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The Horde is made up of orcs, forsaken, tauren, trolls, blood elves, and most recently, goblins. Misunderstood and cast aside, these diverse and powerful races strive to overcome their differences and unite as one in order to win freedom for their people and prosper in a land that has come to hate them.
In the Horde, action and strength are valued above diplomacy, and its leaders earn respect by the blade, wasting no time with politics. The brutality of the Horde's champions is focused, giving a voice to those who fight for survival.[1]

The Horde is one of the two major political factions of the mortal races in Azeroth, its counterpart being the Alliance. The Horde, a faction led by off-worlders and composed of outsiders has survived these obstacles by bonding together, fighting as family, comrades, or even uneasy allies.[2]

Horde Logo


Major members

Major member races include:


The Orcish Icon of Battle

OrcOrc Orc - The surviving orcs of Azeroth's First, Second and Third Wars, who were released by Thrall from the Internment camps of Lordaeron and led by him to form their new destiny in Kalimdor while attempting to re-embrace their once honorable, shamanistic ways and fight the corruption of demonic magic. Capital is Orgrimmar in Durotar.

The Orcs in the Horde are from the following clans:

Darkspear Tribe

The Troll Icon of Shadows

Jungle trollJungle troll Jungle troll - Originally from a small chain of islands in the Great Sea. Eventually joined Thrall’s journey to Kalimdor and moved to the Echo Isles, but were then rooted out by the Kul Tiras marines. They are forever indebted to the orcs for saving their tribe and giving them a home. Capital is Darkspear Isle, the largest of the Echo Isles, off the coast of Durotar.

  • Led by IconSmall Vol'jin.gif Chieftain Vol'jin
  • Prior to the reclamation of the Echo Isles, Sen'jin Village in mainland Durotar was the main Darkspear settlement. Darkspear settlements are commonly found in Kalimdor or Outland.
  • The Ravasaur Trainers in Un'goro Crater are a group of Darkspear troll elite raptors riders that provide their mounts to members of the Horde who prove themselves able to survive the creature's poison.

United Tauren Tribes

The Tauren Icon of the Earth Mother

TaurenTauren Tauren - A race of noble creatures, native to Kalimdor, who befriended the orcs and offered them spiritual guidance and aid. Capital is Thunder Bluff in Mulgore.

The Tauren of the Horde come from various tribes:


The Undead Icon of Torment

ForsakenForsaken Forsaken - Known as the Forsaken, this group of undead was released from the control of the Lich King and have entered into an alliance of convenience with the other members of the Horde. The group also consists of other undead creatures, such as the Val'kyr, who chose to join the Forsaken after the Lich King's death. The capital is the Undercity, beneath the ruined City of Lordaeron in Tirisfal Glades.

The Forsaken employ various different types of undead.

WC3tFT-logo.png Sylvanas was able to produce the following during the events of the Third War:

  • IconSmall ObsidianDestroyer.gif Obsidian Statue - During the Third War, Sylvanas was able to produce Obsidian Statues.
  • IconSmall Ghoul.gif Ghouls - When Sylvanas first was freed from Arthas, all she had was her banshees and a small group of ghouls.
  • IconSmall CryptFiend.gif Crypt Fiends - During the Third War, Sylvanas had a group of crypt fiends in her forces.
  • IconSmall Gargoyle.gif Gargoyles - Sylvanas was also able to produce a few gargoyles.
  • IconSmall FrostWyrm.gif Frost Wyrms - Sylvanas eventually learned how to raise Frost Wyrms.

Kingdom of Quel'Thalas

The Blood Elven Icon of Blood

Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf - Dealt a devastating blow during the Scourge invasion of Quel'Thalas, the high elves cast off their name and dubbed themselves the "blood elves," in honor of the fallen. Tirelessly working to reclaim their homeland from the lingering Scourge and the ever-vengeful Amani, the sin'dorei sought to join the reformed Horde with the strong backing of their former ranger general, Lady Sylvanas Windrunner. With the Sunwell restored and the monumental betrayal of their prince behind them, a bright future now lies ahead for the blood elves of Quel'Thalas.[8] Capital is Silvermoon City in Eversong Woods, in northern Quel'Thalas.

IconSmall ArcaneGolem.gif Arcane Guardian - The blood elves use the arcane guardians for protection from invaders. The golems patrol all around Silvermoon City.

