An outrunner in World of Warcraft seems the be a mix between a messenger and a scout. Many things in WoW have this name.
Alliance Outrunners
The Alliance Outrunners are four (sometimes just three) level 21-25 elite NPCs in the Barrens, usually near the Southern Gold Road. They have a tendency to gank unsuspecting Horde players, and these victims usually return to gank them at a higher level in return.
- Members
Hannah Bladeleaf <Alliance Outrunner> (Night elf)
Thora Feathermoon <Alliance Outrunner> (Night elf)
Aean Swiftriver <Alliance Outrunner> (Night elf)
Marcus Bel <Alliance Outrunner> (Human)
Blood elven Outrunners
Group of blood elves that take care of shuttling goods between Sunstrider Isle and the mainland (which is Silvermoon City). Their travels are not devoid of danger as the Ruins of Silvermoon, which they have to go through, is controlled by the wretched and defective arcane guardians.
- Members
Tauren Outrunners
The Outrunners' duty is to ensure the safety of those who travel across the plains of Mulgore.[1] Morin Cloudstalker is among their numbers.[2]
Centaur outrunners
Different centaur clans have outrunners.
- Members
- Galak tribe in Mulgore
- Other
Dark Horde outrunners
The Dark Horde have outrunners in the Redridge Mountains.
- Members
Gnoll outrunners
Some gnoll packs have outrunners.
- Members
- Riverpaw pack in Elwynn Forest
High elven outrunners
The Highvale Outrunners are high elves from Quel'Danil Lodge in the Hinterlands.
- Members
Night elven outrunners
Night elves have outrunners to watch out for invading forces in Ashenvale.
- Members
Hozen outrunners
Some Hozen tribes have outrunners.
- Members
- Forest Hozen in Jade Forest
Yaungol outrunners
Some Yaungol tribes have outrunners.
- Members
- Bataari tribe in Kun-Lai Summit
Quests involving interaction with outrunners
[1-30] Aiding the Outrunners
[7-30] Ashenvale Outrunners
There are several items which outrunners may use:
[Outrunner's Bow]; which is a bow which can be bought by pvp'ers contesting in the Warsong Gulch.
- Outrunner's collection; which is a whole collection of items with the name outrunner as prefix.