest champions of the Conclave visited the Exodar in order to get pure Light. They were attacked by shivarra assassins led by Crystalbreaker Niika.[17]

The Exodar draenei were able to assemble a force of considerable magnitude,[18] gathering them within the Vindicaar, and subsequently joining with the Alliance and the Horde champions for the Argus Campaign, which ultimately destroyed Argus the Unmaker and ended the Burning Crusade forever.

Battle for Azeroth and aftermath

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

After the draenei were finally reunited with the Lightforged draenei, the Army of the Light joined their brethren in the Alliance. However, their resources were largely depleted by their devastating war on Argus, and were unable to significantly aid their kaldorei allies during the War of the Thorns, although Velen attempted to assist their refugees in Stormwind, and several brave individuals among their people volunteered to fight alongside the night elves. It was mentioned that other than Teldrassil, the Exodar was the last major Alliance bastion on the continent of Kalimdor. Anduin believed the Horde would eventually target Azuremyst after Teldrassil, necessitating their evacuation of the draenei, but they were apparently obsessed with conquering Darnassus, and the Exodar was not immediately threatened.[19] The draenei sent several of its forces, including Auchenai ballistae and several priests and paladins, to aid the Alliance forces attacking Lordaeron Keep in the Battle for Lordaeron.[20]

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

After the Fourth War, the city was visited by Zekhan and Rexxar. They were assigned an escort consisting of Ya'rika and Kea'ton while visiting the areas of the city and beyond.[21]


The Exodar contains a large amount of technological wonders (due to its origins lying within Tempest Keep), such as tall pillars of lavender lightning in the city districts are part of a system that courses threads of arcane power through the Exodar.[22]


Map of the Exodar.

The Exodar is divided into four main areas, a large central hall with three major wings. All the wings are connected with smaller hallways as seen on the map.


The draenei and other Alliance players can access the city by using either a spiral ramp that leads to the heart of the Exodar from the main entrance, or another ramp down from the harbor-side entrance that leads into the Vault of Lights.

The main entrance ramp has one extra sub-level where an inn is located. Also, the cooking trainer and supply vendors are located nearby at this small platform.

The harbor side ramp is occasionally used by Horde players that attempt to raid the Exodar.

Other parts

The Exodar lost several parts while crashing over the Azuremyst Isles, including a menagerie, escape pods at the Pod Cluster and Pod Wreckage, another big piece over Ammen Vale, a Cryo-Core, a Vector Coil and a Warp Piston.

Notable characters

Main article: Exodar NPCs

The faction is named Exodar and is led by Prophet Velen, located near the battlemasters in the Vault of Lights. The naaru O'ros can be found on the lowest level of the Seat of the Naaru. Farseer Nobundo, the Broken that accompanied the draenei out of Outland, is also present as a shaman trainer more recently Nobundo has left to assist the Earthen Ring in the mending of the world.

Points of interest

Following points of interest are found in the Exodar:

  • The bank, located at the Seat of the Naaru
  • An inn, located beyond a small platform along the main entrance spiral
  • An Alliance-linked auction house
  • Four mailboxes - one by the inn, one by the bank, one by the auction house and one by the flight masters outside the city

Travel connections


Alliance Stormwind City[48, 62]
Neutral Dark Portal, Blasted Lands Bc icon.gif[48, 63]


Alliance Azure Watch
Alliance Blood Watch
Alliance Rut'theran Village


Alliance Rut'theran Village

Notes and trivia

Concept art of the Exodar crash site.
A card back themed after the Exodar in Hearthstone.
  • Artificer Andren and Artificer Drenin stand in front of an inaccessible district that was completely destroyed in the crash.
  •  [Exodar Elekk] are elekk which have been anointed by O'ros, the naaru who journeyed from Draenor to Azeroth with Velen and his followers.[23]
  • The voracious ravagers first arrived on Azeroth aboard the Exodar.[24]
  • There are several sources that speak about the status of the Exodar, or specifically its repairs. In Prophet's Lesson, Vindicator Maraad announced that the dimensional ship was fully repaired.[2] However, in N [45] The Vindicaar, Velen mentions that the vessel has long been crippled, with some of its resources being used on the Vindicaar instead. Later Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor has Zekhan reporting that the Exodar is repaired.[25]
  • One of the male draenei jokes is that in the Naaru language, the word "Exodar" means "Defective elekk turd".
  • On most realms, the Exodar is the least visited city, now even less so than Darnassus.
  • Unlike the other Alliance cities, the Exodar does not have wandering food vendors or heralds. The herald of the Exodar stands in the Seat of the Naaru and most of its food is sold by the innkeeper. Also, most of the Exodar's buildings are accessible by mount.
  • A small harbor by the name of Valaar's Berth is located west of the Exodar, close to its rear entrance. From there, a boat goes to Rut'theran Village regularly. It is little utilized because of the portal inside the Exodar that goes directly to Darnassus.
  • After patch 2.0.1, but before The Burning Crusade was released, the Exodar and its surrounding areas (including Bloodmyst Isle) were on the world maps, yet not accessible. This was done so no one could access the draenei and blood elf starting areas and Outland without the expansion. Many curious players who boarded the newly implemented night elf ship at Auberdine (later dubbed Elune's Blessing) found themselves disappointingly not in the Azuremyst Isles zone, but teleported to the graveyard outside Auberdine.
    • The islands are now accessible to all accounts.
  • Some of the major quest lines are only accessible if your character is a draenei.
  • In Hearthstone, the Exodar card back was rewarded for achieving Rank 20 in Ranked Season 18, which took place during September 2015. The flavor text reads: "The capital city of the draenei is actually a dimensional ship that crash landed on Azeroth after traveling through the Twisting Nether. Despite its wonders and Velen's best efforts, its tourism industry is sluggish due to its remote location (and possibly also the man-eating mutant plants)."
  • Due to their habit of gnawing on things that they should not,  [Argi] are often blamed for the crash of the Exodar.
  • The name "Exodar" is likely derived from "Exodus", referencing the draenei's flight from Draenor and their search for a new home, similar to the Hebrew Exodus recounted in the Bible.


Fan art

Patch changes

See also


External links