Maiden of Vigilance
Maiden of Vigilance | |||||||
Gender | Female | ||||||
Race | Titan watcher (Humanoid) | ||||||
Level | ?? Boss | ||||||
Reaction | Alliance Horde | ||||||
Location | The Guardian's Sanctum, Tomb of Sargeras | ||||||
Status | Killable | ||||||
Maiden of Vigilance is a boss encounter in Tomb of Sargeras.
Adventure Guide
- Charged by Aegwynn to defend the Tomb of Sargeras, the Maiden of Vigilance has stood watch for hundreds of years. Yet, the guardian did not forsee what effect the avatar's seeping fel energy would have on this titan construct. Slowly warped by this maleficence, the Maiden now seeks to destroy any in her path.
The Maiden of Vigilance has been partially corrupted by the Legion, and wields both Holy and Fel magic in equal proportion. Periodically, all players will be infused with either Light Infusion or Fel Infusion. When players with opposing auras move too close together, the magics within them will react, triggering Unstable Soul. Unstable Soul is also triggered by touching Fragments or taking damage from Hammers of an opposite element from your Infusion. In Mythic difficulty, Fragments not collected by players will trigger Fragment Burst.
Damage Dealers
- Don't stand near allies with the opposite Infusion aura.
- Dive into the pit when Unstable Soul is about to expire to keep from damaging allies with the explosion.
- Collect stacks of either Creator's Grace or Demon's Vigor by touching fragments that match your Infusion during Watcher's Wrath.
- Quickly break Titanic Bulwark and interrupt Wrath of the Creators.
- Don't stand near allies with the opposite Infusion aura.
- Dive into the pit when Unstable Soul is about to expire to keep from damaging allies with the explosion.
- Collect stacks of either Creator's Grace or Demon's Vigor by touching fragments that match your Infusion during Watcher's Wrath.
- Damage from Wrath of the Creators increases with each wave.
- Don't stand near allies with the opposite Infusion aura.
- Dive into the pit when Unstable Soul is about to expire to keep from damaging allies with the explosion.
- Prevent Hammer of Creation and Hammer of Obliteration from striking allies with the opposite Infusion.
- Unstable Soul — Inflicts 508750 to 591250 Fire damage every 2 sec. After 8 sec the target explodes, inflicting 1202500 to 1397500 Fire damage to all allies. The target and allies within 5 yards will also be knocked back. Unstable Soul is triggered by Hammers, Echoes, and Fragments of opposing elements, as well as by coming too close to players with opposite Infusion debuffs. Unstable Soul is also caused directly by Mass Instability. Any effect which would trigger Unstable Soul will immediately detonate then reapply Unstable Soul.
- Aegwynn's Ward — An ancient ward protecting the deepest reaches of the tomb prevents Unstable Soul explosions from affecting allies.
- Fury of the Ages — Maiden of Vigilance enrages, increasing damage inflicted from all spells and attacks by 100%.
- Fragment Burst — Inflicts 1387500 to 1612500 damage to all players immediately, as well as 508750 to 591250 damage every 1 sec for 6 sec. Also applies Ravaged Soul.
- Ravaged Soul — Increases Fragment Burst damage taken by 25%.
Stage One: Divide and Conquer
The Maiden of Vigilance infuses and hammers her enemies with both Holy and Fel magic.
- Infusion — Infuses players with either Fel Infusion or Light Infusion.
- Fel Infusion — Infuses a target with Fel energy, inflicting 208125 to 241875 Fire damage every 3 sec. After 5 sec, moving within 5 yards of an ally with Light Infusion will trigger Unstable Soul.
- Light Infusion — Infuses a target with Holy energy, inflicting 208125 to 241875 Holy damage every 3 sec. After 5 sec, moving within 5 yards of an ally with Fel Infusion will trigger Unstable Soul.
- Hammers — The Maiden imbues her hammer with either Holy or Fel energy and strikes the ground with tremendous force.
- Hammer of Creation — Slams the current target with a Holy infused hammer, inflicting 2000000 Physical damage. Holy energy then radiates from the hammer, splitting 12000000 Holy damage between all targets within 20 yards in a cone in front of the caster. Creates an area of Light Remanence. Fel Infused targets become afflicted with Unstable Soul.
- Light Remanence — Remanence left behind by the Maiden's hammer inflicts 323750 to 376250 Holy damage every 2 sec. As the remanence decays, it emits Light Echoes.
- Light Echoes — A blast of Holy energy strikes all players within 4 yards for 323750 to 376250 Holy damage. Triggers Unstable Soul for targets with Fel Infusion.
- Light Remanence — Remanence left behind by the Maiden's hammer inflicts 323750 to 376250 Holy damage every 2 sec. As the remanence decays, it emits Light Echoes.
- Hammer of Obliteration — Slams the current target with a Holy infused hammer, inflicting 2000000 Physical damage. Fel energy then radiates from the hammer, splitting 12000000 Fire damage between all targets within 20 yards in a cone in front of the caster. Creates an area of Fel Remanence. Light Infused targets become afflicted with Unstable Soul.
