Falthir the Sightless

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NeutralFalthir the Sightless
Image of Falthir the Sightless
Gender Male
Race Zandalari troll (Humanoid)
Level 60 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Zandalar Tribe, Shera Ali'kh[1]
Location Unknown
Status Unknown

Falthir the Sightless was a Zandalari troll quest giver located on Yojamba Isle in Stranglethorn Vale. He was a member of the Zandalar Tribe. Hunters, and rogues could turn in Paragons of Power to Falthir in exchange for special armor made by the tribe.



Sightless I may be, but vision I have.

My primary dealings are with hunters and rogues, <race>.

Gossip Falthir, I need assistance in recovering a piece of my Madcap's outfit.
Gossip Falthir, I need assistance in recovering a piece of my Predator's outfit.
Gossip What are the Paragons of Power?
The Paragons of Power are remnants from the ancient Gurubashi Empire. We Zandalar seek them - not only are they of tremendous collectible value to us, but we believe that they also hold latent signatures of magic used by the old Empire.
You'll more than likely discover three kinds of Paragons in Zul'Gurub: coins, bijous, and primal items. Bring them to us in the quantities that we seek, and you'll be rewarded with some of the finest items we Zandalar have ever crafted.


In addition, he gave necklaces out depending on obtained faction:


Patch changes


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