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Seat of the Naaru

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The Seat of the Naaru.
The unnamed bank.
The seat during the Battle for the Exodar.

The Seat of the Naaru is the central section of the Exodar where O'ros, a naaru, resides down on the lower levels. It is a circular area with purple flux shimmering in the center. The area contains entrances to the bank, Alliance-linked Auction House, and hallways leading to three other wings. Both the Auction House and bank have mailboxes by their entrances. The area also has small trading posts of General Goods and Bags.

During the Battle for the Exodar, the seat was invaded by the Burning Legion, with High General Rakeesh, Velen's son, killing O'ros, the last prime naaru. With its death, the seat remains empty.[1]



Bc icon.gif The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 3.2.0 but is present in Burning Crusade Classic.

Patch changes
