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Booty Bay

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NeutralBooty Bay
Booty Bay (Post Cata).jpg
Type Port town
Leader(s)  Baron Revilgaz
Race(s) GoblinGoblin Goblin
HumanHuman Human
TrollTroll Troll
OrcOrc Orc
GnomeGnome Gnome
TaurenTauren Tauren
ForsakenForsaken Forsaken
VulperaVulpera Vulpera
Ogre mage Ogre mage
Language(s) Goblin, Common, Zandali, Orcish, Gnomish, Taur-ahe
Affiliation(s) Blackwater Cartel
  Formerly Kingdom of Stormwind, Steamwheedle Cartel
Location Southern Cape of Stranglethorn
Status Active

Yes Inn          Yes Mailbox

Yes Stables

Yes Anvil & Forge

Yes Bank       Yes Auctions
Trainers Yes Class
Yes Profession
Travel Yes Flight Master(s)
Yes Mass-transit
No Portal(s)

“This booming coastal city is run by Baron Revilgaz of the Blackwater Raiders. Mortal enemies of the Bloodsail Buccaneers and part of the Steamwheedle Cartel.”

— Faction in-game description

Booty Bay is a large pirate port city nestled into the cliffs surrounding a beautiful blue lagoon on the southern tip of Stranglethorn Vale. By foot, the city is entered by traversing through the bleached-white jaws of a giant shark. Life is cheaper here than in most places; and no one is to be trusted. It is considered a rogue's paradise, full of information and informants.[1]

Land of pirates, swindlers, and raiders, it is one of the most cutthroat places on Azeroth. There is a newspaper called the Booty Bay Journal.[2]


The area was previously known as the Blackwater Cove[3][4] and was described as a large, sheltered, semi-circular cove surrounded by cliffs at the southern end of Stranglethorn Vale. It was a former small port town inhabited by humans which was overrun by jungle trolls.[5][6][7] Eventually, the goblins of the Steamwheedle Cartel managed to drive out the trolls from the immediate area to claim the shores of the cove for their new center for operations in the Eastern Kingdoms — Booty Bay.[3][4][8] This happened prior to the First War, as Booty Bay was already territory of the Steamwheedle Cartel by then.[9]

After the Second War, two orcs visited the town. Bloodeye Redfist, having been a hotheaded troublemaker, was about to be captured by goblins but Rehgar Earthfury bought him from the goblins.[10]

World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Booty Bay during sunset.
Aerial view.

Following the Third War, Booty Bay was still run by the Blackwater Raiders who are closely associated with the Steamwheedle Cartel, the port offers facilities to any traveler passing through, regardless of their faction. As the ruler of this city, Baron Revilgaz hired all the help he could get against the pesky Bloodsail Buccaneers and other threats to the city. He resides, together with the leader of the Blackwater Raiders, Fleet Master Seahorn, at the top of the inn of Booty Bay.

Outside of Booty Bay, on the island of Janeiro's Point, is a giant statue of an unknown goblin with outstretched arms which was built as a beacon to all travelers, welcoming ships to the port.[11]

Bloodsail Buccaneers found their way to Booty Bay and jumped Dizzy One-Eye, stealing his eye.[12] The Buccaneers also planned an attack on Booty Bay, but an adventurer discovered their plot and warned the leadership of Booty Bay.[13][14]

Makasa Flintwill and her family lived in Booty Bay as members of the Blackwater Raiders.[15][16]

Scourge Invasion

During the second Scourge Invasion the port town received a shipment of infested crates. Soon, the people of Azeroth were whispering that something was wrong with the grain shipment.[17]

Legends: An Honest Trade

Comics title.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft manga or comics.

At some point, a famous dwarven blacksmith, Nori Blackfinger‎, lived and had a shop called Black Finger in the town.[18] It is unknown what happened with the shop after Nori's presumed death.

Pearl of Pandaria

Comics title.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft manga or comics.

