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Magister Falath

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AllianceMagister Falath
Image of Magister Falath
Title <Quel'danil Lodge Emissary>
Gender Male
Race High elf (Humanoid)
Level 45
Class Mage
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Highvale
Occupation Ambassador
Location Mystic Ward, Ironforge

Magister Falath is high elf found in the Mystic Ward of Ironforge.

He gives paladin players a hint about finding the Vengeful Spirit that drops the  [Rune of Wrath].



Greetings <race>, pardon my rudeness but I am on urgent business from the Quel'danil lodge. I am here hoping to petition the aid of the paladins of the Silver Hand.

Paladin-only response

Gossip You are in need of a servant of the light?

Yes, yes I am. I can tell by your bearing that you are a paladin. Perhaps I could tell you of our plight. If you are willing to offer aid, my people would be most grateful.

My people have been plagued by a series of mysterious deaths. Our best and brightest young rangers keep turning up dead with no signs of struggle or trauma. It's as if their hearts just suddenly stopped. We initially thought this was some sort of poison or other vile assassination from our enemies in the Witherbark or Revantusk tribes, but we now believe that these deaths are... supernatural in nature.

Gossip What makes you believe this?

It's... their faces. Every time we find a body, its eyes are pure stark white, and their faces are twisted in terror. It makes me shudder to even think of it, paladin. And when you touch the bodies... it's as if you can feel their final moments of terror. A few of our healers have been stricken and nearly died themselves after merely handling the remains.

You must understand that I have survived wars and watched countless numbers die in horrible ways. Merely being in the presence of one of these victims fills me with a more potent dread than I've ever felt in my nearly two centuries of life.

Gossip Very well, how do you believe that I may be of assistance.

There is clerely a terrible evil at work in Quel'danil. Our own magics have been ineffective, so we now turn to the light's purifying flame for aid. Please paladin, will you help us?

Gossip If I am able, I will find the source of this evil. Goodbye.

Patch changes

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