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Sisters of the Moon

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BossSisters of the Moon
Image of Sisters of the Moon
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Undead)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Font of Elune & Terrace of the Moon, Tomb of Sargeras
Status Killable

The Sisters of the Moon are the fifth encounter in Tomb of Sargeras. They are a huntress, a ranger and a priestess of the Moon.

Adventure Guide

The Sisters of the Moon served as wardens for the temple long before the avatar of Sargeras was buried beneath it. Even in death, the sisters maintained their vigil, but over the millennia something twisted their ability to distinguish friend from foe. Their madness slowly consumed them, and now any who enter their sacred chambers are put to death.


The Sisters of the Moon are trapped in a fading incorporal state, bound together and sharing health. Between them they maintain only enough power to sustain the physical form of one of them at a time. Huntress Kasparian initiates the fight, followed by Captain Yathae Moonstrke at 70% health remaining, and then followed by Priestess Lunaspyre at 40% health remaining. The floor of the Font of Elune is a projected moon that changes through the moon phases. At Full Moon and New Moon the Font of Elune empowers the incorporeal Sisters of the Moon to use Glaive Storm, Incorporeal Shot, and Embrace of the Eclipse. In Mythic difficulty, Astral Purge inflicts raid wide damage when players move to a different side of the moon.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • If targeted by Rapid Shot move to light side of the moon to clear stacks of Umbra Suffusion.
  • If affected by Moon Burn move to the other side of the moon to trigger Astral Purge.
  • Defeat the Moontalon before Deathly Screech becomes lethal.
  • If Umbra Suffusion or Lunar Suffusion stacks get to high, move to the other side of the moon to clear them.

Healer Alert Healers

  • If targeted by Rapid Shot move to light side of the moon to clear stacks of Umbra Suffusion.
  • If affected by Moon Burn move to the other side of the moon to trigger Astral Purge.
  • If Umbra Suffusion or Lunar Suffusion stacks get to high, move to the other side of the moon to clear them.

Tank Alert Tanks

  • Position to allow Moon Glaive to hit 3 players to decrease overall tank damage.
  • If affected by Discorporate move to the other side of the moon to trigger Astral Purge.
  • Avoid taking too many stacks of Lunar Fire.
  • If Umbra Suffusion or Lunar Suffusion stacks get to high, move to the other side of the moon to clear them.


  • Artifactability balancedruid halfmoon.png Font of Elune Important — The floor of the font continually changes through the phases of the moon. Standing on the light side of the moon will stack Lunar Suffusion every 3 sec, while standing on the dark side of the moon will stack Umbra Suffusion every 3 sec. Switching from one side of the moon to the other clears all stacks of suffusion and triggers Astral Purge.
    • Ability socererking arcanefortification.png Lunar Suffusion — Increases Arcane damage taken by 5%.
    • Spell warlock demonsoul.png Umbra Suffusion — Increases Shadow damage taken by 5%.
    • Spell mage supernova nightborne.png Astral Purge — Astral energy erupts from the target inflicting 584000 to 613000 Spellshadow damage. In Mythic difficulty, Astral Purge inflicts 584000 to 613000 Spellshadow damage to all allies.

Stage One: The Huntress

  • Huntress Kasparian
    • Ability upgrademoonglaive.png Twilight Glaive — Throws a glaive at a target, inflicting 1425000 to 1575000 Shadow damage to anyone it hits before returning to the caster.
    • Ability bossmannoroth glaivethrust.png Moon Glaive Tank Alert — Throws a glaive that bounces between up to 3 targets, inflicting (5000000 * 1.75) Physical damage total. The first target hit has Discorporate applied to them, decreasing all healing and absorbtion taken by 75% for 30 sec. Triggering Astral Purge will remove Discorporate.
  • Captain Yathae Moonstrike
    • Inv misc herb arrowbloom.png Incorporeal Shot Important — Captain Yathae Moonstrike aims a Incorporeal Shot at her target, inflicting 10000000 Shadow damage to the target after 6 sec. Players can move between her and her target, disrupting her aim and causing the damage inflicted to be split among all intercepting players and the target.
    • Ability mage arcanebarrage nightborne.png Twilight Volley — Shadow arrows rain from the sky, inflicting 600000 Shadow damage every 1.5 sec.
    • Ability theblackarrow.png Shadow Shot — Fires a arrow inflicting 585000 to 615000 Shadow damage.
  • Priestess Lunaspyre
    • Ability druid eclipse.png Embrace of the Eclipse Important — Priestess Lunaspyre shields an ally for 12 sec, absorbing 30000000 damage while also warding her enemies for 12 sec, absorbing 1000000 points of healing. If the shield expires, it inflicts the remaining absorption as Arcane damage to all enemies within 70 yds of the shield. Any ward that expires inflicts its remaining healing absorption as Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds of the ward.
    • Spell nature moonglow.png Moon Burn — Burns enemies with lunar energy, inflicting 600000 Arcane damage every 2 sec for 30 sec. Triggering Astral Purge will remove Moon Burn.
    • Ability socererking arcanewrath.png Lunar Strike — Summons lunar energy inflicting 585000 to 615000 Arcane damage.