- Fel Remanence — Remanence left behind by the Maiden's hammer inflicts 323750 to 376250 Fire damage every 2 sec. As the remanence decays, it emits Fel Echoes.
- Fel Echoes — A blast of Fel energy strikes all players within 4 yards for 323750 to 376250 Fire damage. Triggers Unstable Soul for targets with Holy Infusion.
- Fel Remanence — Remanence left behind by the Maiden's hammer inflicts 323750 to 376250 Fire damage every 2 sec. As the remanence decays, it emits Fel Echoes.
- Hammer of Creation — Slams the current target with a Holy infused hammer, inflicting 2000000 Physical damage. Holy energy then radiates from the hammer, splitting 12000000 Holy damage between all targets within 20 yards in a cone in front of the caster. Creates an area of Light Remanence. Fel Infused targets become afflicted with Unstable Soul.
- Mass Instability — Instantly triggers Unstable Soul on up to 3 enemies.
- Spontaneous Fragmentation — Summons a Fragment of Creation or Fragment of Obliteration at the feet of a target enemy with an opposite infusion after 3 sec. The fragment will pursue the target for 10 sec. If not consumed, it will trigger Fragment Burst.
Stage Two: Watcher's Wrath
The Maiden of Vigilance jumps away, shields herself, and buffets the raid with Fragments of Creation and Obliteration.
- Blowback — Stuns all enemies for 6 sec.
- Titanic Bulwark — Fel Titan creates a shield of Holy energy, absorbing 60000000 damage and preventing all interrupts while the shield holds.
- Wrath of the Creators — Repeatedly buffets the raid with waves of energy, inflicting 117600 Holy damage. Each wave will do more damage than the last.
- Essence Fragments — Emits Fragments of Creation and Obliteration that travel outward from the caster.
- Grace and Vigor — Collecting Fragments of Creation or Obliteration with a matching Infusion will trigger Creator's Grace or Demon's Vigor for all nearby allies.
- Creator's Grace — Holy energy bolsters a Holy Infused target, increasing damage inflicted by 10% and healing done by 5%, stacking up to 10 times.
- Demon's Vigor — Fel energy bolsters a Fel Infused target, increasing damage inflicted by 10% and healing done by 5%, stacking up to 10 times.
- Grace and Vigor — Collecting Fragments of Creation or Obliteration with a matching Infusion will trigger Creator's Grace or Demon's Vigor for all nearby allies.
Item | Type |
Demon hunter chest | |
Warlock chest | |
Rogue chest | |
Holy Artifact Relic | |
Death knight chest | |
Shaman chest | |
Paladin chest | |
Priest chest | |
Monk chest | |
Druid chest | |
Warrior chest | |
Hunter chest | |
Monk chest | |
Fire Artifact Relic | |
Storm Artifact Relic | |
Frost Artifact Relic | |
Mail helmet | |
Leather gloves | |
Cloth belt | |
Cloth leggings | |
Plate boots | |
Ring | |
Melee DPS trinket | |
Tank trinket |
Related Achievements
- Aggro
- What lies below is not for mortal eyes!
- You will not disturb the master's work!
- Infusion
- Know the torment of a soul divided!
- I did not choose my fate... neither will you!
Stage Two: Watcher's Wrath
- Your kind will be cleansed from this world!
- You will burn in power you cannot comprehend!
- Wrath of the Creators
- My duty is one mere mortals cannot comprehend. A sacred charge to serve... to serve the master!
- I am compelled to... ensure... the end of your existence!
- 10%
- This body... my mind... compromised. I have failed the makers!
- End me, mortals! Then rob the Deceiver of his prize!
- Killed a player
- A necessary end.
- Flesh is weak!
- Wipe
- Your world's hope dies with you!
- My vigil continues. But... who is it I serve?
- Death
- My vigil ends! Let not... the dark one... awaken...
- Unused quotes
- Image of Aegwynn: I was not the first to place defenses in this temple, but I fear the ancient watcher charged with safeguarding this place has been compromised. Be wary, I will offer you what protection I can.
- Image of Aegwynn: My ward persists. It can protect you!
- Image of Aegwynn: The chasm is warded against her magic!
- Image of Aegwynn: The echo of my power can save you!
- Image of Aegwynn: My echo has guided you as far as it can, champions. In life, I shouldered too many burdens alone and such hubris cost me dearly. Only by standing together can you overcome the darkness ahead. Farewell.
- Maiden of Vigilance: For millennia, I was steadfast in my vigil; unwavering. And then his voice called to me.
- Maiden of Vigilance: The unmovable object that the irresistible force, and I vow... a new calling!
- Prophet Velen: The Light shall restore you!
Patch changes
- Hotfix (2017-08-30): Fixed a bug with Unstable Soul not working correctly in Raid Finder difficulty.
- Patch 7.2.0 (2017-03-28): Added.