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Championing is a system for customized reputation gains from dungeons, introduced in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. Killing a monster that yields reputation inside a dungeon while wearing a particular faction's tabard will grant reputation with that faction; it allows a player to acquire reputation in a dungeon with a faction other than that normally associated with the dungeon.

The tabards that allow championing can be acquired at neutral reputation for faction capitals and at friendly reputation for Northrend and Cataclysm factions.

Factions that can be championed

Only some factions can be championed.

Faction capitals

Following the Cataclysm in patch 4.0.3a, it is possible to champion the faction capitals in dungeons of any level by purchasing an applicable tabard from the faction Quartermaster. Initially, faction capitals could not be championed in instances that were already connected to a specific faction (such as those introduced in The Burning Crusade). As of patch 4.3.0, however, faction capital reputation can also be championed in 5-man Burning Crusade dungeons, though under slightly different rules from those in Azeroth.

The reputation gained in The Burning Crusade dungeons is in addition to the normal Outland faction reputation gain, so the player improves his or her standing with two factions at once. The reputation gain follows the same rules as those for the host faction. For example, since Hellfire Ramparts grants Honor Hold or Thrallmar reputation until one point short of Honored, wearing a home city tabard in that instance grants Alliance or Horde reputation, improving all capital reputations until one point short of Honored. Level 70 and Heroic dungeons give reputation for both the Outland faction and the capital city through Exalted.

Alliance Alliance capitals

Horde Horde capitals

Wrath of the Lich King

Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

Dungeons introduced in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion that are intended for level 80 players, including certain normal mode dungeons and all heroic mode dungeons, are eligible for championing the following factions:

If you do not wear a champion tabard, you may gain reputation with either the Alliance Alliance Vanguard or the Horde Horde Expedition. Wearing any championed faction's tabard, even the tabard for a Cataclysm faction that cannot be championed in a level 80 dungeon, will prevent Horde Expedition or Alliance Vanguard reputation gain. Heroic mode dungeons will provide a small increase to the rate of reputation gain. Normal-mode dungeons prior to level 80, such as Utgarde Keep or the Nexus, behave the same way as old-world dungeons; the player may champion the capital cities, but will not gain reputation with any group by default.

Dungeons intended for players above level 80 (i.e. those from Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria) do not award any reputation for these factions even if the tabard is worn. This behavior differs from that of the tabards introduced in Cataclysm.


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Dungeons introduced in the Cataclysm expansion that are intended for level 85 players, including most normal mode dungeons and all heroic mode dungeons, are eligible for championing the following factions:

Additionally, dungeons intended for players above level 85 (i.e. those from Mists of Pandaria) do award reputation for these factions if the tabard is worn. This behavior differs from that of the tabards introduced in Wrath of the Lich King.

Mists of Pandaria

Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 9.0.1.

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

Championing a Mists of Pandaria reputation

Dungeons introduced in the Mists of Pandaria expansion that are intended for level 90 players, including most normal mode dungeons and all heroic mode dungeons, are eligible for championing the following factions:

The major Mists of Pandaria factions did not use the tabard system and instead just needed to click the gold star next to the faction in the reputation tab. This functionality was removed with patch 9.0.1.

Reputation per dungeon

The following tables outline the amount of reputation that may be earned toward a faction during a full clear of each dungeon.

Wrath of the Lich King Dungeons
Dungeon Normal Mode Heroic Mode
Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom - 2300
Azjol-Nerub - 1100[1]
Caverns of Time: Culling of Stratholme 550 1700
Drak'Tharon Keep - 2000
Frozen Halls: The Forge of Souls ? 1140
Frozen Halls: Halls of Reflection ? 1340[2]
Frozen Halls: Pit of Saron ? 1520
Gundrak - 2250
The Nexus: Nexus - 2300
The Nexus: Oculus 500 1600
Trial of the Champion 130 1180[3]
Violet Hold - 1300[4]
Ulduar: Halls of Lightning 650 2150
Ulduar: Halls of Stone - 1850
Utgarde Keep - 1950
Utgarde Pinnacle 500 2000
Cataclysm Dungeons
Dungeon Normal Mode Heroic Mode
Abyssal Maw: Throne of the Tides - 1500
Blackrock Mountain: Blackrock Caverns - ?[5]
The Deadmines - 3000[6]
Grim Batol - 3082[6]
Halls of Origination 1600 2610[6]
Lost City of the Tol'vir 1000 1990[6]
Shadowfang Keep 474 3035[6]
The Stonecore - 2380[6]
Vortex Pinnacle - 1748[7]
Zul'Aman - ?
Zul'Gurub - ?

Note: Values in the above table were gathered from Warcraft Wiki or Wowhead and may not be 100% accurate.

Patch changes

  • Shadowlands Patch 9.0.1 (2020-10-13): You can no longer champion a Mists of Pandaria faction for bonus reputation.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.3.0 (2011-11-29): Wearing Horde or Alliance racial faction tabards now grants reputation in The Burning Crusade dungeons as well.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Wearing Horde or Alliance racial faction tabards now grants reputation to that city faction while in any non-The Burning Crusade dungeon.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Added.


  1. ^ Mobs during 2nd Boss Event no longer grant reputation.
  2. ^ The Lich King event does not grant any reputation
  3. ^ Only the final boss grants reputation equal to that of three boss.
  4. ^ After wiping in Violet Hold, all previously completed bosses are replaced with a placeholder. This placeholder provides 250 reputation.
  5. ^ Three bosses can be skipped.
  6. ^ a b c d e f Data measured withOUT the guild reputation bonus that was common during Cataclysm.
  7. ^