Bilgewater Cartel

The Goblin Icon of Kezan

GoblinGoblin Goblin - With the Cataclysm consuming their home island of Kezan, the goblins of the Bilgewater Cartel are shipped across the sea, intended for slave labor in Azshara, when they are caught in a naval crossfire between an Alliance fleet and a single Horde vessel off the Lost Isles. While there, they are attacked by the Alliance and ally with the orcs to defeat both their mutual foe, the hostile natives of the Lost Isles, and dissent from within their own ranks. Current home is Bilgewater Harbor in the heavily-reshaped Azshara. The goblins also have a district led by Boss Mida within the orcish capital of Orgrimmar.

Huojin Pandaren

PandarenPandaren Pandaren - Huojin are a pandaren faction of the Wandering Isle, that has decided to join the Horde ranks, giving the similiarities in the moral code of its races. Huojin philosophy states that inaction is the greatest injustice, and that there is no shame in defending one's homes and loved ones regardless of cost.

Horde Forces

The uneasy truce between the Alliance and the Horde in the aftermath of the Third War was soon broken when several battlegrounds between various forces of the factions have erupted:


Burning Crusade

  • Thrallmar - is the name for the Horde expeditionary forces to Outland, who quickly found many native allies. Consist of all the Horde races. The expedition's settlements are scattered all over Outland's zones, except Nagrand and Netherstom.
  • Mag'har orcMag'har orc Mag'har - Mag'har are orcs from various clans that escaped corruption and remained in Outland throughout all three wars.

Wrath of the Lich King (Horde Expedition)


Mists of Pandaria

  • IconSmall Hozen.gifForest Hozen - A faction of hozen that has made their home in Jade Forest and was in constant war against the Jinyu. They find themselves allied with the Horde after the Horde gains their favor by rescuing some of their members, sating their appetite for fish, and killing some of their most fearsome enemies. Armed and equipped by the Horde, this tribe of hozen are recruited to fight the Horde's war against the Alliance.

Other members

Ogre mageOgreOgre Stonemaul - This faction joined the Horde after Rexxar bested Kor'gall in a duel for the leadership of the clan. After, Rexxar disappeared into the Barren wilderness and made the ogre Mok'Morokk the leader of the clan. Although Mok'Morokk fell prey to temptations of power after Rexxar's departure and so the Stonemaul Village, actual former capital of the clan, was raided by Onyxia's brood. Mok’Morokk led the clan to Brackenwall Village, current capital, where he ruled unquestioned until an unknown challenger drove him out. Currently many support Tharg as a new leader.

Ogre mageOgreOgre Dunemaul - Shortly after the shattering the Dunemaul band joined the Horde due to the efforts of Megs Dreadshredder and the Dunemaul "Emissary" who are stationed at the Dunemaul Recruitment Camp.

Mok'nathal - This clan of hunters and beastmasters were discovered by Rexxar during his activities in Outland.

Forest trollForest troll Revantusk - Situated in the Hinterlands, The Revantusk have also been known to have Dire Trolls such as Ongo'longo among them. At Elder Torntusks return, the Revantusk have joined the Horde as full members.

Jungle trollJungle troll Shatterspear - Personally recruited by Garrosh Hellscream to fight against the Night Elves.[10] mostly situated the Shatterspear Village. The tribe suffers heavy losses (possible annihilation) during the night elves attacks.[11]

Jungle trollJungle troll Twilight Highlands tribe - Another, seemingly Jungle Troll, aids the Horde in the Twilight Highlands; oddly, they are native to the region.[12]

Template:Raceicon The Kalu'ak - Shortly upon arriving (in the Borean Tundra of Northrend), the Horde met the tuskarr, a walrus-like race of nomadic fishermen. The two groups have since formed a bond, and the Horde has sworn to aid their new allies in any way possible.

War Beasts

The Horde contains many beasts trained to assist their warriors in battle.

