Azure Oathstone
The Azure Oathstone[1] is the oathstone of the blue dragonflight, located just outside of the Azure Archives in the Azure Span. It represents the promise that Malygos and his flight made to the titan Norgannon to shepherd the world's magic. Like the other oathstones, it is believed to have gone dormant when Kalecgos and the other Aspects sacrificed their powers to defeat Deathwing during the Cataclysm.[2]
After the Dragon Isles awakened, Kalecgos attempted to reclaim both the Azure Archives and the oathstone. He found the arcane in the area was rampant, forced to first subdue the magic in the area before he could address the stone. [3] After this was done, Kalecgos attempted to reactivate the stone, though it failed, only summoning the simulacrum of Sindragosa to aid him. [4] Realizing that his flight needed to be reunited, Kalecgos sent out a call to all blue dragons through the oathstone.[5]. He found that the leylines needed to be repaired, Kalecgos and Khadgar tried to stop the Primalists from destroying the tower of Vakthros, which is where the leylines converged. After defending the tower, Raszageth herself descended to defeat the duo; though she was forced to retreat due to the timely arrival of Senegos and his Azurewing brood. With at least part of the dragonflight restored and the blues upholding their charge as a family once more, the oathstone was restored.[6]
Kalecgos continued to use the oathstone to call for more dragons, eventually summoning a number of dragons, among them Awbee, Narygos, Andorgos, and Professor Intinosa. Noting several prominent missing dragons, Kalecgos teamed up with an adventurer to reunite the last elements of his flight. Using the Dragon Locator, he tracked down Haleh, Zeros, Surigosa, Azuregos, Lanigosa, and Kirygosa; sending an adventurer to aid him and Sindragosa's simulacrum in getting them to return home.
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[10-70] Reclaiming the Oathstone
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[10-70] For the Benefit of the Queen
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[10-70] Arcane Pruning
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[10-70] Reclaiming the Oathstone
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[10-70] Calling the Blue Dragons
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[10-70] The Blue Dragon Oathstone