Stage Two: Bow of the Night

  • Captain Yathae Moonstrike
    • Ability eyeoftheowl.png Call Moontalon Important — Captain Yathae Moonstrike calls Moontalon to fight at her side.
      • Moontalon Important
        • Ability warlock howlofterror.png Deathly Screech Important — At low health Moontalon begins screeching, inflicting 400000 Shadow damage to all nearby enemies. This damage increases by 25% every time it is cast.
    • Ability mage arcanebarrage nightborne.png Twilight Volley — Shadow arrows rain from the sky, inflicting 600000 Shadow damage every 1.5 sec.
    • Ability ironmaidens convulsiveshadows.png Rapid Shot — Captain Yathae Moonstrike focuses fire on a target, inflicting 500000 Shadow damage every 0.5 sec for 5 sec.
  • Priestess Lunaspyre
    • Ability druid eclipse.png Embrace of the Eclipse Important — Priestess Lunaspyre shields an ally for 12 sec, absorbing 30000000 damage while also warding her enemies for 12 sec, absorbing 1000000 points of healing. If the shield expires, it inflicts the remaining absorption as Arcane damage to all enemies within 70 yds of the shield. Any ward that expires inflicts its remaining healing absorption as Shadow damage to all enemies within 8 yds of the ward.
    • Spell nature moonglow.png Moon Burn — Burns enemies with lunar energy, inflicting 600000 Arcane damage every 2 sec for 30 sec. Triggering Astral Purge will remove Moon Burn.
    • Ability socererking arcanewrath.png Lunar Strike — Summons lunar energy inflicting 585000 to 615000 Arcane damage.
  • Huntress Kasparian
    • Ability upgrademoonglaive.png Glaive Storm Important — Throws a glaive that shatters into multiple glaives, each inflicting 855000 to 945000 Arcane damage to everyone hit.
    • Ability upgrademoonglaive.png Twilight Glaive — Throws a glaive at a target, inflicting 1425000 to 1575000 Shadow damage to anyone it hits before returning to the caster.
    • Ability upgrademoonglaive.png Spectral Glaive — Throws a spectral glaive that bounces between up to 3 targets, inflicting 487500 to 512500 Spellshadow damage.

Stage Three: Wrath of Elune

  • Priestess Lunaspyre
    • Spell arcane invocation.png Lunar Beacon — Marks an enemy with Lunar energy, inflicting 700000 every 1 sec for 6 sec. When Lunar Beacon expires the target's location will be bombarded by a Lunar Barrage every 1 sec for 4 sec. Each Lunar Barrage inflicts 700000 Arcane damage every 700000 and Silences while in the barrage area.
    • Spell nature moonglow.png Moon Burn — Burns enemies with lunar energy, inflicting 600000 Arcane damage every 2 sec for 30 sec. Triggering Astral Purge will remove Moon Burn.
    • Ability mage missilebarrage.png Lunar Fire Tank Alert — Burns the target, inflicting 500000 Arcane damage every 2 sec for 30 sec.
  • Huntress Kasparian
    • Ability upgrademoonglaive.png Glaive Storm Important — Throws a glaive that shatters into multiple glaives, each inflicting 855000 to 945000 Arcane damage to everyone hit.
    • Ability upgrademoonglaive.png Twilight Glaive — Throws a glaive at a target, inflicting 1425000 to 1575000 Shadow damage to anyone it hits before returning to the caster.
    • Ability upgrademoonglaive.png Spectral Glaive — Throws a spectral glaive that bounces between up to 3 targets, inflicting 487500 to 512500 Spellshadow damage.
  • Captain Yathae Moonstrike
    • Inv misc herb arrowbloom.png Incorporeal Shot Important — Captain Yathae Moonstrike aims a Incorporeal Shot at her target, inflicting 10000000 Shadow damage to the target after 6 sec. Players can move between her and her target, disrupting her aim and causing the damage inflicted to be split among all intercepting players and the target.
    • Ability mage arcanebarrage nightborne.png Twilight Volley — Shadow arrows rain from the sky, inflicting 600000 Shadow damage every 1.5 sec.
    • Ability theblackarrow.png Shadow Shot — Fires a arrow inflicting 585000 to 615000 Shadow damage.


