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Gender Female
Race Blood elf
Affiliation(s) Farstriders
Status Alive
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Jirri is a petite and usually smiling high elf member of the Farstriders. Before the Great Wars, Jirri was among the many Farstriders who came to Windrunner Spire to see the start of Alleria Windrunner's journey to becoming the next ranger-general. She would be accompanied by Halduron Brightwing, Lor'themar Theron, and joined by Sylvanas. By this time, she was a relative newcomer to the order.[1] Some time after Alleria's test, Jirri and Halduron went to find Verath Windrunner and Sylvanas to inform them of Lireesa Windrunner's premature labor that would bring Lirath, she slipped offher dragonhawk and gave it to the Windrunners.[2] Years later, Jirri attended a court at the Court of the Sun and was with Vor'athil speaking with Halduron, who told them about the Feeble Old Man maneuver. She was interested in Halduron's story and was soon joined by Lor'themar and Sylvanas.[3]

Many years later, after the Scourge invasion of Quel'Thalas, she and Salissa guarded Farstrider Enclave in the Ghostlands when the Horde leaders met with Lor'themar and signed documents about Quel'Thalas joining the Horde.[4]
