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This article is about the dwarven city. For the in-game faction of the same name, see Ironforge (faction). For dwarven kingdom, see Ironforge (kingdom).
Ironforge HS.jpg
Type Capital city
Races Ironforge dwarfIronforge dwarf Ironforge dwarf
Wildhammer dwarfWildhammer dwarf Wildhammer dwarf
Dark Iron dwarfDark Iron dwarf Dark Iron dwarf
GnomeGnome Gnome
HumanHuman Human
DraeneiDraenei Draenei
Lightforged draeneiLightforged draenei Lightforged draenei
Government Hereditary monarchy

Council of Three Hammers

Ironforge dwarfIronforge dwarf Senate of Ironforge
Languages Dwarven, Gnomish, Common, Draenei
Faiths Holy Light, Shamanism
Affiliation Kingdom of Ironforge, Alliance
Former affiliation(s) Alliance of Lordaeron
Location Northern Dun Morogh
PvP status Alliance territory
Status Active

Ironforge (displayed as the City of Ironforge in the overworld) is the capital city of the dwarves, proud members of the Alliance. Carved into the depths of Ironforge Mountain in northern Dun Morogh, it is the ancestral home of the dwarves and one of the oldest cities on Azeroth.[1] The Council of Three Hammers rules over the city to ensure the fair and equal treatment of all dwarves within its walls from the High Seat.[2] The city is also the capital of the Kingdom of Khaz Modan, which is ruled by the Bronzebeard clan.

An expansive underground city of craftsmen, explorers, miners, and warriors,[3][4][5] famous for its industry and as an Alliance center of commerce,[6] Ironforge is equal parts fortress and capital[7] and a testament to the dwarves' strength and resilience.[8] The city consists of a series of concentric rings, with the smaller levels deeper underground, all radiating out from the namesake Great Forge at its center.[6] Ironforge is perhaps the most intricate of the Alliance cities, boasting many small passageways, shops built into the rock walls, and cavernous rooms. The feel of the city is a bustling, rowdy, and somewhat industrial one, where there are always a thousand things happening at any time of the day or night.[1] However, it is predominantly safe-feeling and cozy; fires roar in the hearths of the inns and shops, and much dwarven laughing and frivolity is to be heard. Also, unlike Stormwind and Darnassus, the city is actually a massive cavern carved into the earth by the dwarves; the ceiling and floor are both hard stone.

Mainly because of the Deeprun Tram, linking Ironforge and Stormwind City, and the district of Tinker Town, Ironforge is one of the most racially diverse cities in the Alliance world. Dwarves predominate, of course, but you will find plenty of gnomes even outside of Tinker Town, and probably as many humans. You will find almost no night elves however, as they probably prefer more natural and open-spaced environments. With the Council of Three Hammers uniting all three dwarven clans, Ironforge has recently welcomed Dark Iron dwarves and Wildhammer dwarves into Ironforge as well.

The collective frivolity, the bustling and gruff manner of the dwarves, and the proximity to many quest and raid areas have historically made Ironforge, along with Stormwind City, a popular place to idle.



Ironforge's oldest district and namesake, the Great Forge.

In 2,500 BDP, the first generation of dwarves emerged from Uldaman and were drawn west to the mountains of Dun Morogh. They delved into the region's tallest peak (later called Ironforge Mountain) and constructed an altar to their titan "father" Khaz'goroth as well as the immense Great Forge. A city grew around the forge and was named "Ironforge" in its honor.[9][10] Waterfalls of magma and bountiful supplies of metallic ores allowed the city's denizens to become masters of smithing and weaponry.[11]

As the dwarves set out to mine the surrounding mountains, they encountered the gnomes, who had settled in Dun Morogh 500 years earlier. The two races befriended each other, with the dwarves helping the gnomes construct their own capital of Gnomeregan near Ironforge and the gnomes sharing their technological knowledge with the dwarves, introducing much-needed advancements to Ironforge. In the following centuries, the two races largely kept to themselves,[10] with the dwarves being content to focus on their labors and remain isolated from the affairs of the surface-dwelling races.[9]

Around 1,200 BDP, human explorers from the Arathorian city-states of Gilneas and Alterac made first contact with the dwarves and traveled to Ironforge, where they marveled at the city's impressive construction. The humans became friends with both the dwarves and gnomes, and the three races went on to engage in trade and cultural exchange.[12][13]

War of the Three Hammers

Main article: War of the Three Hammers
Modimus Anvilmar, the last High King of Ironforge, whose statue stands guard at the entrance to the city.