During the war against the Lich King, Li Li Stormstout arrived in Booty Bay, which Chen had told her about in his letters as a place where many of his adventures had begun. In the Salty Sailor Tavern, a gnome privateer recognized her as a pandaren and said he hadn't seen one since he met Chen Stormstout. Li Li bought the gnome drinks if he told her the tale; he was part of a crew that attacked a ship from Stormwind that Chen happened to be on. While Chen fought them all off, the gnome stole a small box from him which he still had. Li Li demanded the gnome hand it over to her, threatening to knock out his teeth and also promising to buy him another beer. As she turned to leave with her prize, Strongbo appeared and told her to return to the Wandering Isle. Li Li, having expected him, told a pair of goblin bruisers that he took her rocket mount. As Bo fought them off, Li Li ran off into the jungles of Stranglethorn Vale on her way to Stormwind and the ship Chen was on.[19]


Cata-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

The Cataclysm hits Booty Bay.
Booty Bay under attack by the Bloodsail Buccaneers.

Following the Cataclysm, the statue on Janeiro's Point was partially damaged due to a tidal wave caused by the Cataclysm,[11] exposing hidden treasure inside. Booty Bay has been partially damaged, as the large red cannons have fallen into the sea, and flotsam and jetsam can be seen littered around the harbor. Even so, the town withstood the wave remarkably well, especially given the explosive reputation of goblin engineering, causing one mage to speculate that there may be hidden magical forces at play in the town.[20]

At the same time, tensions between Booty Bay and the Bloodsail Buccaneers have come to a head, and the town was under a direct pirate attack, set ablaze, and blockaded. The Brashtide Crew stormed the area, and some of the inhabitants were in terror, others were stationed outside their buildings ready for a fight. The port was ultimately defended by the adventurers.

During the war against the Zandalari, Vol'jin visited the town in order to warn Revilgaz about the new threat of the trolls.[21]

Quest for Pandaria

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

After the death of Deathwing, the town was visited by Li Li Chen Stormstout again. They entered the tavern and got acquainted with Catelyn the Blade. After the pandaren realized that she stole the Pearl of Pandaria from them, they confronted her at her ship, the Neptulon's Bride. At that moment, the Bloodsail Buccaneers, now led by Captain Koslov, attacked the town once again. Swarming out from every hiding place imaginable around the dock, the armed pirates ambushed Booty Bay's bruisers, bounding toward the Raiders' ships. Catelyn ordered for the Bride to leave the port, only to set sail to a Bloodsail trap out in the open sea. After the Bride was rescued by the arrival of Catelyn's father, Ansirem Runeweaver and some of the Kirin Tor mages, the Bride returned to Booty Bay. The Bloodsail attack left Booty Bay disorganized, and it would be some time before private ships were available for charter again.[22]


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During the third invasion of the Burning Legion, the Crimson Veil docked in Booty Bay.[23]

Exploring Azeroth

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Following the Fourth War, Mathias Shaw and Flynn Fairwind visited the town.[1]


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Following the demon invasion, the dragon Zeros lived in Booty Bay for several years and built a mighty reputation as an auction house trader, but after the reawakening of the Dragon Isles Zeros got in troubles. The town was then visited by Senegos and an adventurer who aided the young dragon. Senegos also commented that he might have liked this place in his youth.[2]

Ph'el Oman began training new warlocks here after the incident with Madam Shadow.[24]

The War Within

TheWarWithin-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to The War Within.

At some point, the Blackwater Raiders and Booty Bay became independent from the Steamwheedle Cartel.

Shops and services


Excluding the above areas:

Quest NPCs

Travel connections


Alliance Explorers' League Digsite, Cape of Stranglethorn (0:49)
Alliance Rebel Camp, Northern Stranglethorn (1:58)
Alliance Surwich, Blasted Lands (2:24)
Alliance Sentinel Hill, Westfall (2:28)
Alliance Darkshire, Duskwood (2:48)
Alliance Stormwind City, Elwynn Forest (3:19)
Horde Grom'gol Base Camp, Northern Stranglethorn
Horde Stonard, Swamp of Sorrows
Horde New Kargath, Badlands


Neutral Ratchet, Northern Barrens, Kalimdor (The Maiden's Fancy)



Having all of the Steamwheedle Cartel's goblins' factions at Exalted is a requirement for  [Insane in the Membrane].