  • IconSmall Raptor.gifRaptors - Darkspear are commonly around reptiles, admiring their strength. They brought these beasts from Stranglethorn and have used them as mounts ever since.
  • IconSmall Bat.gifBats - Bats are the traditional flying mounts to Jungle Trolls. Many trolls use bats for suicide runs and burning buildings. The Forsaken also use bats as mounts.
  • IconSmall Dragonhawk.gif Dragonhawk - The elves of Silvermoon have used the majestic dragonhawks of Quel'Danas as mounts for centuries.
  • IconSmall Worg.gif Wolves - Even during their time on Draenor the orcs used wolf mounts. They are treated as equals and hunting partners among the Horde.
  • IconSmall Spider.gif Spider - The forsaken and specifically their Dark Rangers have began to breed and tame spiders.
  • IconSmall SkeletalHorse.gif Skeletal Horse - The Forsaken used these noble animals as mounts in life so they found it fitting to raise them into death as their mounts.
  • IconSmall ProtoRed.gif Proto-Dragon - During the Northrend Campaign, Garrosh domesticated many proto-dragons by holding their young hostage.
  • IconSmall Hawkstrider.gif Hawkstrider - Because of their beauty and grace the blood elves have decided to make the Hawkstriders their war mount of choice.


These factions listed are not full members of the Horde but subjugated servants.

Kobold Boulderslide - They became servants of the Horde thanks to the efforts of Subjugator Devo.[13] [14]

OgreOgre Dreadmaul - After losing Dreadmaul Hold a portion of the Dreadmaul tribe have become slaves to the conquering Horde forces while another portion of the clan fight to reclaim their former home.[15]. Some still remain and continue to fight the Horde for their home.

IconSmall DragonBlack.gifIconSmall WhelpBlack.gif Black Dragons - The Dragonmaw have enslaved members of the Black Dragonflight to serve them as mounts.

Magnataur Magnataur - Garrosh domesticated many by holding their young hostage.
GnomeGnome Gnomes - Although not loyal to the Horde. Gnomes, are the most commonly captured and forced to work and die for them.

Former Horde members

Main article: Old Horde

Forest trollForest troll Zul'Aman - Allied with the Horde during the Second War after their leader, Zul'jin was rescued from the Alliance of Lordaeron by Horde warriors.

Ogre mageOgreOgreOgre clans - The ogres followed the orcs through the Dark Portal.

GoblinGoblin Steamwheedle - Trade Prince Steamwheedle realized that was an error joined in the Horde after the defeat of the factions in the Second War.

OrcOrc Shadow Council - Most of the faction was slayed by the ex-Warchief Orgrim after the First War.

  • Daemon Daemon - These dreaded hell spawns were summoned by the warlocks of the Shadow Council to do their bidding.

Red dragon Red dragonkin - These noble creatures were subjugated by the Dragonmaw Clan using the Demon Soul.

Black dragon Black dragonkin - These servants of the Old Gods briefly allied themselves with the Horde of Draenor out of convenience.

HumanHuman Kingdom of Alterac - A traitor human kingdom that allied with the Horde during the second war and later temporarily allied with the Horde of Draenor. They have since engaged in hostile relations with the New Horde.

IconSmall UndeadDeathKnight.gif Death Knight order - Order of undead magic users created from the corpses of the fallen knights of Azeroth and the spirits of the orcish warlocks from the First War.

OrcOrc Thunderlord clan - Was one of the original orc clans and part of the Horde of Draenor. All of its members seem to have been forcibly turned into Fel Orcs by the Illidari and Burning Legion.

OrcOrc Black Tooth Grin clan - A split off faction of the Blackrock clan created by Rend Blackhand and Maim Blackhand as a way to maintain power. It later reformed into the new Blackrock clan under Nefarian

OrcOrc Stormreaver clan - A clan formed by Gul'dan for his personal protection. It later betrayed the Horde to look for the Tomb of Sargeras and was slaughtered by the vengeful Blackrock clan. A few ex-members such as Drak'thul survive but none known have joined the Horde.


See also: Old Horde and History of the Horde, Dark Horde, Fel Horde
Tight Quarters TCG.jpg

In the past, the Horde referred to the orcs and their battle thralls from both Draenor and Azeroth, such as trolls and ogres. Following its utter defeat at the end of the Second War, the Horde's dark power was broken, allowing Thrall to awaken the dormant spirituality of his people and free them from the Burning Legion's control.

During the events of the Third War, Thrall has made lasting bonds with the tauren chief Cairne Bloodhoof and the troll shadowhunter Vol'jin of the Darkspear clan. The ties between the three races is very close, as both share many similar cultural views. With the help of the tauren, both the orcs and the tribe of trolls have established a place for themselves in Kalimdor. Since then, certain ogre tribes, as well as the Forsaken and blood elves have chosen to affiliate themselves with the Horde.