Stub.png Please add any available information to this section.


Item Type
  • Blessings of the White Lady
    • LFR
    • H
    • M
Holy Artifact Relic
Iron Artifact Relic
Fire Artifact Relic
Life Artifact Relic
Arcane Artifact Relic
Leather helmet
Mail shoulders
Cloth shoulders
Plate chest
Plate gloves
Leather gloves
Mail belt
Cloth boots
Healing trinket
Ranged DPS trinket
Melee DPS trinket

Related Achievements


Huntress Kasparian yells: Sisters! On your guard!
Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: My arrows are always ready, Kasparian.
Priestess Lunaspyre yells: Defilers! They must be purged from Elune's sacred temple!
Huntress Kasparian yells: I claim first blood, sisters!
Priestess Lunaspyre yells: Goddess guide your hand!
Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: You are ever impetuous, Kasparian.
Twilight Glaive
Huntress Kasparian yells: Right on target!
Huntress Kasparian yells: You are in my way!
Huntress Kasparian yells: The keenest cut!
Twilight Volley
Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: My arrows strike true!
Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: You cannot evade my volley!
Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: Retribution rains down!
Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: My mark is upon you!
Moon Burn
Priestess Lunaspyre yells: Behold her glory!
Priestess Lunaspyre yells: Goddess, burn the faithless!
Priestess Lunaspyre yells: Pay the price for heresy!
Embrace of the Eclipse
Priestess Lunaspyre yells: Elune's light reaches its zenith!
Stage Two: Bow of the Night
Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: No more dawdling, Kasparian! Victory shall be mine!
Call Moontalon
Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: Let your talons taste their flesh, my pet!
Rapid Shot
Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: I never miss!
Stage Three: Wrath of Elune
Priestess Lunaspyre yells: I will dismiss these heretics, Yathae!
Lunar Beacon
Priestess Lunaspyre yells: Mother Moon, reveal their sins!
Killing a player
Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: Inefficient... but effective.
Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: A bit slow on that kill, sister!
Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: My quarry falls!
Huntress Kasparian yells: Your hunt is ended!
Huntress Kasparian yells: A worthy kill, sister!
Huntress Kasparian yells: You serve the goddess well, sister!
Priestess Lunaspyre yells: Your bow is blessed, sister!
Priestess Lunaspyre yells: You should have believed!
Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: I get to strike first next time!
Huntress Kasparian yells: The temple is secure. Well fought, sisters.
Priestess Lunaspyre yells: Mother Moon has granted us victory!
Priestess Lunaspyre yells: We failed... the goddess...
Captain Yathae Moonstrike yells: No! I... should have... won...
Huntress Kasparian yells: Elune... forgive us...
Unused quotes
  • Captain Yathae Moonstrike: You waste too much time! Destroy them!
  • Captain Yathae Moonstrike: Too much preaching! Just kill them!
  • Huntress Kasparian: Most impressive aim, sister!
  • Huntress Kasparian: Mother Moon is pleased, Lunaspyre!
  • Huntress Kasparian: I relieve you, sister. Time for my glaive to sing!
  • Priestess Lunaspyre: The night warrior guides your hand, sister!
  • Priestess Lunaspyre: Goddess bless your arrows!
  • Priestess Lunaspyre: Confess! Repent!
  • Priestess Lunaspyre: You are unworthy!


  • Naisha was originally a part of the Sisters of the Moon encounter in early builds of the 7.2 PTR, but was quickly replaced with Huntress Kasparian.

Patch changes

  • Legion Hotfix (2017-08-30):
    • Moontalon's health was unintentionally increased on Mythic difficulty in 7.3. It has been reverted to its original value.
    • Corrected an issue that could cause tanks to incorrectly be targeted with Lunar Beacon and Incorporeal Shot.
  • Legion Patch 7.2.0 (2017-03-28): Added.

External links

Huntress Kasparian Yathae Moonstrike Priestess Lunaspyre