Kul Tiras (kingdom)

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This article is about the human kingdom. For the island chain, see Kul Tiras. For the playable allied race, see Kul Tiran (playable).
AllianceAdmiralty of Kul Tiras
Kul Tiran crest.png
Main leader  Lord Admiral Jaina Proudmoore
  Formerly See below
Secondary leaders  Katherine Proudmoore
 Lady Lucille Waycrest
 Brother Pike
 Tandred Proudmoore
HumanHuman Nobles of Kul Tiras
  Formerly  Lady Priscilla Ashvane †
 Lord Stormsong †
 Lord Arthur Waycrest †
 Lady Meredith Waycrest †
 Derek Proudmoore †
 Lieutenant Benedict[1] †
Race(s) HumanHumanIconSmall HumanThin.gifHumanHuman Human
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
GnomeGnome Gnome
Capital Boralus
Sub-group(s) Kul Tiras' military
Affiliation Alliance
  Formerly Independent, Alliance of Lordaeron,[2] Arathorian Empire
Status Active
Tabard Tiras.jpg

“Every Kul Tiran shares a bond with the sea. From the tides, we draw our strength. Our courage. For a time, we let fear and distrust divide us. Lost in a storm of doubt, we forgot what it meant to stand as one people. As one family. Today, Kul Tiras proudly flies the Alliance flag once more. Whatever awaits us on the horizon, we will face it... together.”

Katherine Proudmoore[3]

Kul Tiras, officially the Admiralty of Kul Tiras[4] (also spelled Kul'Tiras,[5][6] and pronounced KOOL-teer-AHS) is a maritime[7] human kingdom[8][9][10] based on the archipelago of the same name. Originally an Arathorian city-state founded by Gilnean sailors after the Troll Wars, it became an independent kingdom after the empire split apart into the Seven Kingdoms. It is known for its strong seafaring tradition, legendary naval fleet, and, until the First War, its far-reaching merchant ships, which made it the most prosperous nation in the known world.[11] During the Second War, Kul Tiras joined the other human kingdoms in forming the Alliance of Lordaeron, and its ruler Lord Admiral Daelin Proudmoore was named Grand Admiral of the Alliance, giving him supreme command over all Alliance naval forces.

After the Third War, Daelin led Kul Tiras in an invasion of the orc nation of Durotar, a conflict that ended with the Lord Admiral's death in a Horde assault on the city of Theramore.[12][13] With his demise, Kul Tiras fell silent and withdrew from the Alliance. Its exact status remained a mystery until the Fourth War, by which point the isolated nation had begun to splinter and fall prey to foes from both within and without. Members of the Alliance helped quell these threats and reunite the kingdom's various regions, prompting Kul Tiras to pledge its loyalty to the Alliance once more.

Kul Tiras is governed by four noble houses—House Waycrest, House Stormsong, House Ashvane, and House Proudmoore—and is ruled by Lord Admiral Jaina Proudmoore.


Early history

Kul Tiras' borders prior to the Great Wars.

2,700 years BDP, after the Troll Wars, the humans of Arathor expanded the kingdom in size and power. Those who had settled in the coastal region of Gilneas constructed a series of robust harbors. The boldest of the sailors eventually discovered a large island to the south that was rich with metal ores and other valuable natural resources.[14] The first of them became the tidesages, and they guided others to the island soon after.[15] Some of them stayed on this island and founded a mighty maritime outpost named Kul Tiras. Over the decades, these new cities continued to grow and develop their own unique customs.[14]

Following their arrival in Kul Tiras, the human colonists encountered the native Drust.[16] Despite the humans' intention of living in harmony with them, the large and hardy race did not welcome them amicably and would raid the human settlers for generations. Thus was born the Order of Embers, an organization dedicated to counter these attacks. Thornspeakers, a group of Drust that had kept to their druidic heritage, broke off from the rest and some eventually integrated into Kul Tiran society.[17] Many years later, Colonel Arom Waycrest decided the time had come to end the bloodshed. He organized a final assault against the Drust and their city of Gol Osigr, assisted by both Ulfar's Thornspeakers and Athair.[18] Arom faced their leader Gorak Tul himself and valiantly gave him the final blow. The Drust King's armies and constructs all faltered at once.[19][20] From this victory, Arom was promoted to Lord and became the patriarch and founder of House Waycrest. Even after his death, his descendants would live in fame and power for a thousand years to come.

1,200 years BDP, the kingdom of Arathor disintegrated. Its once-small trading outposts and cities had grown into independent city-states, which over generations became increasingly distant and insular. The island bastion of Kul Tiras continued its traditions of trading and shipping. The city-state boasted a massive navy - the greatest in all of Arathor. Its mighty fleets of merchant vessels sailed throughout the seas,[21] its most daring captains exploring the coasts of the Eastern Kingdoms and returning with exotic goods and tales of strange lands in the remote corners of the continent. Kul Tiras's shipping and fishing economy eclipsed the maritime power of its northern neighbor, Gilneas. Unable to compete with Kul Tiras' burgeoning navy, Gilneas instead focused on bolstering its land-based armies and mercantile capabilities.[22]

75 years prior to the First War, King Barathen Wrynn of Stormwind sent envoys to beseech Lordaeron, Kul Tiras, and the other human kingdoms for aid during the Gnoll War. But they would not send assistance, seeing no advantage in helping the smaller, rural nation, as Stormwind was self-sufficient and trade with the other kingdoms was rare.[23]

The Second War

Kul Tiras forces fighting the Burning Blade clan during the Second War, as seen in a Warcraft III: Reforged flashback.

