De Darkspear Loa

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HordeDe Darkspear Loa
Start Rokhan[58.58, 65.55]
End Master Gadrin[58.58, 65.55]
Level 50-70
Category Heritage
Experience 8,500
Rewards 10x [Flightstones]
28g 9s
Previous H [50-70] Avatar of Mueh'zala


Destroy Mueh'zala's altar and add Jani's.


Dat was not a traditional trial, but we only keep tradition if it be helping de tribe.

It be our strength: to adapt to what comes.

It be time to shed de past and honor those most important to us. De Darkspear was never de largest tribe, nor de strongest. We endure because we choose our path, and our allies, well.

Dese loa and you all worked and sacrificed not just to help Bwonsamdi, but to protect de souls of de Darkspear. Dat be why we honor our loa... and you.


You will receive:


The effigies need to reflect our favored loa.


De Darkspear don't just serve a loa because dat loa be strong. De Darkspear serve loa who serve de tribe. Dat be what Lukou, Kevo ya Siti, and Jani did. So we honor them now.

De mask you made was not just for de ceremony. Take it, and de raiment of our tribe.

Wear them and know you are Darkspear.


Upon accept:

Bwonsamdi says: Oh, it be a great feelin' to see Mueh'zala's control break to bits.

Upon destroying Meuh'zala's effigy and replacing it with a new effigy for Jani:

Jani says: Aw! A little Jani effigy! It be perfect.

Talking to the troll and loa gathered around Darkspear Hold:

We have had quite the journey together, haven't we, <name>!

Most trolls forget all about Jani.

Jani won't be forgettin' dis day.

We be havin' long road ahead, de Darkspear and ol' Bwonsamdi. But I be looking after all trolls, and more.

Ya be in good hands with Lukou and Kevo ya Siti, and I still be here when ya need me.

Over the years de Darkspear lost a home, good friends, and thought dey lost de loa. Instead of shrinking, dey keep growing. Dis is Lukou's way, and I am ready to help.

It been a long time since I heard de drums and drank de offerings from de Darkspear. Dis may not feel like home yet to us, but it will be soon enough.

Looks like Gadrin be needin' a new apprentice.

Tzadah had such promise, but it be takin' more than just talent ta lead the Darkspear. It takes heart.

Chieftan Rokhan did good. And so did you.

It be a relief to feel Mueh'zala's grasp slippin' off of us.

Didn't know it was even dere til I could breathe again.

We be startin' more Darkspear on de trials now. Everybody should have de chance to connect wit' de loa.

I woulda followed Lukou all dis time if I'd known she was with us. But that be impossible without knowin' her name, or dat she was hurtin'.

I was tempted by Tzadah. Tired of feelin cast off.

But I be ready to heal now, not throw it all away.

De tribe feels in balance. Bwonsamdi is important to us, but I been feeling something missin' since we left our old home.

Upon completion:

Rokhan says: Bwonsamdi. Tzadah was worried dat ya were forgetting us.
Bwonsamdi says: I always be looking out for de Darkspear. Being de Zandalari "Loa of Kings" don't change dat.
Rokhan says: It only took a few frightened trolls turning to Mueh'zala to be putting us all at risk.
Bwonsamdi says: So whatcha gonna do? Kill dem all? Ha!
Bwonsamdi says: Dat's not how de Darkspear work. Dat's why I let you find your own way.
Jani says: With a little help! Hmph.
Bwonsamdi says: When de Amani, Drakkari and even de Zandalari got scared, dey turned on their own in a bloody way.
Bwonsamdi says: When de Darkspear were scared, dey turned to their old loa. Dey found allies.
Lukou says: We would not have joined de Darkspear if dey sacrificed their own.
Kevo ya Siti says: We know de worth of de Darkspear.
Jani says: Jani think so, too.
Bwonsamdi says: Darkspear mean loyalty. Dese loa know that, and so do I.


  1. H [50-70] Return to the Echo Isles
  2. H [50-70] De Old Loa
  3. H [50-70] De Loa of de Past
  4. H [50-70] Stalking the Stalker
  5. H [50-70] There is Another
  6. H [50-70] Looking for Lukou
  7. H [50-70] One with the Loa
  8. H [50-70] The Unkillable and H [50-70] Stolen but Not Forgotten
  9. H [50-70] Heart of Lukou
  10. H [50-70] Honor and Tribute
  11. H [50-70] The Rush'kah
  12. H [50-70] The Loa Trials
  13. H [50-70] De Power of Death, H [50-70] Ritual Recovery and H [50-70] Retraining the Trainees
  14. H [50-70] Avatar of Mueh'zala
  15. H [50-70] De Darkspear Loa

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