Ranger Salissa

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HordeRanger Salissa
No image available
Gender Female
Race Blood elf
Affiliation(s) Farstriders, Kingdom of Quel'Thalas
Occupation Ranger
Location Ghostlands
Status Presumed deceased[1]

Ranger Salissa is a member of the Farstriders.

Before the Great Wars, she served under Ranger-General Lireesa Windrunner. Once, while on a hunt with her and her fellow rangers, they were attacked by Amani trolls and their Dark Eagle. Lireesa commanded them each to give her an arrow and retreat to a village to prepare its inhabitants. Lireesa was successful in killing the eagle, and when the trolls approached the village, the rangers saw the eagle missing, with Lireesa still fighting. This gave the rangers the vigor to defeat the trolls without losing a single elf life.[2]

Salissa was among the many Farstriders who came to Windrunner Spire to see the start of Alleria Windrunner's journey to becoming the next ranger-general. At one point, she was speaking with Lieutenant Helios.[3] After Lireesa's death on the onset of the Second War, Salissa recounted the tale of the Battle of Seven Arrows to the gathered rangers at Farstrider Retreat.[2]

Years later, she witnessed the summit at Farstrider Enclave between Silvermoon's regent and new ranger-general and the leaders of the Horde, which formalized her kingdom's entry into the faction.[4]

Some time later, she was part of a poorly conceived attack on Zeb'Sora in the Ghostlands led by Lieutenant Tomathren. Ranger Valanna then sent Ranger Lethvalin to Tranquillien and Ranger Salissa to the Farstrider Enclave for help.[5][6] Captain Helios never heard back from Salissa, however, and he feared the worst.[1]