Prior to the Second War, Kul Tiras was among the Council of Seven Nations and its leader Lord Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, who was a long-time friend of Anduin Lothar, believed that vengeance on behalf of a destroyed nation was the correct course of action. The Lord Admiral was in favor of joining the Alliance of Lordaeron, which would eradicate the threat of the Horde and reclaim Stormwind for its survivors.[24][25]

Under the control of the new Grand Admiral, the Alliance navy intercepted the Horde fleet near the island of Zul'Dare, before the Battle of Hillsbrad Foothills. Proudmoore's vessels finding the crude Horde ships was akin to a wolf crossing paths with an injured lamb. Proudmoore's seasoned maritime fleet was able to easily outmaneuver the less sea-experienced orc navy sooner than he anticipated. Orcish ships were blown to pieces by Alliance cannon volley, and the crews of sunken transports were swallowed by the waves. Proudmoore soon realized that he could destroy the entire Horde army at sea and bring a quick end to the Second War.

However, the Horde fleet was not alone. Warchief Doomhammer, who had been wary of the humans' naval superiority, had ordered the Dragonmaw clan to supply the newly enslaved red dragonflight as support. Though reluctant to do so as battle mount training had not yet been completed, Nekros Skullcrusher sent three red dragons to protect the Horde fleet as it crossed to Lordaeron. He threatened to torture their mother Alexstrasza with the Demon Soul if they disobeyed. Reluctantly following the orcs from behind, the enslaved red dragons appeared after Proudmoore's navy attacked and bathed several of the Alliance vessels in fire. Though the dragons were few in number, Proudmoore had no means to combat them at the time and was forced to call a retreat. As the Alliance fleet scattered, the Horde ships continued their advance toward Lordaeron.[26]

Kul Tiras forces were later stationed along the northern border of Khaz Modan, fighting to keep the orcs from advancing into southern Lordaeron.[27]

After the Horde was completely driven from Lordaeron and Khaz Modan was liberated, the Black Tooth Grin clan with the Horde fleet had been sailing towards the Horde-controlled Stormwind when they were attacked near the island of Crestfall by the Alliance navy under the command of Grand Admiral Proudmoore. The battle had begun similar to the one near Zul'Dare, Proudmoore outmaneuvered his foes and hammered them with cannon fire. And just as before, the Horde had dragons. The beasts swooped down from the skies and engulfed the Alliance ships in sheets of fire.

Admiral Proudmoore's ships were able to easily outflank the lumbering and crude orc vessels, wracking them with cannon fire and inflicting casualties. The Horde ships were guarded by red dragon riders, which dove from the sky and burned Alliance vessels. This time, however, the Alliance fleet was accompanied by Wildhammer dwarf gryphon riders led by Kurdran Wildhammer. The gryphon riders had learned from their battles against the dragons across the high elven kingdom of Quel'Thalas to use their mobility against their larger adversaries. They attacked the dragons in a flurry of movement, drawing their attention away from the ships below. The lightning-infused stormhammers of gryphon riders were wielded with deadly efficiency against the formidable flames of their scaled enemies. Without the dragons, the Horde fleet stood little chance and continued to suffer disastrous losses at the hands of the Alliance navy. The sea itself was painted red with the blood of the countless individuals drowning or being killed outright in the struggle.

Eventually, the majority of the Horde fleet was left in ruins by Proudmoore's superior forces. Only a handful of vessels escaped being sunk, including Dal'rend and Maim's ship. Above, the dwarves' fearless efforts were enough to ultimately drive the dragon riders to flight, and they subsequently scattered in all directions.[28] Among the losses suffered by Proudmoore's navy was the loss of the Third Fleet to the dragon-riders of the Dragonmaw orcs, taking with it Derek Proudmoore, eldest son of the Grand Admiral.[29]

Beyond the Dark Portal

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

As a member of the Alliance Kul Tiras reported the Horde's movements.[30] A portion of their fleet was attacked by black dragons in or near Baradin Bay.[31]

Following the splintering of the Alliance, Kul Tiras was one of the nations that remained an ally of King Terenas. Admiral Proudmoore, whose mighty fleets patrolled the trade lanes hunting pirates and marauders, maintained order on the high seas.[32]

The Third War

The base of the Kul Tiras Marines on the Darkspear islands, which were hostile to the trolls, was destroyed by Thrall's New Horde as it made its way across the Great Sea to Kalimdor, coinciding with an attack by the naga sea witch Zar'jira and her murloc minions.[33]

Prior the Siege of Dalaran, Lady Jaina Proudmoore, a powerful sorceress of Dalaran and the dear daughter of Lord Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, worked tirelessly to rally as many refugees as she could after she had been convinced by the mysterious Prophet that sailing west to Kalimdor was the only course to save humanity. When she set sail for Kalimdor, her forces included members from nearly every Alliance race, including humans from Kul Tiras and other nations in the region.[34] She commandeered the Kul Tiras fleet[35] and traveled across the Great Sea, in her haste apparently leaving her father uninformed.[36] The Human Expedition was also accompanied by the Kul Tiras Elite Corps.[37]

Jaina's goal was to reach the Oracle at Stonetalon Peak, which Thrall and the Horde also sought. The two factions warred across the Stonetalon Mountains until the two leaders simultaneously stumbled upon the Prophet who had sent them both to Kalimdor, imploring them to unite against the arrival of the Burning Legion. The two unlikely allies ultimately agreed to put aside their history of conflict and worked together to defeat the corrupted Warsong clan of Grom Hellscream in the Barrens. Moving their forces into Ashenvale Forest, the humans and orcs battled with the invading Legion's demons and their Scourge minions, as well as the xenophobic night elf Sentinels. Jaina was able to help in the Legion's defeat at Mount Hyjal with another desperate alliance with the night elves, and eventually decided to stay in Kalimdor with the people that had traveled with her, founding Theramore Isle. Her unlikely treaty with Thrall and the orcs, who settled in nearby Durotar, remained inviolate.