The dwarves continued to thrive in Ironforge for centuries until 230 BDP, when their society grew too large for the confines of their mountain cities. Though the High King, Modimus Anvilmar, ruled over all dwarves, political tensions grew between three powerful factions that had arisen in the capital: the Bronzebeard clan, ruled by Thane Madoran Bronzebeard, which formed the bulk of the city's military and mercantile classes; the Wildhammer clan, ruled by Thane Khardros Wildhammer, who inhabited the slopes around the mountain and sought to gain more influence within the city; and the Dark Iron clan, ruled by Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan, who lived in the deepest parts of the city and controlled its richest gem and mineral deposits.

When High King Modimus passed away from old age, war erupted between the three clans as each sought to gain control of Ironforge. After many years, the Bronzebeards, who had the largest army, banished the Wildhammers and Dark Irons and took control of the capital. The Wildhammers founded their own city of Grim Batol near the Wetlands, while the Dark Irons founded the kingdom of Thaurissan in the Redridge Mountains. Several years later, the vengeful Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan and his wife Modgud launched a new two-pronged attack on the Bronzebeards and Wildhammers with the intent of taking control of all of Khaz Modan. The sorcerer-thane led the attack on Ironforge, and his army of Dark Irons, war golems, and siege engines reached all the way to the heart of the city before the Bronzebeards rallied and pushed them back to Redridge. Meanwhile, the Wildhammers defeated Modgud's army at Grim Batol. Madoran Bronzebeard and Khardros Wildhammer joined forces and marched south to destroy the Dark Irons for good. In desperation, Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan accidentally summoned Ragnaros the Firelord, whose arrival killed the sorcerer-thane and destroyed much of Redridge, prompting the Bronzebeards and Wildhammers to flee back north while the surviving Dark Irons were enslaved by the Firelord.[14][15]

The Bronzebeards returned to Ironforge and rebuilt the city. Upon learning that Grim Batol had been rendered uninhabitable by Modgud's magic, Madoran offered the Wildhammers a place in Ironforge. However, Thane Khardros refused and instead settled his people in Northeron and the Hinterlands. In the following years, the Bronzebeard and Wildhammer nations retained diplomatic ties, and Thandol Span was built to bridge the gap between their territories and allow for mutual trade. However, ideological differences eventually led the two clans to part ways.[14][16]

The Second War and aftermath

Prior to the start of the Second War Ironforge had received missives from King Terenas of Lordaeron warning them of the orcs' arrival.[17] Khaz Modan would soon after come under attack by the Horde, which would cause the destruction of many dwarven strongholds. While the rest of the Horde moved north Kilrogg Deadeye and his Bleeding Hollow clan remained within the region,[18] which saw the orcs and dwarves clash for many months. Even with the loss of all of their other strongholds, Ironforge remained standing, despite Kilrogg's best efforts.[19] Each time a dwarven citadel fell, the survivors fled to Ironforge, and by the end of the conflict the whole of the dwarf nation lurked within the city, awaiting a chance for revenge.[20] The Bleeding Hollow would eventually be defeated by the Alliance of Lordaeron, and with Ironforge freed the inhabitants joined the Alliance.[21] Following the Alliance victory at the Dark Portal, King Magni Bronzebeard would appoint his younger brother Muradin as ambassador to Lordaeron.[22]

In the years following the Horde's defeat, the leaders of the various Alliance nations began to bicker and argue over territorial holdings and decreasing political influence. King Terenas of Lordaeron, the patron of the Alliance, began to suspect that the fragile pact they had forged during their darkest hour would not stand for long. Terenas had convinced the Alliance leaders to lend money and laborers to help rebuild the city of Stormwind which was destroyed during the orcish occupation of Azeroth. Those taxes, coupled with the high expense of maintaining and operating the numerous orc internment camps, led many leaders - Genn Greymane of Gilneas in particular - to believe that their kingdoms would be better off seceding from the Alliance.

To make matters worse, the brusque high elves of Silvermoon rescinded their allegiance to the Alliance, stating that the humans' poor leadership led to the burning of their forests during the Second War. Though Terenas tactfully reminded the elves that nothing of Quel'Thalas would have remained if not for the hundreds of valiant humans who'd given their lives to defend it, the elves stubbornly decided to go their own way. In the wake of the elves' departure, Gilneas and Stromgarde pulled stake and seceded as well.