The present Horde is mostly about surviving in a land that has come to hate them. The orcs are hated because, much like the Forsaken, they were formerly mindless, controlled beings. Though redeemed, they are not forgiven by many members of the Alliance who believe them to be their old selves still.[16][17][18] The trolls, tauren and their other allies are the ones who understood them, and so they are hated for that. An interesting fact is that every prominent Horde leader has been allied with certain members of the Alliance in times of war.

In the Third War, before the liberation of the Forsaken from the Scourge and the defection of the blood elves, the Horde allied themselves with the Alliance to rid Azeroth of the Burning Legion. Since then old animosity has risen again, resulting in open conflict on several battlefields, keeping relations between the Horde and Alliance in a state of Cold War. However, the two factions still officially kept a truce despite the rising conflicts until the Battle for the Undercity, when King Varian Wrynn officially declared war.

By the time the mists concealing Pandaria dissipated, cracks within the Horde started to emerge. The war had intensified with the surprise mana-bombing of Theramore Isle on Garrosh's orders, the actions of which Baine Bloodhoof and Vol'jin openly disapproved of.[19] In response, Garrosh ordered the Kor'kron to suppress any potential dissent, going as far as subjugating the Darkspear trolls on their own territory.[20][21] Horde leaders were weary of Garrosh's attempts to harness the sha for his own ends,[22] and the blood elves became increasingly discontented with Garrosh treating them as expendable in his attempts to do so.[23][24] The exposure of Sunreaver agents taking orders from Garrosh eventually led to the Sunreavers' expulsion from Dalaran, stoking further recriminations from the blood elf leadership towards Garrosh.[25]


Invisibility TCG.jpg
See also: Units and Ranks of the Horde

Although the Horde is a coalition of diverse races with different cultures, agendas, and values, one thing remains constant with in the Horde: respect is earned by the blade. Orgrimmar is the obvious center for now, and the Warchief of the Horde stands as the undisputed leader. The warchief holds dominion over the entire Horde[26]. The warchief maintains the Horde, is able to declare war for the entire Horde, take any precaution to ensure the stability and security of the Horde's member states, and has the final say in the induction of new Horde members.

All members of the Horde have to swear a blood oath to join the Horde and are thus obligated to follow the warchief's commands and support the warchief in war if the warchief calls upon them for aid. The position of warchief can be attained by having the previous warchief chose a successor or challenging the current warchief to a Mak'gora: a prearranged duel with deadly weapons between two people following a formal procedure in the presence of witnesses and traditionally fought until one party yields or is killed, usually to settle a quarrel involving a point of honor. Above all else, the title warchief is granted to those who display strength and decisive action. Warchiefs must be able to gain respect via combat effectiveness and martial conquests but also have enough tact to keep the Horde united and stable.

The warchief may accept ambassadors and advisors from all the different tribes and members of the Horde to makes sure their voice is heard in the running of the fledgling empire but ultimately, only the warchief may have the final say in matters concerning the entire Horde.

All races with in the Horde may chose a single leader to govern their people and their people's kingdoms and also to represent their people in the high Horde echelon.

Grunts, Berserkers and Tauren warriors fighting together in the Third War

Equal in size, the Horde also has its complexities, much like the Alliance. The main six races of the blood elves, tauren, undead, trolls, goblins, and orcs have countless friends among the races of Azeroth: the Revantusk forest trolls of the Hinterlands, the Stonemaul Ogres and various individuals like the Mok'Nathal beastmaster Rexxar.

Despite their somewhat monstrous appearance, the majority of the Horde is not evil; much like the Alliance, it is comprised of diverse factions and individuals who possess a wide range of values and virtues. Even so, there is one expectation that must be met when joining the Horde: regardless of gender or station, all are expected to pull their own weight and give their talents for the betterment of the Horde.[27] When weakness is a liability to the future of the Horde, it is the duty of the strong to usurp control from the incompetent and redeem the Horde. Lok'tar ogar! Victory or death - it is these words that bind one to the Horde. For they are the most sacred and fundamental of truths to any warrior of the Horde. For the Horde, failure is not an option.