The founding of Durotar

Main article: Invasion of Durotar
The Kul Tiras Navy attacking the Echo Isles.

Admiral Daelin Proudmoore's fleet eventually reached Kalimdor after some time to reestablish contact with the missing Human Expedition that escaped the destruction of Lordaeron and search for his missing daughter.[38] Yet when they discovered the fugitive orcs and Darkspear trolls had established a foothold on the land, Admiral Proudmoore launched an invasion on the resurgent Horde's new kingdom. Preparing himself for landfall, Daelin made Lieutenant Benedict second in command in his absence, giving him full authority on domestic Kul Tiras military matters.[1]

At first, the location of Jaina and the survivors of Lordaeron was unknown[39] - Lieutenant Alverold was dispatched to scout the whole coastline of Kalimdor, while Proudmoore ordered various forces to head inland (such as Captain Thornby). Camps and fortifications soon sprung up across the eastern coast of Kalimdor, including Tiragarde Keep. Unwilling to even parlay with the orcs that were his daughter's allies, the Grand Admiral relentlessly attacked the Horde in Durotar. Thrall ultimately ordered retaliation against the humans responsible, although he was unable to conclude them a separate force from Jaina's Theramore. The Kul Tiras fleet began attacking the Horde settlements on the Echo Isles, forcing the Darkspear trolls to relocate to the mainland. Kul Tiras forces even attempted to assassinate Thrall by trying to lure him to a parlay. Finally, Rexxar and his companions were sent by Thrall to Theramore to deliver a personal plea to explain the spate of human aggression, bypassing a Kul Tiran coastal base.

Kul Tiran marines landing on Theramore Isle.

Jaina met with Thrall's emissaries and was bewildered by their accusations. Demanding to see proof, they journeyed back to the mainland to discover the coastal base destroyed by naga. Finding survivors, Jaina recognized them as her countrymen. Teleporting back to Theramore Isle, Jaina was helpless to explain as her father arrived dramatically. Initially overjoyed, Admiral Proudmoore was incensed by his daughter's alliance with the Horde and ordered her and the emissaries to be seized, taking over Theramore's military and defenses. He then returned to the mainland at his new stronghold of Northwatch Hold.[40] Rexxar managed to rouse the trolls, tauren and even Stonemaul ogres to the Horde's banner, and the two factions fought over Northwatch.

After their victory, Thrall and his armies marched towards Theramore where he was advised by a renegade Jaina Proudmoore to hire goblin shipbuilders to construct warships capable of breaking the blockade of Theramore, on the condition that Thrall attempt to spare the lives of her soldiers. After a long and climactic battle within Theramore itself, Daelin Proudmoore lay dead. The remaining humans stood down, and a devastated Jaina ran to her father's side. Thrall left the city intact, and understanding this had been an incident out of Jaina's control, he maintained his treaty with Theramore Isle.

The ruins of Tiragarde Keep in Durotar.

A year later, as ordered by Daelin before disembarking, Lieutenant Benedict launched a second wave of Kul Tiras sailors and marines, retaking Tiragarde Keep while awaiting Lieutenant Alverold's return.[1] Even though the Horde was unable to expel them for many years, the Keep and its sailors were finally destroyed by the Cataclysm.[41] By then most of the other survivors of Daelin's fleet had already sailed back to the Eastern Kingdoms.[42] The fate of Lieutenant Alverold's expedition around Kalimdor is still unknown, thought he might have been one of those.

When the people of Kul Tiras learned of their Lord Admiral's fate, they cried out for vengeance for his death, but the rest of the Alliance did not seek it. The plague of undeath in Lordaeron had already left the Alliance reeling, and its other leaders had little pity for Daelin Proudmoore, who had launched a war of aggression on his own authority. In fury, the people of Kul Tiras isolated themselves from the Alliance. But their anger was not focused on King Varian Wrynn or any of the other Alliance leaders. Instead, they grew to hate Jaina Proudmoore, the daughter who had betrayed her family.[42]

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

A Kultiran fighting a Zandalari troll during the Fourth War.

As the Horde made allies of the Zandalari, the Alliance reached out to Kul Tiras in order to gain their support and access to their powerful navy. However, they first needed to prove their worth to the nation's ruling houses.[43] Kul Tiras has degenerated severely in contemporary times; it is plagued with crime, piracy, corruption, a missing Kul Tiran fleet, Drust incursions, Old Gods radicalization of the tidesages, a burgeoning Kul Tiran civil war, and to compound further their problems, the Horde had recently raided Brennadam and invaded Stormsong Valley.

After reconciling the estranged Proudmoore family and stabilizing Kul Tiras' troubled territories, the Alliance had once again regained the Kul Tirans' trust and unified the maritime nation. Lady Ashvane secretly plotted to usurp Katherine Proudmoore's rule over the island kingdom, but her attempt was ultimately thwarted by Alliance adventurers.[4] Lady Jaina Proudmoore's success in foiling House Ashvane's coup d'état and recovering Kul Tiras' missing fleet had also restored faith in Proudmoore leadership and she was subsequently named Lord Admiral for her accomplishments.[44] Faced with the threat of the Horde, Kul Tiras rejoined the Alliance. The Kul Tirans then retaliated against the Horde by joining the Alliance during their invasion of Zuldazar.