Though the Alliance was falling apart, King Terenas still had allies that he could count on. Both Admiral Proudmoore of Kul Tiras and the young King Varian Wrynn of Azeroth remained committed to the Alliance. Also, the wizards of the Kirin Tor, led by the Archmage Antonidas, pledged Dalaran's steadfast support to Terenas' rule. Most pleasingly, perhaps, was the pledge of the mighty Dwarven King Magni Bronzebeard, who vowed that the Dwarves of Ironforge would forever owe a debt of honor to the Alliance for liberating Khaz Modan from the Horde's control.[23]

The Third War

Ironforge at the time of the Third War, as depicted in World of Warcraft: Ashbringer.

The dwarves of Ironforge battled the Undead Scourge and sent units to aid the rest of the Lordaeron against the undead threat. Even after the fall of Lordaeron Ironforge remained steadfast in its commitments and aided their allies throughout the Third War. During the war, Magni learned that Muradin had died and that Arthas himself was responsible.[24] Magni was overcome with grief at the news of Muradin's demise, but he and the youngest brother, Brann, remained steadfast in their desire to continue serving the dwarven people.

Some time after High Inquisitor Fairbanks and Alexandros Mograine visited King Magni. To avenge Muradin, Magni forged the Ashbringer to oppose Frostmourne, Arthas, and the undead. While Magni never took much stock in the belief that Master dwarven blacksmiths could impart emotions into the weapons they create, standing before The Great Anvil, he found himself thinking of how he would not see Muradin again. He thus harnessed all of his rage, fury, the desire for vengeance, and willed them into being with each strike of his hammer. When he was finished, he gave Mograine the finest blade that had ever been crafted by his hand.[24] This would confirm that he is, at the very least, a skilled weaponsmith of the highest degree.

For at least part of the Third War, Magni fought alongside Chen Stormstout and declared him to be a friend of Ironforge.[25]

After the fall of Gnomeregan in 25 ADP, the surviving gnomes, led by High Tinker Gelbin Mekkatorque, evacuated to Ironforge, where their dwarven cousins took them in.[26][27][28][29] Magni granted the exiles refuge[7] and a section of the city was set aside for their use.[6] There the gnomes built their own small home, Tinker Town, where they could plan for the eventual retaking of Gnomeregan.[26][27][29] Some dwarves, like Skuerto, were forcibly moved from their homes to make way for the gnomes.[30]

World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Ironforge's exterior in World of Warcraft.

Prior to the start of the invasion of Outland, the gates of Ironforge were invaded by a group of Burning Legion demons led by Highlord Kruul.[31]

Pearl of Pandaria

Comics title.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft manga or comics.

During the course of the war against the Lich King, Li Li Stormstout and Strongbo journeyed to Ironforge, where he sensed that the earth elementals in the area were in pain. Even after being informed of the dwarven origins Strongbo maintained that the earth was in distress and that he could feel the pressure building, though Li Li pointed out that it didn't mean the dwarves were responsible.

The two pandaren ended up attending Brewfest and after fighting back the Dark Iron dwarves met with King Magni, who revealed that Chen had helped him during the Third War. The King further stated that any friend of Chen's was a friend of Khaz Modan and upon Li Li's request, Magni provided the pandaren with a zeppelin and two ram mounts.[25]


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As whole Azeroth fell into the mists of Emerald Nightmare, so did Ironforge, as observed by Malfurion Stormrage.[32]

Elemental Unrest

Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

During the Elemental Unrest, Ironforge was attacked by raging elementals, but the attack was successfully repelled by dwarven leaders and Alliance adventurers.

