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For the character from an alternate universe, see Restalaan (alternate universe).
Image of Restalaan
Title <Captain of the Guard>
Gender Male
Race Draenei (Humanoid)
Level 50-70
Class Hunter
Reaction Alliance
Affiliation(s) Rangari,[1] Exodar
Occupation Second-in-command to the Prophet Velen, Captain of the Guard in Telmor
Location Auchindoun, Terokkar Forest;[41.6, 61.8] Trader's Tier, Exodar[68.2, 82.8]
Status Deceased
Student(s) Larohir[2]
Companion(s) Velen (best friend)

Restalaan was a long-time friend and second-in-command of the Prophet Velen.


On Argus, Restalaan was among the eredar who gathered in Eredath when Kil'jaeden told them about Sargeras. He wondered what Kil'jaeden had planned for them.[3]

Rise of the Horde

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Restalaan was among those who gathered on a mountain on Argus and escaped with the Prophet and other eredar refugees - known henceforth as the draenei - from Sargeras' corruption. When the draenei settled on Draenor, Restalaan became the captain of the guard in the city of Telmor.

Several years BDP, Rangari scouts were tracking an enraged Highmaul ogre who had strayed deep into draenei lands in Terokkar Forest. The Rangari emerged from the woods when the ogre attacked two future orc chieftains - Durotan of the Frostwolf clan and Orgrim of the Blackrock clan. Restalaan and his hunting party felled the brute with their arrows. He admired the two orcs' bravery, yet he knew they were in great danger from other ogres who were prowling the forests. He offered a safe haven in the nearby settlement of Telmor.[1] When he brought them to the city, he revealed the hidden defenses of the city using a shard of the ata'mal crystal and a phrase in his native tongue.

Years later, when the orcs began making war on the draenei, Restalaan was investigating the murders and kept informing the Prophet about it. At some point, Durotan, now chieftain of the Frostwolves, met Restalaan and his men in battle. Restalaan defeated him, but spared his life because of an earlier incident in which Durotan spared and released Velen (on his way to Oshu'gun) from his custody. Later, Durotan - having remembered the incantation used to lower the invisibility shield that protected Telmor - was tasked by Warchief Blackhand to assault the city, as it was close to Frostwolf territory. Locating the crystal and speaking the words Restalaan had used, Durotan revealed the city for the orc invasion force, which proceeded to sack the city. With the city being torn apart around them, the two met again in combat, holding nothing back. In the end, Durotan defeated and killed Restalaan with his wolf's help - a deed that, along with the events that were soon to follow, would be a heavy burden on Durotan's conscience for the remainder of his life.[4]

Restalaan was succeeded as Velen's lieutenant by Larohir.[5]


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

An echo of Restalaan can be seen by the adventurers on Argus during N [45WQ] Bully Pulpit.


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Restalaan's soul, entombed in Auchindoun, was calmed[2] and later attended the Tishamaat in the Exodar. He could be seen speaking with Soultender Nemuraan in the Trader's Tier.


  • Rise of the Horde described Restalaan with black hair, a long beard,[6] and blue eyes.[7] His alternate counterpart in Warlords of Draenor and his appearance as an echo in Eredath have a lighter hair color and no beard. His model in the draenei heritage armor questline is closer to his description in Rise of the Horde.

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