Main article: Kul Tiras

People and culture

“We may live off the land, but we are still children of the sea.”

Brennadam Citizens
The banner of Kul Tiras.

Kul Tiras is ruled by four houses: House Proudmoore, House Waycrest, House Stormsong, and House Ashvane.[43] Each house has a seat on a council that rules the nation. The strength of each seat varies in terms of political power, which leads to political intrigue between the houses.[45] Though each house flies its own colors, the Kul Tiran national color is green.

Something originating from Kul Tiras is known as "Tirasian",[46] a term sometimes spelled as "Tirassian".[47] In Battle for Azeroth, the term "Kul Tiran" is used.

The humans of Kul Tiras often have a more robust and rugged look than their continental brethren. Their clothing is made for harsh weather, with high collars. They have a pride and connection with ships, and as such their buildings are inspired by them.[48] While the crews of Tirasian ships are known to be easily amused, the nation's merchant lords are notorious for their bald pates.[49] The Kul Tiran Outriggers fight and hunt the monsters of the Great Sea around their island.[50] Kul Tiras also once housed a sizeable population of gnomes, who one day all went missing because of Mechagon Island.[51]

They have a specific accent,[52][53] Jaina Proudmoore stated she lost her accent on purpose after arriving in Dalaran, in order to fit in better.[54] An expression of shock for Kul Tirans is "For tides' sake."[55]

Animal husbandry and horsemanship are important disciplines to the Kul Tirans, many of whom are skilled riders and falconers.[56] Horses in the Kul Tiras military are bred from an early age not to fear the sea, and revel in galloping along the shoreline and through the spray.[57] Combat prowess is an important requirement for Kul Tiran riders.[58] The Norwington Equestrian and Hunt Festival draws equestrian riders and hunters from all over Kul Tiras for their competitions.

Because storm silver is lightweight and resists corrosion, Kul Tirans use it in their ships. They also use it for armor for their marines and even pirates, so that they can swim without sinking.[59] Once this sacred material is blessed by a sea priest for use in shipbuilding, it is buried underwater for a year.[60]

Piracy is considered one of the most vile of crimes under Kul Tiran law. Those caught and charged with piracy are sentenced to death and publicly executed, the task being accomplished by an executioner.[61] The death penalty by hanging can also be applied for thieves, it was notably the case of Flynn Fairwind's mother, Lyra Fairwind.[62] In Drustvar, Lucille Waycrest narrowly escaped being hanged at Hangman's Point, after being falsely accused of being a witch.[63]

The Kul Tirans created a song about Jaina and her role in Daelin's death.

Kul Tiras exports a type of wine known as Kul Tiras red.[64]


The Kul Tirans worship a goddess called the Tidemother, and most people on Kul Tiras look to the seas for guidance the same way others look to the Light.[65] The Kul Tirans have always survived primarily on their wits and bravery, for while the Light rewards conviction, the ocean demands activity.[66] The order called tidesages have a much deeper connection with the water.[65] All seaworthy Kul Tiran vessels are blessed by the tidesages, who commune with the sea to guide the nation's legendary fleet.[67]

For the most part, the people of Kul Tiras do not bury their dead, but rather send them to the sea. The tidesages use an ornate bell named a Dead Ringer[68] that calls the souls of the recently deceased to them, and release them through the Ritual of Release.[69] The souls of the fallen are released into rivers that flow through the Shrine of the Storm and out into the open sea.[70] Despite this, there is a large cemetery in Drustvar, indicating that the region has a different tradition and does bury their dead.

The Church of the Holy Light spread its faith in Kul Tiras,[71] and consequently the inhabitants of Drustvar in particular worship the Holy Light.[72][73][74][75][76] Among their priests, Mercy Fairwater was one of the champions known as the Defenders of Drustvar. During the Second War, the Third Fleet of Kul Tiras had at least two holy Eyes of Paleth on board before being sunk.[77][78] During the invasion of Durotar, the Kul Tiras navy deployed Light-wielding chaplains and their elites, under the guidance of a superior officer. The Chief Petty Officer was a mighty Kul Tiran paladin of the Silver Hand and one of Admiral Daelin Proudmoore's most loyal officers. At least two members of the Order of Embers also wield the Light, and some Kul Tirans can be found among the Purified that defend Drustvar during Faction Assaults.

Kul Tirans have a druidic order known as the Thornspeakers. Most people seem to be wary of them.[79]

Folklore and traditions

Kul Tiran folklore claims that beings called mermaids lived near Boralus early in its history. The humans viewed them as accursed creatures who portended storms and drowned sailors for amusement, until the mermaid Halia, her love, the tidesage Ery, and all of the other mermaids in the region helped save Boralus from a great storm by constructing the city's great seawall. Ery nearly died in the process, but Halia subsequently slit open the tidesage's feet and jumped with her into the harbor, prompting the mermaids' Mother to transform Ery into a mermaid as well. As long as Boralus' seawall has stood, its people now swear on mermaids as symbols of highest honor and good luck, as well as sacrifice, for no mermaids were ever seen in the harbor again after the storm. All of Kul Tiras knows Ery's story, and on certain calm sunsets when the red is deeply reflected in the surface of Boralus Harbor, old sailors call it "Ery's blood", which presages good weather, in remembrance of the dutiful tidesage and the mermaid who loved her.[66]