The Shattering

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

When natural disasters began rocking much of Azeroth just prior to the Cataclysm, the dwarven lands were not spared from the calamitous upheavals. A series of violent quakes tore through areas surrounding Ironforge, reducing settlements to rubble and taking the lives of many innocent dwarves in the process.[33] To glean answers as to the troubling state of the world, King Magni Bronzebeard selflessly underwent a mystic ritual to commune with the earth. The archaic ceremony, however, had an unexpected effect: Magni was transformed into a diamond and became fused to the depths of Old Ironforge itself.[34]

In the power vacuum that followed, his estranged daughter, Moira Thaurissan, who had married into the much despised Dark Iron clan, briefly claimed Ironforge's throne and effectively locked down the city. If not for the intervention of King Varian Wrynn of Stormwind and his son, Prince Anduin, her brash actions might have sparked another civil war. With Varian's guidance, control of Ironforge has since been divided equally among the Bronzebeard, Wildhammer, and Dark Iron clans through the Council of Three Hammers.[2]

Fire and Iron

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

After returning from Outland to Azeroth around the time of the Shattering, Kurdran returned to Aerie Peak and learned about the situation in Ironforge. He told Falstad, who was chosen by King Wrynn, that he will represent the Wildhammer clan in the Council of Three Hammers, an act not fair to Falstad as he has been leading the dwarves for centuries. Kurdran then traveled to Ironforge to represent the Wildhammer clan in the Council of Three Hammers. Tensions were running high between the Wildhammer clan and the other two clans in Ironforge as they were resentful of the Wildhammer's nonconformist tendencies as well as fearful of the false rumors circulating that said the Wildhammers were using barbaric brutal tactics on their enemies as well as their allies who didn't comply with their demands. Eventually, the tensions led to a fight between a Wildhammer and a Bronzebeard that ended in somebody's death.

The Bronzebeard clan and the Dark Iron clan had proposed to reforge the Hammer of the High King as an act of unity between the three clans and to ease the rising tensions in Ironforge but in order to do so, they required the scepter that belonged in Kurdran's possession. Though Kurdran was reluctant to part with the scepter for sentimental reasons and saw the reforging of the hammer as a waste of time, he nonetheless handed over the scepter so that the Wildhammer would be better received in Ironforge. Still, Kurdran had trouble adjusting to Ironforge as he missed the open skies of the Hinterlands and was not fond of the politicking required of his position. His troubles were compounded when tensions again rose as a fight broke out between Kurdran and his Wildhammer dwarves and some Dark Iron dwarves, which consequently led to a fire that killed his gryphon Sky'ree.

The hammer would later be reforged as an act of unity between the three dwarven clans, under a decree of the Council of Three Hammers. It was decided that a dark iron smith should reforge the hammer. A few days before the reforging, the council discovered that the pieces of the hammer might've been fakes. Yet the majority of the council agreed to continue with the reforging without the public knowing about it being a fake. Kurdran however, disagreed with the lie. Later that night, Kurdran would come to where the pieces were stored, and removed the Wildhammer scepter that was to be used as the hammer's handle. During a conversation with Moira Thaurissan, it was implied that she planned on the Wildhammers alienating the other two clans so that tensions between the Dark Irons and the Bronzebeards would lessen. Moira informed Kurdran that his brute strength was useless, and only winning hearts and minds mattered in Ironforge. The night before the reforging, Muradin Bronzebeard advised Kurdran to compromise his principles a little as his beliefs were not only holding himself back but his clan and the entire city as well.

On the day of the reforging, it was discovered that the handle was missing, and Kurdran admitted he had stolen it. But instead of letting it be reforged, he smashed the handle with his stormhammer, and it shattered to pieces. Kurdran declared that the union of the dwarven clans shouldn't start with reforging a hammer that could be fractured again. Instead, Kurdran proposed that the dwarven clans move forward from the past and unite with a fresh start. Gladly, Muradin joined him in fracturing the other fragments while Moira did so reluctantly, her plan quietly foiled at such a public event.

Realizing that Falstad was the better dwarf to represent the Wildhammer clan in the Council of Three Hammers, Kurdran decided to step down from his position as Wildhammer representative and traveled to Stormwind to aid King Varian's army.[35]


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With the trouble taken to form the Council of Three Hammers, the dwarves' worries are far from over. When a surprise attack from the Dark Irons who were supposed to be with the Alliance was engaged, Commander Stonebreaker handles the situation and sends one of his scouts to Ironforge with a note claiming that Moira's Dark Irons had attacked the airfield. Moira accused Stonebreaker and the messenger of lying, believing that they were trying to take her son's claim to the throne but Muradin vouched for the commander, claiming that he was loyal and honest to Ironforge. After reviewing the situation and coming with a solution, Moira revealed her discovery that Ambassador Slaghammer had been secretly working for the Twilight's Hammer to undermine her and her "halfbreed".

