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Main article: The Nine
Image of Skyja
Title <The First>
Gender Female
Race Val'kyr (Humanoid)
Level ?? Elite
Resource Energy
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Mawsworn, Sylvanas Windrunner
Former affiliation(s) Horde, Scourge
Location Chancel of the Dark Pact, Sanctum of Domination
Status Deceased

Skyja was one of the Val'kyr who bound themselves to Sylvanas Windrunner.[1] Following the end of the Fourth War, she followed her mistress after Sylvanas abandoned the Horde, where she eventually became the first of the Val'kyr to be transformed into a Mawsworn kyrian. She was present when Helya resurrected Annhylde in Desmotaeron in the Maw. From within the Sanctum of Domination, she and sisters stood together as the The Nine, where they were eventually confronted and killed by Azeroth's champions.


  • Of the original nine, who bound themselves to Sylvanas, Skyja was the last of the Val'kyr to be named.
  • Unlike her sisters, she had no known role in the Fourth War.


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Her seemingly lack of participation within the Fourth War could suggest that Skyja was the Val'kyr who participated in the ritual to empower Nathanos Blightcaller, and thus needed time to recover her strength.

Patch changes

See also


External links