Culturally, orcs and tauren believe in redemption more than most other races on Azeroth and are willing to give almost anyone a chance, regardless of reputation. The Revantusk seem to have even accepted, (if not at least tolerate) their ancient enemy the blood elves. Largely because of these beliefs, a number of mortal races and many diverse factions can be found in service in the Horde.

The Unification

The Horde in Kalimdor, which acts as the bulk of the Horde's forces, serve under Warchief Garrosh Hellscream's leadership. They include most of the orcs, the tauren, the Darkspear trolls, the goblins of the Bilgewater Cartel, and a number of less prominent races within the Horde - such as the Stonemaul ogres. The Horde in the Eastern Kingdoms, comprising of the Forsaken and the blood elves, act with more independence from the Kalimdor Horde but ultimately answers to the warchief out of necessity for the Horde's support. These races all see the Horde differently. Some see it as an instrument of vengeance, hellbent to carve out a future for its people. Others see it as a refuge for those who need shelter, a commonwealth of the downtrodden, built for mutual support. While some view it as an alliance of convenience, a confederacy of unlikely partners free to pursue their own agendas.[28] Whatever their motivations, they are united to claim Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms for themselves in order secure key provisions and supplies needed to support their people, and forcibly remove Alliance incursions from their own lands. This Horde is the result of the actions in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos.

Nation of Durotar

Orcish city of Orgrimmar

The orcs of Durotar follow Warchief Garrosh in the absence of Warchief Thrall. Their culture is split mostly between the orcs' warrior spirit and their shamanistic roots, which has recently wrought on conflict between the younger and older generations. Dedicated to carving out an existence in a world that has come to largely revile them, the orcs have recently turned their attention to reinvigorated conquests. Ashenvale and Stonetalon are among their first targets, and ultimately Warchief Hellscream intends to unite the entirety of Azeroth under a single banner.[29]

Darkspear tribe

Troll city of Darkspear Isle

The Darkspear of the Broken Isles have a very savage and dark history studying voodoo arts and worshiping the loa, however after Thrall had saved their tribe from extinction, Vol'jin son of Sen'jin pledged his tribe to the Horde. Some trolls have now began to study shamanism and more recently druidism, some of these trolls even mix shamanism with voodoo arts, most of the members of the tribe have or are attempting to give up the ways of cannibalism and the other traits of their race's darker history. After retaking much of their territory from the treacherous Zalazane, the Darkspear have been invited to join a revitalized troll empire under the Zandalari's leadership - though Vol'jin has declined this offer.

United Tauren Tribes

Tauren city of Thunder Bluff

The noble tauren of Kalimdor are a race that had hunted the lands of central Kalimdor for generations, however when Thrall and his orcs had arrived onto the lands of Kalimdor they had already been driven near extinction by the marauding centaur that rampaged through their lands. Under the leadership of their high chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof and the young warchief Thrall, the tauren managed to drive back most of the centaur. Since then, Cairne has pledged his people to the Horde. After Cairne's death, the young Baine Bloodhoof has arisen to take his father's place and lead the tauren into a brighter future. With the recent Alliance incursion into the Barrens, the tauren have created a mighty gate to protect their homeland of Mulgore. Even if their Horde allies turn down dark paths during this war, the tauren have resolved to be the light that guides them through it.[30]

Bilgewater Cartel

Goblin city of Bilgewater Harbor

The cunning Bilgewater Cartel goblins from Kezan, one of the most (if not the most) powerful goblin cartels that dominates trade in the south seas, have recently joined the Horde. After Deathwing assaulted Kezan and the goblins were forced to flee, their first escape ships were attacked by an Alliance fleet. With a common enemy, the goblins assisted the captive former Warchief Thrall in breaking his bonds and obliterating the Alliance on the Lost Isles. Their future was tested when their leader, the angered Trade Prince Gallywix, attempted to defeat Thrall and take over Azshara for himself, though this ultimately ended in failure. Thrall mercifully allowed him to retain his position as Trade Prince, and thus the Bilgewater goblins were accepted into the Horde.


Forsaken city of Lordaeron / Undercity

The Horde of the Eastern Kingdoms was initially next to non-existent, with only the Frostwolf orcs and other smaller forces in operation around the continent. In recent years, however, the Horde's presence has been bolstered by the inclusion of the Forsaken of Lordaeron and the blood elves of Quel'Thalas. While considered members of the Horde, their bonds with the western Horde are perhaps not on the same level as the orcs, trolls and tauren.