Kul Tirans have a tradition where during a celebration, be it a funeral, wedding, or birthday, they incorporate  [Star Moss] into the decorations. They do it so that those who are no longer among the living can be there in spirit. Star moss is magically sensitive to emotions: feelings of loss, reverence, and joy keep the blooms from wilting.[80] Sailors will give their loved ones a  [Sea Stalk] flower and keep the stalk itself on themselves. Because sea stalk has the magical ability to keep its flower watered even if they are disconnected, if the sailor falls overboard and the saltwater kills the stalk, the flower will also die. The flower wilting therefore signifies that your lover has died. Some sailors consider them bad luck, almost tempting fate. Others want their loved ones to not have to wait for bad news. Sea stalks are seen as not just a stick, but as a family member's life.[81]

It is customary to place swords on the grave or locations of the brave, fallen warriors of the nation. The swords are sometimes adorned with trinkets or jewelry.[82] Some Kul Tirans speak of a boatman that calls them after death.[83] Jaina Proudmoore once saw and paid the obol with one of these trinkets to a hooded figure.[84]

When a Kul Tiran becomes captain of their own vessel, they are gifted a spyglass worked with precious gems.[85]

Ruling houses of Kul Tiras

The four houses that rule Kul Tiras used to be unified under Daelin Proudmoore's leadership, but that gradually changed after his death.[67]

Notable people

Notable leaders

History Before the Dark Portal WC2-BnetE-logo.png WC2BtDP-logo.png WC3RoC-logo.png WC3tFT-logo.png After the invasion of Durotar Battle for Azeroth Shadowlands Dragonflight The War Within
Ruler Lord Admiral Daelin Proudmoore Lord Admiral Katherine Proudmoore Lord Admiral Jaina Proudmoore


The Kul Tiran fleet's crest.

The Admiralty of Kul Tiras possibly possesses the world's largest navy, rivaled only by the Zandalari's Golden Fleet.[43] By the time of the Fourth War however, there were not many professional soldiers in Kul Tiras. The majority were farmers, millers, beekeepers or other people who were not familiar with weapons and had to be drafted.[86]

It has a number of named military organizations:

Other forces active during/after the Third War
Alliance of Lordaeron forces under Daelin's command during the invasion of Durotar

Along with the standard human, dwarven, gnomish, and historically high elven soldiery of the Alliance, Kul Tiras has employed:

Kul Tiran soldiers introduced before Battle for Azeroth bearing the Kul Tiran tabard include: Lieutenant Benedict, Watch Commander Zalaphil, Kul Tiras Marines, Kul Tiras Sailors, and Shipwrecked Captives. Except for the last that were added in Legion, these are tagged with the Stormwind faction, but its story affiliation is unclear although it may be for gameplay purposes.

The Kul Tiran military prides itself on mastery of both sea, through a vast navy, and land, with armed cavalry.[91]

Soldiers of Boralus have a badge for identifying individuals under certain circumstances. The badge is a small Proudmoore anchor.[92]


The Baradin Bay area.

Tiragarde Keep

Tiragarde Keep was the former citadel of Grand Admiral Daelin Proudmoore during his invasion of Durotar, the ruined fort was subsequently held by Lieutenant Benedict who wished to continue Daelin's campaign to vanquish the orcs from Durotar.

Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Tiragarde Keep and all its inhabitants were drowned by the tidal waves caused by the Cataclysm. The Northwatch Expeditionary Force led by Lieutenant Palliter then occupied the ruins of the keep.

Its treasures ended up in the hands of Gail Nozzywig.

Northwatch Hold

During the invasion of Durotar, Admiral Proudmoore took over the Theramore Guard keep of Northwatch Hold and made it his main stronghold.[40] Northwatch was retaken in a bitter battle by forces under the command of Thrall and Rexxar, Champion of the Horde.

The Frozen Throne originally said that the battle happened at Tidefury Cove instead.

Darkspear Islands

WC3RoC-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

The Kul Tiras Marines had a base on the Darkspear Islands. Led by an archmage, they frequently attacked the Darkspear tribe. The trolls enlisted the help of Thrall and the Horde to stop the settlement from attacking them. Near the end of the fight, Horde soldiers and Tirasian marines were captured by the Underworld Minions in order to be used as sacrifices to the sea witch Zar'jira. Despite sharing a common foe, the marines continued to attack the Horde. Unlike the Horde members, none appeared to make it out alive - many died in an attempt to break out, and the rest presumably drowned in the destruction of the islands.

"Coastal Base"

WC3RoC-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

Settlers from Kul Tiras founded this unnamed coastal base on the shores of Dustwallow Marsh. Although defended by veteran soldiers, it fell to a surprise attack from the naga during Admiral Proudmoore's invasion of Kalimdor.

Tol Barad

Following the Second War, what remained of the blackened, derelict battlements in Tol Barad was left to languish until the wizards of Kul Tiras claimed the isle for a new purpose. Towering walls were again stacked high from the war-scarred stones, but in their cleverness, the arcanists turned the citadel's defenses inward, designing a mystical prison to hold the most powerful criminals. Serving the Tirasian magi, the Stromic population formed the Baradin's Wardens: charged with ensuring that the deadly prisoners locked away in the mystic Baradin Hold never again walk free on Azeroth.[93][94]

Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

The prison, and indeed the island in general, became a major site of conflict between the Alliance and the Horde after the Cataclysm.


Crestfall is an island off Kul Tiras' northeastern coast and was part of the nation's territory. Currently, the island is abandoned.

Purgation Isle

Prior to the First War, Purgation Isle was a territory of Kul Tiras.[95]

Presence in World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Theramore banner in World of Warcraft.

