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Harleen Chirpsnide

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NeutralHarleen Chirpsnide
Image of Harleen Chirpsnide
Title <Senior Ornithologist>
Gender Female
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 68-70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Dragonscale Expedition
Location Bluefeather Cliffs, Thaldraszus
Status Alive

Harleen Chirpsnide is a goblin located in Bluefeather Cliffs in Thaldraszus.




With as many adventurers protecting Azeroth as there are these days, I'm not surprised at all that the Screechflight decided to migrate to a new land.

Just wish they'd let me do my research without their shred-everything-to-pieces-and-eat-it attitude.

Gossip <Hear Chirpsnide's plan.>

In Harleen's cave
According to the scroll you found, the Screechflight Matriarch only comes out when a meal is properly prepared and ready to eat.
You'll need to collect all the necessary materials I've listed, so I can build you a few incredible disguises and a very special "egg". Special, as in explosive!
I'll fill you in on the rest of the plan after you've finished these tasks.
Near Chef Fry-Aerie's cave
These materials were perfect and now you're ready for your first disguise!
The cave by this pond belongs to the matriarch's personal chef, Chef Fry-Aeire[sic]. I've heard tale of Chef Fry-Aerie before, you know. Rumor has it that she honed her craft by battling famous chefs up and down Kalimdor.
Of course, she eats them afterwards.
But that's not important! What's important is that you put on your disguise to fool the chef and get her to try out our prototype "egg".
We'll have access to her supplies and it's onto the final phase of Chirpsnide's Patent-Pending Roc-Rescuing Plan!
Inside Fry-Aerie's cave
The final phase is here!!
We'll finally be able to lure the matriarch out now that we have access to her chef's stew.
You'll don your new and vastly improved harpy disguise, cover our masterfully-crafted "egg" in this disgusting concoction, blast off to the Matriarch's cave on my improvised taxi, and let the feathered royalty chomp down on her last supper!
I'd wish you luck, but us goblins are pretty superstitious about hoping for the best.
So BAD luck out there, <name>! The very worst!!


On approach
Harleen Chirpsnide says: Harpies aren't birds, Segallia. They're bird-PEOPLE! I don't normally like to deal with people, but I guess this is a unique situation.

Patch changes

See also

  • Ceelia Chirpsnide III

External links