- For the character from an alternate universe, see Mogor (alternate universe).
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Title |
Hero of the Warmaul, the Ogre |
Gender | Male |
Race | Ogre mage |
Level | 15-30 Elite |
Class | Shaman |
Resource | Mana |
Reaction | Alliance Horde |
Affiliation(s) | Warmaul clan |
Former affiliation(s) |
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Occupation | Hero of the Warmaul |
Former occupation(s) |
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Location | Ring of Blood, Nagrand |
Status | Killable |
“Mogor decim-...Mogor destro-...Mogor KILL!”
- — Mogor
Mogor the Ogre is an ogre mage and a champion of the Warmaul clan, serving as the final encounter of the Ring of Blood in Nagrand. He leads a portion of their forces based in the Laughing Skull Ruins in northern Nagrand. He watches, while shouting insults at you, during the battles in the Ring. After you finish pummeling (or getting pummeled by) the 5 elites, Mogor himself comes down to fight you personally. He is ultimately killed.
For his role as the leader of the Laughing Skull clan in Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal, see #Notes and trivia.
He has a slight heal, but has a ton of health, making it a very annoying ability. When he is first killed he will resurrect himself (He will have less health this time around) and will enrage, hitting for over 1000 damage on plate armor.
Chain Lightning — Strikes an enemy with a lightning bolt that arcs to another nearby enemy. The spell affects up to 10 targets, inflicting greater Nature damage to each successive target.
Flame Shock — Instantly burns an enemy, then inflicts additional Fire damage every 3 sec. for 12 sec.
Frenzy — Increases the caster's attack speed by 50% and the Physical damage it deals by 100% for 10 min.
Healing Wave — Calls upon Nature magic to heal an ally.
Revive Self
Summon Ice Totem — Summons an Ice Totem that lasts 1 min. and inflicts Frost damage to nearby enemies every 3 sec, slowing their attacks and movement.
Objective of
[15-30G5] The Ring of Blood: The Final Challenge
- No more chances! Now you pay da ogre!
- No more nice ogre! You hurt Mogor!!
- Now you face da true champion! I give you chance to run away little one. Run away now before Mogor decim... destyor... Run away before Mogor KILL!
Notes and trivia

- Mogor was originally said to be the renegade leader of the Laughing Skull clan in Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal.[1] His involvement in the game was limited to controlling a rogue order of death knights in the first Orcish mission, where he was defeated[2] by the Slayer of the Shadowmoon clan with the help of Grommash Hellscream.[3] The Beyond the Dark Portal novel seems to have replaced his role since with Obris.
- He isn't mentioned as being related to the orcish clan anywhere else besides the fact that he is situated in the Laughing Skull Ruins in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, and Warlords of Draenor fails to establish any connection between him and the Laughing Skulls.
- Fans sometimes expand his role as being the narrator of the Dance of the Laughing Skull mission, this story mission was excised from Beyond the Dark Portal and the closest equivalent in the novel was Obris giving Khadgar the Book of Medivh to spite Ner'zhul. Thus it is unknown whom the narrator of the mission is. This belief was one that his Hearthstone card seems to reference.
- Even though he was described as a mage, he uses shaman abilities in the arena and is described as such in the TCG.
- Mogor appears as a legendary card in the Goblins vs Gnomes expansion of Hearthstone. His flavor text reads "Mogor helped reopen the Dark Portal once. You know you're in trouble when you have to rely on an ogre." This is a reference to Mogor's only appearance in the aforementioned Warcraft II mission.
- Mogor's TCG art from the Blood of Gladiators set is also used by the Ogre Magi card, which was present in the game at launch, long before Mogor himself was added.
- In the Grand Tournament expansion, there is also a rare card called Mogor's Champion, whose flavor text reads: "This champion has learned from the best. Except for his target selection."
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This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
Warlords of Draenor shows Mogor with only one head, implying that he was one of the many ogres magically given two heads by Gul'dan during the Second War.
Mogor's TCG artwork, also used by the "Ogre Magi" card in Hearthstone.
Patch changes
Patch 2.0.3 (2007-01-09): Added.