Even before the kingdom's debut in Battle for Azeroth, there were Tirasian settlements scattered across the eastern coast of Kalimdor, most notably at Tiragarde Keep in Durotar. The forces of Theramore Isle and Northwatch Hold wear the anchor of Kul Tiras on a white field instead of green, reflecting Theramore's semi-autonomy from Kul Tiras under Jaina Proudmoore's rule. Kul Tiras Marines are briefly mentioned in part of the Missing Diplomat quest chain.  [Kul Tiras Wine] appears in Northrend for the quest A [10-30] In Wine, Truth.

The Lost Fleet in the Wetlands is the remnant of the Tirasian fleet destroyed by Horde-controlled red dragons in the Second War.


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

According to Bornakk, Kul Tiras "will not be visible at the start of Cataclysm – something about tectonic plates shifting it out to sea... We may yet get to experience Kul Tiras in later patches".[96] At Blizzcon 2010, Alex Afrasiabi responded to a questioner, "We have to save something for the future patches, not now. We will deal with Kul Tiras in the future."[97]

The isle of Tol Barad, however, which used to belong to Kul Tiras, was added in Cataclysm. Baradin's Wardens, the Alliance faction on Tol Barad, were known to wear Kul Tiran tabards in an early beta screenshot of the Eastern Earthshrine,[98] though it was changed. Later released info regarding Baradin's Wardens stated that many of them do indeed hail from Kul Tiras, suggesting the kingdom's continued involvement in Alliance affairs.[99]

Despite what was said, the idea of including Kul Tiras during Cataclysm did not come to fruition.


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

A number of humans wearing Kul Tiras tabards appear among the shipwrecked captives in Oceanus Cove, alongside Zandalari trolls and other sea-faring species.

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Kul Tiras is one of two continents revealed in the Battle for Azeroth expansion and it is a major questing continent for the Alliance.

In Warcraft II

WC2-BnetE-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness or its expansion Beyond the Dark Portal.

The Kul Tiran banner in Warcraft II.

Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness

Leader: Lord Admiral Daelin Proudmoore

Nation Color: Green

Background: Before the First War, the far ranging merchant ships of Kul Tiras made it the most prosperous nation in the known world. When the Orcs began to raid the coastal settlements of Lordaeron, Admiral Proudmoore took it upon himself to construct an armada of warships. At the behest of his long time friend Anduin Lothar, Proudmoore has pledged the assistance of his merchant-nation to the Alliance.[11]

Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal

The following events were retconned by the novel Beyond the Dark Portal.

The Alliance claimed victory over the Orcish Horde in the Second War, and the Dark Portal was destroyed. With Sir Anduin Lothar's death at the siege of Blackrock Spire, Admiral Proudmoore pulled his nation from the Alliance,[100] which had descended into chaotic bickering, especially on what should be done to the orcish clans taken prisoner in the war. Proudmoore objected to King Terenas II of Lordaeron's decision to inter the orcs in camps across Stromgarde and Lordaeron,[101] as many other nations did, as they would all have to share the cost of keeping their former enemies alive, including Orgrim Doomhammer, Warchief of the Horde. Kul Tiras left the Alliance of Lordaeron sometime afterwards.[101]

The island nation enjoyed a fleeting peace. With the reopening of the Dark Portal, Kul Tiras itself was attacked by a renewed Orcish offensive on the orders of Ner'zhul, spiritual leader of the orcs on their homeland of Draenor. Its fleet was assaulted both at sea and in port by the Shadowmoon clan,[100] who laid waste at the very least to its harbor, ships[102] and what armies were rallied against them in a pre-emptive strike in order to allow safe passage to Lordaeron. The carnage wrought upon his homeland left an indelible mark on Admiral Proudmoore's conscience.[103] Kul Tiras rejoined the Alliance.

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Kul Tiras has always been a merchant nation. Historically, it has retained a powerful navy, and its fleets were invaluable in the Second War. Since that time, Kul Tiras has lost both Grand Admiral Daelin Proudmoore and his daughter Jaina to Kalimdor although their fates are not known. The only remaining Proudmoore, Tandred, now rules this realm.

Kul Tiras has remained inviolate from the Scourge, due mostly to its strategic positioning. An island nation between Azeroth and Lordaeron, Kul Tiras still possesses powerful warships that patrol the waters. Pirates, murlocs, and naga pose a serious threat to the nation.[104]

The islands of Crestfall and Tol Barad are part of the nation.[104]


The nation-island of Kul Tiras was instrumental in the Second War. As one of the Alliance's staunchest supporters, Grand Admiral Daelin Proudmoore constructed a huge armada to battle the approaching Horde. Though the Alliance fleets triumphed, the Horde ships devastated the fleet and it never recovered.

When the Third War erupted, Kul Tiras sent its ships against the Scourge but could do little. Eventually, Jaina Proudmoore, a powerful sorceress and Grand Admiral Daelin's daughter, took half of the remaining fleet alongside refugees from Lordaeron and sailed west to Kalimdor. Several months later, Admiral Daelin, seeing that he could not prevent Lordaeron's fall and reasoning that his daughter might need help in the western lands, took the remaining ships and sailed to meet her. Neither has returned. Tandred Proudmoore now does his best to lead the nation with the few men and fewer allies he has left. With help from his lady friend Captain Mishan Waycrest they do their best to destroy the murlocs, naga, and pirates that threaten the coasts and vessels of Kul Tiras.[105]

Captain Dannol Scurvgrin, a truly vile pirate lord, has ties to the Bloodsail Pirates of the South Seas and sees Kul Tiras as his next big prize.[105]

At some point, the naga attacked the prison located in Tol Barad and even though the wizards fought them off, Zae'Rathis the Mad, a dangerous blood elf evoker prisoner, escaped amid the confusion. Zae'Rathis is now at large and Kul Tiras' citizens are afraid. The wizards suspect that the naga attack was intended to free the blood elf and he may have joined them. Together they would make a powerful force so the wizards are in need of someone to track down Zae'Rathis and destroy him.[105]

Forces loyal to Admiral Daelin Proudmoore continued to man Tiragarde Keep in Durotar and Northwatch Hold in the Barrens. Being opposed by Jaina but still being accepted by the majority of the Alliance, these soldiers continued their crusade against the Horde.[106][107]

People and culture

Kul Tiras' people are wealthy, especially compared to the ravaged northern lands, and proud of their nation. They wear traditional green and fly flags with the Kul Tiras' anchor emblem. Like Hillsbrad's citizens, Kul Tiras' people celebrate Hordefall every year.

