Magister Hathorel

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HordeMagister Hathorel
Image of Magister Hathorel
Title <The Sunreavers>
Gender Male
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Resource Mana
Affiliation(s) Sunreavers, Sunreaver Onslaught, Magisters, Kingdom of Quel'Thalas
Location Various
Status Alive
In Dalaran.

Magister Hathorel is a blood elf in service to the Sunreavers. He plays a role in the restoration of Quel'Delar, and later survived the Purge of Dalaran. He took up arms with the Sunreaver Onslaught on the Isle of Thunder.


At the time of the Third War, Hathorel battled on Quel'Danas during the Scourge invasion of Quel'Thalas. He witnessed the fall of the elves' great king, Anasterian Sunstrider, after the dread power of Frostmourne overpowered Felo'melorn in their vicious clash. Hathorel wished to fight on but knew in his heart that the battle was lost.[1]

Wrath of the Lich King

Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

During the war against the Lich King, Hathorel could be found in the Filthy Animal in Dalaran. At some point, he helped him a few times in the past he helped Shandy Glossgleam with something.[2]

He was eager to reclaim a tome called Ancient Dragonforged Blades, which contained information on Quel'Serrar and Quel'Delar. The tome was taken from the Wyrmrest Temple by members of the Silver Covenant.[3] One of his contacts in the Underbelly told him about a Silver Covenant agent in the Cantrips & Crows tavern, so Magister Hathorel sent Horde adventurers to kill the agent and recover any information about the tome.[4] The information pointed at the book being in the Silver Enclave, so Hathorel had the adventurer to Shandy to repay the favor and lend them a tabard. With the tabard secured, Hathorel enchanted it,[2] and the adventurer managed to enter the Enclave and obtain the Ancient Dragonforged Blades tome from Arcanist Tybalin. He promised to get the tabard and compensation back to Shandy[5] and asked the adventurer to deliver the tome to Myralion Sunblaze in Icecrown.[6]

Mists of Pandaria

Mists-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

During the Purge of Dalaran, Hathorel was held captive by the Silver Covenant. On Grand Magister Rommath's orders, he was freed by a Horde adventurer and was said to go to Silvermoon City.[7]

Hathorel later accompanied the Sunreaver Onslaught to the Isle of Thunder. He and Girana the Blooded dispensed missions to Horde heroes from the command map at Dawnseeker's Promontory, which included recovering a wild pterrowing hatchling,[8] empowering Sunreaver Perimeter Wards,[9] free Sunreaver Captives from Violet Rise,[10] disarming Tactical Mana Bombs at the Horde ships, the scrying crystals, and the bridge within Dawnseeker Promontory,[11] and destroying Kirin Tor mana foci at the Violet Rise.[12] He also sent adventurers to assist Aethas Sunreaver in Ihgaluk Crag.[13]

Battle for Azeroth

BattleForAzeroth-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

In the Underhold.

During the Fourth War, Hathorel reappeared within the Underhold, ambushing the imprisoned Baine Bloodhoof's rescue party. He had done so to get revenge upon Jaina Proudmoore for the purge of Dalaran, and was unwilling to leave his vendetta with her alone - he would have Jaina watch her friends die, as he had done. Hathorel empowered Baine's chains but was fought and defeated. He immersed himself in an ice block before falling, surviving the encounter, while a freed Baine and the others were teleported to safety by Jaina.[14]


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Filthy Animal, Dalaran[70.8, 31.6] 10-30 Alliance Horde
Dalaran[67.8, 34.6] 35 Horde During the Purge of Dalaran.
Crimson Treader & Dawnseeker's Promontory, Isle of Thunder[32.4, 35.2] 35 Horde
Underhold 50 Elite Alliance Horde During B [60] Stay of Execution.


Stay of Execution
  • Spell fire incinerate.png Annihilation — Inflicts X Fire damage to enemies within 100 yards.
  • Spell fire firebolt02.png Fireball — Inflicts Fire damage to an enemy.
  • Artifactability firemage phoenixbolt.png Firestorm — Calling down fire to rain on players. Additionally doing damage to all players who get too close.
  • Spell fire selfdestruct.png Flamestrike — Calls down a pillar of flame, burning all enemies in a selected area and inflicting Fire damage every 2 sec for 12 sec.


Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

Mists-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the PTR stages.

Objective of




What is your business here, <class>?

Isle of Thunder
  • Ah, good, a <class>. We could use more of your kind for some of these tasks.
  • All this electricity in the air is wreaking havoc on my hair.


Main article: A Meeting With The Magister#Notes
Main article: The Remaining Sunreavers#Notes
Main article: Stay of Execution#Notes


  • Although he is a Sunreaver, he is always neutral to those even exalted with the faction in Dalaran. The reason for this is that he is an objective for an Alliance quest.
    • During the purge of Dalaran, he is tagged with the faction.


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

As he actively tried to kill Thrall and sought to keep Baine imprisoned until his execution, Hathorel may have left the Horde to join Sylvanas rather than trust the calls for unity and clemency by the Horde Council.

Patch changes

See also


  1. ^ Libram of the Dead, part seven - page 21
  2. ^ a b H [25-30] A Suitable Disguise
  3. ^ H [25-30] What The Dragons Know
  4. ^ H [25-30] The Silver Covenant's Scheme
  5. ^ H [25-30] An Audience With The Arcanist
  6. ^ H [25-30] Return To Myralion Sunblaze
  7. ^ H [15-35] The Remaining Sunreavers
  8. ^ H [32-35 Daily] A Wing to Fly On
  9. ^ H [32-35P Daily] Bolstering the Defenses
  10. ^ H [32-35P Daily] Captive Audience
  11. ^ H [32-35P Daily] Disarming Irony
  12. ^ H [32-35P Daily] Overpowered
  13. ^ H [32-35 Daily] Ihgaluk Crag
  14. ^ B [60] Stay of Execution

External links