Killing the Bloodsail Buccaneers and Venture Co. in Stranglethorn will increase your reputation with the Steamwheedle Cartel.

As of Cataclysm, several goblins of Bogpaddle in the Swamp of Sorrows are part of the Booty Bay faction.

Hated Hostile Unfriendly Neutral Friendly Honored Revered Exalted Rep Item
Quests 500 [Silk Cloth] x 40 and [Red Dye] x 4
Mobs 2.5 12.5 Rep for Named NPCs
2.5 7.5 Rep for Named NPCs
2.5 12.5 Rep for Named NPCs
Southsea Strongarm and Musketeers in Southbreak Shore (Tanaris)
2.5 12.5 Rep for Named NPCs
5 25 Rep for Named NPCs ; unnamed until honored only
5 Only those in Stranglethorn Vale and Grizzly Hills

See Steamwheel Cartel Reputation Rebuilding Quests.

In Warcraft III

WC3RoC-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

Pirates once anchored their ships here. The tileset is called "Lordaeron Summer".[25]

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

This dangerous little town is the home base for the pirates who traffic off the southwestern coast of Azeroth. Inhabited mostly by goblins and ruled by Baron Revilgaz, Booty Bay is home to the Blackwater Raiders, a group of notorious pirates comprised of goblins, humans, and many others who swore them allegiance. After a raid, these pirates send their loot up the road to the Arena to sell, or even further into Azeroth.[26]

Booty Bay has a prison which can drain one's will to live.[27]

A pirate shanty

Well we hate to see her go,
But we love to watch her leave!
She'll do her best for William
And Wes and Mike and Steve!
Her name is spread both far and wide!
Her legend is renowned!
They call her Broadside Betty,
She's the roundest game in town!
So if you've mind to travel south,
Be sure to stop and play!
'Cause she's the real reason
That they call it Booty Bay![28]

Notes and trivia

  • Spider egg omelettes were briefly a fad in Booty Bay, despite having no egg supply of its own.[29]
  • According to Flynn Fairwind, Booty Bay rum is made up of lots of spices and nectar, and would be very pleasant to drink.[1]
  • Zul'Gurub Protector Stones are hanging on several buildings in Booty Bay.
  • Foreman Razelcraz[30] and Luddy Quicksnap are from Booty Bay.
  • There were shipments between Steamwheedle Port in Tanaris and Booty Bay.[31] The town also sends shipments to Bogpaddle in the Swamp of Sorrows.[32]
  • Sanitation Sorcerer Stephen Litmatch once bought a pet roach in Booty Bay.[33]
  • At some point, a tol'vir came to Booty Bay and spoke with Li Li Stormstout.[34] While the time is not specified, it could have happened during the events of Quest for Pandaria when Li Li and Chen visited the town prior to the discovery of Pandaria.
  • The waters of Booty Bay occasionally have floating wreckage and schools of fish, often Firefin Snappers, Oily Blackmouths, and Stonescale Eels.
    • Fishing in the floating wreckage also gives very high chances of fishing out chests and items, making Booty Bay an ideal place for fishing.
  • During the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza, Booty Bay elites are present in the town, guarding the fishing quest givers.
  • During N [10-30] Return to Revilgaz, as soon as the  [Doublerum] is collected, Booty Bay turns into a phased area. This phase is the easiest, and most lucrative, way to earn reputation with the Bloodsail for the aptly named  [Insane in the Membrane] Feat of Strength.
  • During the alpha phase of World of Warcraft's initial development, Booty Bay was named Blackwater Cove[3][4] and was designed differently. Based on the internal name for the zone ID, the name Darkwater Cove was also used at some point. However, with the way boat transportation was going to work (with boats needing space for their travel arc), change was needed.[35] Booty Bay was one of the first areas that got textured in-game and was used as a proving ground for many of WoW's frame rate issues.[36]
  • Mark Kern originally wanted Booty Bay to include an easter egg in the form of a three-headed monkey, as a reference to a running gag from the Monkey Island adventure games (a series that Kern was a big fan of). The monkey would have been an NPC who popped up at random before quickly disappearing again, never allowing players to clap eyes on it for very long, mimicking the behavior of the three-headed monkey from Monkey Island. Kern received permission to add the easter egg from his friend Ron Gilbert, one of the original designers of Monkey Island, but to his regret he never got the opportunity to implement the monkey as the developers were kept busy by WoW's stressful development cycle.[37]
  • The favored pet of the goblins of Booty Bay is the senegal, renowned for its ability to count coins, tally budgets, and lie about contracts.[38]
  • Before Wrath of the Lich King, most of Booty Bay was a no-mount area.
  • Initially in the Mists of Pandaria beta, it was said that the Horde would reestablish a supply route to Booty Bay.[39]
  • The bay features as an attraction in the Blizzard World map in Overwatch.


