Thunder Pass

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Thunder Pass.

The Thunder Pass is a mountain pass in eastern Frostfire Ridge, which the Iron Horde intended to use during their invasion of Frostfire and their war against the Frostwolf orcs.[1] However, as the Iron Horde were traveling through the pass, they encountered the Frostwolves and their new allies, and a battle broke out between the two forces. While Ga'nar held the Iron Horde's forces at bay, Drek'Thar collapsed the pass in order to ensure a Frostwolf victory over the Iron Horde.[2]

After the battle, Makar Stonebinder can be found standing next to the rubble, offering to give players a vision of the battle, while Ga'nar's companion Snowfury mournfully digs at the boulders that killed his master.

Afterward, an Iron Stonegrinder was put on the opposite side, facing the boulders.


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