They hate the Scourge for wiping out the rest of the Lordaeron continent and also hate naga, murlocs, and pirates for sinking their ships and stealing their resources, as well as the orcs for decimating their fleets in the Second War. They are staunch members of the Alliance and friends of Ironforge.

Despite their resolve and experience, Kul Tiras' citizens possess a deep-seated anxiety. Their eyes dart about. Often looking to the west, where their greatest leaders and many of their warriors vanished, wondering if they would ever see their missing families again. They are glad to have a Proudmoore as their leader, but all know that Tandred is not the man his father was.[104]

Film universe

Icon-film-40x16.png This section concerns content exclusive to the Warcraft film universe and is considered non-canon.

Map of Kul Tiras from the Warcraft film.

Kul Tiras is a human kingdom situated on the island with the same name located north of Dun Morogh. The city of Boralus is also located on the island.[108]

Kul Tiras participated in the council that would eventually lead to the creation of the Alliance. They had two male and a female representatives sitting between the elven and Gilnean ambassadors. The people of Kul Tiras tasted the fury of the orcs, when they burned their ships[109] at the harbor of the port city of Kul Tirin,[110] and the representative was not about to let Llane forget it. He was also wondering where the Guardian was.[111] Ultimately, the representatives were seen in the funeral ceremony for the deceased Llane.[112]

Notes and trivia

  • Kul Tiras is the only human kingdom to have never been destroyed at some point. Stormwind was destroyed during the First War. Alterac was destroyed during the Second War. Lordaeron and Dalaran were destroyed during the Third War. Stromgarde was destroyed sometime after the Third War. Lastly, Gilneas was destroyed during the onset of the Alliance-Horde war.
  • It was previously stated that Kul Tiras was a city-state,[113][114] meaning that its capital should share the same name as the nation. Battle for Azeroth established that the name of the capital of Kul Tiras is Boralus.
    • It is still possible that the capital was at one point known as Kul Tiras until its name changed to Boralus.
  • Kul Tiras was stated in Cycle of Hatred to be the former home of the Proudmoore family.[115] In Battle for Azeroth, House Proudmoore is still present on the island.
  • During their invasion of Durotar, Rexxar found a Tirasian Shield of Honor.
  • The Kul Tiras architecture introduced in Battle for Azeroth is reminiscent of that of Tol Barad, especially in color scheme, which is fitting since Tol Barad was once Kul Tiran territory.
  • In The Frozen Throne, the Kul Tiras navy played a similar role as the United Earth Directorate did in StarCraft: Brood War: both were a powerful faction of human soldiers coming from a faraway land to take over the local human government and wage war over the populace of the region.
  • In previous maps, Kul Tiras was located in or near Baradin Bay. Crestfall and Zul'Dare were also near the island. To explain its absence in Cataclysm, it was stated that the island was pushed out to sea by the Cataclysm.[116] However, World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3 retroactively placed Kul Tiras in its Battle for Azeroth location even before the Cataclysm.[117]
  • Kul Tirans have different body types from other humans because Blizzard wanted bigger and smaller models to fit the various NPC roles and add more flavor to the world. They are not biologically different from other humans.[118]
  • During the alpha, A [10-60] A Nation Divided originally said that House Ashvane controlled the nation's wealth and had steadily amassed power over the years since Daelin Proudmoore's passing, and that the Ashvane Trading Company held almost all of the official state contracts for trade and manufacturing.
  • Kul Tiran humans become a playable race in Battle for Azeroth.
  • In The Frozen Throne, the Kul Tiran forces include Light-using spellcasters called chaplains. These don't appear in Battle for Azeroth, which mostly depicts Kul Tiras as a nation that worships the sea rather than the Light, but they are referenced by the Hearthstone priest card Kul Tiran Chaplain.
  • The Kul Tiran national color was originally intended to be Gold instead of Green.[119]
  • In Heroes of the Storm, one of the skins for Varian Wrynn is "Kul Tiran Marshal Varian".


  • Kul Tiras' cultural inspirations are derived from various European naval traditions and histories, piracy (particularly of the western hemisphere), the Salem witch trials, and Lovecraftian horror.


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
  • When Daelin found Jaina in Theramore he told her: "You aren't old enough to remember what these monsters did to our homeland...", implying that Kul Tiras was attacked during the Second War or its aftermath. Alternatively, he could also mean the whole of Lordaeron or Eastern Kingdoms. Jaina was 8 years old during the Second War.
  • Their druids could have some ties to the harvest-witches since Kul Tiras was founded by Gilneans.


