Sunfury Spire

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Not to be confused with Sunspire.
The Sunfury Spire.
The sin'dorei leadership gathered at the spire's entrance during the Heritage of the Sin'dorei.

Sunfury Spire is Silvermoon City's royal palace located in the Court of the Sun. It contains the Inner Sanctum, the council room, the Artists' Quarters, and the private royal quarters.

High King Anasterian Sunstrider used to rule here prior the Scourge invasion of Quel'Thalas.[1] Since the time he was appointed as Regent Lord by Prince Kael'thas, first temporarily then permanently after the latter's betrayal, Lor'themar Theron have been governing the kingdom from the palace, with the advice and counsel of Ranger-General Halduron Brightwing and Grand Magister Rommath.[2]

The spire is guarded by two large rows of blood elven guardians, and the royal guard force within. Adventurers can also find here the mage and priest trainers.

The Windrunners could freely wander most of the spire.[3]


In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

The Sunstrider Palace is where the Sunstriders, a family of high elven lords, ruled Quel'Thalas from. This majestic palace was once a marvel of organic elven architecture, but now its walls are stained with elven blood and its graceful spires shattered like bones. The Scourge, despite its best efforts, never discovered the legendary Sunstrider treasury. This mythic vault lures adventurers and fortune seekers from across the world. Sunstrider Spire is by no means safe, as hordes of elven ghosts and undead guardians stand vigil over the palace.[4]


  • At the back of the spire's Inner Sanctum is a hidden doorway on a seemingly blank wall, accessed by using a nearby crystal. Within is a private study, containing scrying stones, grimoires, and expansive bookshelves. Lady Liadrin assumed it to be Lor'themar Theron's private quarters, but quickly amended her view after seeing how uneasy the regent looked in its confines, later Rommath revealed it as his own.[5]


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Prince Kael'thas may have named the Sunfury force after the building.


Patch changes