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Blackwater Cove was presumably one Stormwind's settlements that sparked the Gurubashi War. This war was sparked when Stormwind made settlements in Stranglethorn and angered the Gurubashi trolls,[40] which matches the description of trolls driving humans out of Blackwater Cove before it became Booty Bay.


Fan art

Patch changes

See also


  1. ^ a b c World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms, pg. 39
  2. ^ a b N [70] Booty Bay
  3. ^ a b c H [11] Wharfmaster Dizzywig
  4. ^ a b c A [30] The Barrens Port: Most likely Velinde found a trading vessel in Ratchet to take her to Blackwater Cove in Azeroth.
  5. ^ The World of Warcraft Townhall/World Map
  6. ^ Original Stranglethorn Vale description
  7. ^ The Artistry of World of Warcraft: Stranglethorn Vale (PC)
  8. ^ A [30] Passage to Booty Bay: Velinde. Booked passage to Booty Bay on the Black Osprey.
  9. ^ File:Chronicle2 Eastern Kingdoms Before the First War.jpg
  10. ^ World of Warcraft: The Comic: Prologue
  11. ^ a b World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms, pg. 40
  12. ^ N [10-30] Keep An Eye Out
  13. ^ N [41] The Bloodsail Buccaneers
  14. ^  [Bloodsail Orders]
  15. ^ Traveler, chapter 22
  16. ^ Traveler: The Spiral Path, chapter 32
  17. ^ Heart of War
  18. ^ An Honest Trade
  19. ^ Pearl of Pandaria
  20. ^ War-Mage Erallier#Quotes
  21. ^ H [35] Making Contact
  22. ^ Quest for Pandaria, Part 2
  23. ^ N Rogue [10-45] A Friendly Accord
  24. ^ N Warlock [30-80] A Lighter Shade of Fel
  25. ^ 'Official Blizzard Warcraft 3 multiplayer maps from the game and its expansion.
  26. ^ Lands of Conflict pg. 56
  27. ^ Alliance Player's Guide pg. 159
  28. ^ Warcraft: Legends Volume 4, Bloodsail Buccaneer
  29. ^ N [20] Deepmoss Spider Eggs
  30. ^ N [10-30] Outland Sucks!
  31. ^ N [45] Ship Schedules
  32. ^ N [15-30] Mostly Harmless
  33. ^ A [32-35 Daily] The Creeping Carpet of Ihgaluk
  34. ^ N Monk [10-45] The Legend of the Sands
  35. ^ File:Booty Bay Alpha.jpg - Compare the alpha docks with the modern ones
  36. ^ Countdown To Classic: Episode #63 – The Making Of World Of Warcraft With Vanilla Dev, John Staats (around 2:32:00) (2018-08-20). Retrieved on 2018-09-24.
  37. ^ wowcrendor 2018-10-17. Fishing with Crendor Ep 44: Mark Kern (Team Lead for Vanilla WoW). YouTube. Retrieved on 2019-03-16.
  38. ^  [Parrot Cage (Senegal)]
  39. ^ H [85] The Art of War
  40. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 106

External links

Booty Bay zone Blackwater Cove Booty Bay faction