Chronicler To'kini

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HordeChronicler To'kini
Image of Chronicler To'kini
Title <Inscription Supplies>
Gender Male
Race Zandalari troll (Humanoid)
Resource Mana
Affiliation(s) Zandalari Empire
Location Various
Status Alive
Relative(s) Chronicler Bah'Kini (daughter)
Student(s) Chronicler Bah'Kini[1]
Previous model

Chronicler To'kini is a neutral quest giver in Zim'Torga in Zul'Drak.

He later appears at Dazar'alor in Zuldazar as an inscription vendor.


Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

To'kini was part of the Zandalari Empire's expedition to Zul'Drak, to where he accompanied his daughter, Chronicler Bah'Kini. He showed great interest in learning what it was that pushed the Drakkari to sacrifice their loa and whether it was the better choice. Documenting every little bit along the way as he collected various artifacts and items throughout Zul'Drak.

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

To'kini is found at the Hall of Chroniclers in the Great Seal.

After Zul began his insurrection against King Rastakhan, To'kini was captured and held aboard the rebellious royal flagship Rastakhan's Might. He was forced by the Atal'zul to tell them how the Drakkari process of sacrificing their loa for power was done.[2]

He is present in Zanchul during Talanji's coronation.


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Zim'Torga, Zul'Drak[59.9, 57.9] 20-30 Alliance Horde As a quest giver during the Zul'Drak quests.
Hall of Chroniclers, Dazar'alor[69.61, 47.33] 10-60 Alliance Horde
Rastakhan's Might, Zuldazar 10-60 Horde
Zanchul, Dazar'alor 40-70 Horde During the Zandalari troll unlock questline.


Item Cost
Inscription items
5x  [Light Parchment] 20c
 [Virtuoso Inking Set] 7s 50c
20x  [Distilled Water] 4s
 [Acacia Powder] 10s
5x  [Vanishing Powder] 40s
 [Scribe's Satchel] 50s


Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 9.0.1.

Objective of


Wrath-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.

Gossip at Zim'Torga

Though my compatriots would have you take an active role in what is transpiring in Zul'Drak, we Zandalari are primarily here to witness what is occurring and to chronicle the end of an empire.

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Aboard Rastakhan's Might
  • Dey... dey made me tell dem how de Drakkari did it.
  • You have to hurry... dey are going after Rezan!


  • To'kini's first appearance does not speak in a typical troll accent, nor does he use words such as "mon" or "der". His second appearance on Zandalar, however, uses troll mannerisms and accents.
  • When To'kini's model was updated in Battle for Azeroth, his hair color changed from orange to rose.
    • To'kini is the only Zandalari at Zim'Torga to use the updated Zandalari model. All the others still use the recolored jungle troll model from classic World of Warcraft.
  • In the Battle for Azeroth beta, To'kini met Magni Bronzebeard when he came to take the adventurer to Silithus during the quest H [10-60] Speaker of the Horde. This was later changed in favor of Magni meeting with the adventurer before they ever went to Zandalar, thus removing his meeting with To'kini.

Patch changes


  1. ^ N [20-30] Just Checkin'
  2. ^ H [10-60] A Strange Port of Call

External links