During this time Li Li Stormstout visited the city in order to speak with Magni and got into a brief argument with Moira to Falstad's amusement.[36]

Blood in the Snow

Mists-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

Main article: Blood in the Snow

One day, King Varian's scouts had discovered that Zandalari trolls threatened Ironforge by rallying the Frostmane trolls against them. The king believed that if he aided them against the trolls they would give him more troops for his campaign against the Horde. But the King didn't realize that the dwarven clans did not trust one another. When Varian sought the help from the Council of Three Hammers, both Muradin and Falstad declined to offer aid in Ironforge’s defense for they feared that if they left to fight the Frostmane trolls, the Dark Irons would take advantage of their absence to defeat the remaining clan and take over Ironforge. Frustrated, Varian argued that if no one would help, then Ironforge would fall under siege. Only Moira Thaurissan offered aid, stating that the Dark Irons would prove their loyalty to the Council, Ironforge, and the Alliance in the defense of Ironforge. And so Moira and the High King set out in the snow to save the city, leaving the others to think about their actions.

The High King, his champions, and the Dark Iron dwarves worked together to save Ironforge. On their return, the other dwarven leaders were ashamed of their behavior and vowed never again to allow fear or distrust to cloud their judgment. Free to trust one another, all three dwarven leaders pledged their full strength to the Alliance cause.[37][38]


Legion-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Legion.

When Magni Bronzebeard awakened prior to the third invasion of the Burning Legion, dwarves of all clans in Ironforge were in uproar as they were unsure what would happen with the new government. Moira Thaurissan was adamant about ensuring every clan would remain in the city. Magni thankfully had no intention to rule, as he had to prepare the world for the approaching invasion of the Burning Legion.[39]

During the Legion Invasions, the Ironforge Guard were deployed throughout Dun Morogh to defend Ironforge and its territories. Alongside other Alliance forces and the adventurers, they were successful in protecting the region from the demons.


Map of Ironforge.
Map of Old Ironforge.

Ironforge is structurally a giant circle of sections, it also contains several "depth" levels (at least eight, though they are not accessible in-game). The accessible portions of Ironforge appear to be located on the 5th level, the "fifth depth" of the city.

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

  • The sixth depth - The sixth level of city of Ironforge, just above the hotel and market districts.[40]
  • The seventh depth
    • The Market - The market is located in the seventh level of Ironforge.[40]
    • Hotel District - It is the district apparently in the seventh level of Ironforge, containing lodging for visitors to Ironforge.[40]
  • The eighth depth - The eighth level of the city of Ironforge, just below the hotel and market districts.[40]
  • It can be assumed that the fourth through first depths lie above the fifth depth, and lead to the surface of Ironforge mountain. In the original pre-alpha builds of the game it could have led to the exit leading to Ironforge Airfield.
  • Explorers' Guildhall
  • Weary Boots Tavern

Other locations

Notable characters

Main article: Ironforge NPCs

The Council of Three Hammers rules Ironforge from the High Seat at the heart of the city, with the support of their two highest-ranking advisers, Royal Historian Archesonus and Senator Barin Redstone. High Tinker Mekkatorque, the leader of the gnomish exiles from Gnomeregan, plays a role in the gnome starting experience. High Explorer Magellas, the leader of the Explorers' League, leads the dwarves' effort to uncover the mysteries of their past from the Hall of Explorers.


See Category:Ironforge quests.

Points of Interest

The Commons.
  • The Auction House, located at the outer edge of the Commons between the front gates.
  • The Bank, located at the inner edge of the Commons just across from the Auction House.
  • The Gryphon master, located at the inner eastern part of the edge of the Great Forge.
  • The city hall is located in the eastern end of the Commons.
  • There are four mailboxes: two in the Commons - one outside the bank, the other outside the inn; another in Tinker Town at the entrance to the Deeprun Tram; and the last at the tavern on the edge of the Military Ward near Tinker Town.
  • The Deeprun Tram, created by the gnomes, runs from Ironforge to Stormwind. It is free and located near Tinker Town.

Travel connections


Alliance Stormwind City
Alliance Chillwind Camp
Alliance Aerie Peak
Alliance Refuge Pointe
Alliance Southshore
Alliance Menethil Harbor
Alliance Thelsamar
Bc icon.gifNeutral Sun's Reach
Neutral Light's Hope Chapel
Neutral Thorium Point


Alliance Stormwind City

Film universe

Icon-film-40x16.png This section concerns content exclusive to the Warcraft film universe and is considered non-canon.

