The Burning Heart (quest)

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For the quest item, see  [The Burning Heart].
NeutralThe Burning Heart
Start Prophet Velen
End Prophet Velen
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Antoran Wastes
Rewards Krokuun World Quests
Antoran Wastes World Quests
4g 85s
Previous N [45] An Offering of Light
Next N [45] Securing a Foothold


Use the Navigation Console to travel to the Antoran Wastes.

  • Use the Navigation Console to travel to the Antoran Wastes


The loss of Xe'ra is a blow, especially to Turalyon. But even the Light Mother could not be allowed to force destiny upon us.

I wish Illidan had found another way to refuse her... but I too have had choices imposed upon me by the naaru.

This must not distract us from our mission. Now that we have the Army of the Light survivors with us, it is time to press our attack.

We need a foothold on the Antoran Wastes from which we can assault the Burning Throne. It is time to deprive Sargeras of his prize!


You will learn the following:

You will also receive: 4g 85s


I never imagined such destruction... such horror.


Quest accept
Prophet Velen says: The Legion has invaded your world. Now look upon theirs.
Illidan Stormrage says: The beating heart of the Legion... soon I shall tear it out.
Navigation Console used
Prophet Velen says: By the Light... what have they done to my world?


  1. N [45] The Burning Heart
  2. N [45] Securing a Foothold
  3. Depending on which quest hub is available this week:
    • either
    1. N [45] Reinforce Light's Purchase
    2. N [45] Sizing Up The Opposition
    • or
    1. N [45] Reinforce the Veiled Den
    2. N [45] Sizing Up The Opposition

Patch changes

External links