The Forsaken were once part of the Scourge, forced into mindless servitude under the Lich King. After the Lich King's grip began to weaken, the banshee queen Sylvanas Windrunner broke free from his will, and went on to both free and rally other undead beings to join her own empire of undeath, dubbed the "Forsaken." Under Lady Sylvanas' leadership, the Forsaken used any means necessary to conquer the fallen kingdom and remove both the dreadlords and other foes threatening their dominion. After expelling the Scourge from capital city and massacring the last remaining holdouts of the Alliance, they took over the catacombs of the former capital, renaming the city "Undercity."

With the backing of the tauren, Thrall warily accepted the Forsaken into the Horde, though this alliance of convenience has been tested - great betrayal at the hands of Grand Apothecary Putress has put the Forsaken on a tight leash, made tighter by the new Warchief's less lenient stance on their modus operandi.

Kingdom of Quel'Thalas

Elven city of Silvermoon

The blood elves of Quel'Thalas preside over the other major kingdom of the Eastern Horde. After the Scourge onslaught essentially culled the high elven race, with over 90% of their people killed, the remaining 90% vowed to avenge the destruction of their once-great nation and dubbed themselves the "blood elves" in honor of their fallen brethren. After retaking their homeland with the volatile new powers the magisters advocated, the kingdom of Quel'Thalas was offered aid from an unlikely source - the Forsaken, whose queen, Lady Sylvanas, had lost her life in her attempt to protect Quel'Thalas from the Scourge. With their assistance, the blood elves were able to fend off the lingering Scourge in the kingdom, and were able to enter the Horde as an equal nation of its own.

Quel'Thalas suffered another dark hour in recent years, when its twisted scion Kael'thas Sunstrider attacked his homeland in a mad bid to usher the Burning Legion's master into Azeroth. He was put to death for this on Quel'Danas, and Lor'themar Theron has thus become the sole leader of the blood elven people.


Lore For Noobs


  1. ^ Darkmoon Faire Cataclysm Promotion: Fortune card
  2. ^ "Beginnings and Ends"
  3. ^ H [30-35] Negotiations Terminated
  4. ^ A [10-30] Silencing Rageroar
  5. ^ Theldurin the Lost
  6. ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, p247
  7. ^ H [5-30] Lessons in Fear "No humans were used. <Walden laughs.> Rightfully, they fear being reanimated as Forsaken."
  8. ^
  9. ^ In the Shadow of the Sun
  10. ^ A [5-30] Disturbing Connections
  11. ^ A [5-30] Ending the Threat
  12. ^ H [30-35] Kor'kron Drop
  13. ^ H [10-30] Reinforcements...
  14. ^ H [10-30] Kobold Fury!
  15. ^ H [15-30] Futile Pride
  16. ^ "The Founding of Durotar: A Blaze of Glory Map: Theramore Isle", Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Blizzard Entertainment. Admiral Proudmoore: "Can your blood atone for genocide, orc? Your Horde killed countless innocents with its rampage across Stormwind and Lordaeron. Do you really think you can just sweep all that away and cast aside your guilt so easily? No, your kind will never change, and I will never stop fighting you.".
  17. ^ Alliance & Horde Compendium, pg. 55. Quote: Although the brave and foolhardy Proudmoore and the men and women who followed him are gone, many of Theramore's citizens agreed with their actions.
  18. ^ Horde Player's Guide, pg. 175. Quote: For the time being, the Horde is now our most "obvious" enemy, in that they are numerous, and old hatreds put the fight with them at the top of nearly every priority list.
  19. ^ Tides of War
  20. ^ H [15-35] The Horde Is Family
  21. ^ H [15-35] De-Subjugation
  22. ^ H [15-35] A Gathering Storm
  23. ^ H [15-35] Get My Results!
  24. ^ H [15-35] What's in the Box?
  25. ^ H [15-35] One Last Grasp
  26. ^ World of Warcraft manual, 182
  27. ^ H IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] The Horde Way
  28. ^ H [90] The Measure of a Leader
  29. ^ B [30-35] Call of Duty
  30. ^ Baine Bloodhoof

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