Ironforge in the Warcraft film.

Ironforge is depicted close to its World of Warcraft incarnation. The Great Forge is prominently featured in one scene.

Notes and trivia

  • The Ironforge Royal Treasury is located somewhere in the city.
  • The city has an unnamed Explorers' League Academy.[41]
  • The Deeprun Tram is a Gnomish service which runs from Ironforge to Stormwind. It can be accessed from Tinker Town (see City Sections, below).
  • The official banker of Ironforge is the Ironforge Royal Treasury, who hold gold ingots stamped with the royal seal.[42] The  [Royal Treasury Courier's Shield] (and previously  [Dwarven Defender]) also bears the official insignia of the city.
  • "Iron forge" was a cheat code in the original Warcraft which updated all technology instantly.
  • According to Thinking with Portals - A Memorandum on Proper Portal Usage, a book that can be found in Dalaran, Ironforge was flooded in 24 AD with water from Lakeshire when a mage removed the liquid filter from a mage portal.
  • Although similar to the current version, Ironforge's layout was a lot bigger in the alpha-version of the game. It consisted of multiple levels connected by bridges and stairs, two elevators (one to reach Old Ironforge, the other to reach the Deeprun Tram), an additional destination for the Deeprun Tram other than Stormwind, and a forge looking more like a power-generator than a foundry. Rumor has it there even was an elevator to the Dun Morogh airfield.
  • Before the addition of auction houses in all capital cities, Ironforge was the central hub of Alliance activity. As a result of so many players in one concentrated area, the city was often referred to as "Lagforge" because of the increase in latency and decrease in framerates. Since the addition of linked auction houses in all capital cities, and the fact that Stormwind is located closer to the Dark Portal and has quicker access to Northrend, Ironforge has become much more user-friendly.
  • Ironforge is the only major Alliance city that cannot be directly reached from Stormwind via a permanent portal, only via the Deeprun Tram, but it can be reached by portal via the Sanctum of the Sages in Boralus, the capital of Kul Tiras, a portal to which is available to most players in the Wizard's Sanctum.


Fan art

Patch changes

  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.3.0 (2005-03-07):
    • Patrolling scouts that can see through stealth and invisibility have been added to Ironforge.
    • You can now design guild tabards in Ironforge.

See also


  1. ^ a b Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms, pg. 56
  2. ^ a b The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm, chapter 31
  3. ^ World of Warcraft: Game Manual - Ironforge
  4. ^ The World of Warcraft World Map - Ironforge
  5. ^ Game Guide: Major Cities - Ironforge
  6. ^ a b c Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 82 - 83
  7. ^ a b Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 78
  8. ^ Races of World of Warcraft: Dwarf
  9. ^ a b  [Ironforge - the Awakening of the Dwarves]
  10. ^ a b World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 137
  11. ^ The World of Warcraft Pop-Up Book
  12. ^  [The Seven Kingdoms]
  13. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 141
  14. ^ a b  [War of the Three Hammers]
  15. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 153 - 154
  16. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 156
  17. ^ Tides of Darkness, pg. 336
  18. ^ Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness manual, Clans of the Horde, Bleeding Hollow Clan
  19. ^ Tides of Darkness, pg. 328
  20. ^ Tides of Darkness, chapter 19
  21. ^ Tides of Darkness, pg. 334 - 336
  22. ^ Beyond the Dark Portal, pg. 91
  23. ^ Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Game Manual - The Alliance Splinters
  24. ^ a b Death is Contagious
  25. ^ a b Pearl of Pandaria
  26. ^ a b World of Warcraft: Game Manual - Gnomes
  27. ^ a b Classic gnome opening cutscene
  28. ^ Operation: Gnomeregan#First announcement
  29. ^ a b World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 114
  30. ^ A [10-30D] Home Sweet Gnome
  31. ^ Dark Portal Opens
  32. ^ Stormrage, chapter 18
  33. ^ The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm, chapter 13
  34. ^ The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm, chapter 15
  35. ^ Fire and Iron
  36. ^ Quest for Pandaria
  37. ^ N [30-35] The King and the Council
  38. ^ N [30-35] The Warchief and the Darkness
  39. ^ Magni: Fault Lines
  40. ^ a b c d Alliance Player's Guide, pg. 141
  41. ^ A [20] The Absent Minded Prospector
  42. ^ A [10-30] The Mosshide Job

External links