Concept art


See also


  1. ^ a b c  [Admiral Proudmoore's Orders]
  2. ^ Sean Copeland on Twitter (2014-08-27) (dead link)
  3. ^ Kul Tiran opening cutscene
  4. ^ a b A [10-60] Make Our Case
  5. ^ A [29] Lightforge Iron
  6. ^ Admiral Barean Westwind plaque
  7. ^ Day of the Dragon, chapter 1
  8. ^ Battle for Azeroth official website
  9. ^ The Characters of Warcraft/Jaina Proudmoore
  10. ^ File:Fourth War Alliance recruitement letter.jpg
  11. ^ a b Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness manual, Nations of the Alliance, Kul Tiras
  12. ^ a b A Blaze of Glory (WC3 Orc)
  13. ^ Ultimate Visual Guide, Updated and Expanded, pg. 80
  14. ^ a b World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 133
  15. ^  [Legends of the Tidesages]
  16. ^ 2017-05-11, BlizzCon 2017 Jeremy Feasel Interview – World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth. Blizzplanet, accessed on 2017-11-05
  17. ^ Ulfar
  18. ^ Besieged Villager
  19. ^ A [20-60] Clear Victory
  20. ^ A [20-60] Pieces of History
  21. ^  [The Seven Kingdoms]
  22. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 141 - 142
  23. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 160
  24. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 142
  25. ^ Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness manual
  26. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 157
  27. ^ Tol Barad (WC2 Human)
  28. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 172
  29. ^ Tides of Darkness, pg. 314
  30. ^ Beyond the Dark Portal, chapter 11 & 13
  31. ^ Beyond the Dark Portal, chapter 10
  32. ^ Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Game Manual
  33. ^ "Exodus of the Horde: Riders on the Storm", Warcraft III Demo. Blizzard Entertainment.
  34. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 65
  35. ^ Legends: A Cleansing Fire
  36. ^ "The Founding of Durotar: Old Hatreds", Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Blizzard Entertainment. Quote of Daelin Proudmoore to Jaina Proudmoore: "Jaina, bless the stars, I've found you at last! When I heard that Lordaeron fell, I despaired. But I knew you'd find a way to escape, I..."
  37. ^ "The Invasion of Kalimdor: Cry of the Warsong", Warcraft III. Blizzard Entertainment.
  38. ^ Daughter of the Sea
  39. ^ "The Founding of Durotar: To Tame a Land", Warcraft III. Blizzard Entertainment. The assassins sent to kill Thrall are confused why Rexxar thinks Jaina is their leader; Rexxar: "And you are not Jaina Proudmoore...", 'Emissary': "Jaina? Why would you think she would be... Bah! Enough of this drivel!"
  40. ^ a b Cycle of Hatred, chapter 17
  41. ^ H [1-30] From Bad to Worse
  42. ^ a b World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 112
  43. ^ a b c 2017-11-03, WOW: BATTLE FOR AZEROTH NEW CONTINENTS, ZONES, BLIZZCON 2017. Blizzpro, retrieved on 2017-04-11
  44. ^ A [50] A Nation United
  45. ^ 2017-05-11, BlizzCon 2017 Jeremy Feasel Interview – World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth. Blizzplanet, accessed on 2017-11-05
  46. ^ Loreology on Twitter (dead link)
  47. ^ Inferred from Tirassian wind-runner, a type of ship from Kul Tiras
  48. ^ MMO-Champion: The Art of World of Warcraft
  49. ^ The Last Guardian, prologue
  50. ^ A [10-60] Those Aren't Fish Eggs
  51. ^ A [10-60] Inspection Gadget
  52. ^ Jaina Proudmoore#Quotes
  53. ^ Jokes#Kul Tiran female
  54. ^ Jaina Proudmoore#Boralus patch 8.1.5 dialogue
  55. ^ Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms, pg. 107
  56. ^ Blizzard Entertainment Blizzard Entertainment 2018-08-01. Battle for Azeroth: Tiragarde Sound Visitor’s Guide - WoW. Retrieved on 2018-08-02.
  57. ^  [Seabraid Stallion] description
  58. ^ A [10-60] Beginner Equitation
  59. ^ B Mining [10-50] Ritualistic Preparations
  60. ^ B Mining [10-50] Brined Justice
  61. ^ Kul Tiran Executioner says: For the crimes of piracy, theft, and murder, the courts have found you guilty. Piracy is one of the most vile of crimes under Kul Tiran law and you will be served justice.
  62. ^ Shadows Rising
  63. ^ A [20-60] The Waycrest Daughter
  64. ^ Lord of His Pack, pg. 2
  65. ^ a b A [30-60] The Missing Fleet
  66. ^ a b "Why the Mermaids Left Boralus"
  67. ^ a b A [10-60] A Nation Divided
  68. ^ World of Warcraft: Grimoire of the Shadowlands and Beyond, pg. 17
  69. ^ A [30-60] Lost, Not Forgotten
  70. ^ A [30-60] Rest in the Depths
  71. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 126
  72. ^ Besieged Villager says: "By the light! You can speak!" Arom exclaimed!
  73. ^ Lost Soul says: The Light is so warm...
  74. ^ A [20-60] To Market, To Market
  75. ^ A [20-60] The Adventurer's Society
  76. ^ A [10-70] Shapeshifters! - Liam says: By the light! A talking cat!
  77. ^ A [10-30] Lifting the Curse
  78. ^ A [30] Cleansing the Eye
  79. ^ A [20-60] A Farmer's Fate
  80. ^ B Herbalism [10-50] Here In Spirit
  81. ^ B Herbalism [10-50] Cultural Significance
  82. ^ Jaina: Reunion
  83. ^ Roughneck Logger#Quotes
  84. ^ Warbringers: Jaina
  85. ^  [Jeweled Spyglass]
  86. ^ The Calling, pg. 9
  87. ^ Cycle of Hatred
  88. ^ A [33] The Missing Diplomat
  89. ^ Chaplain (Warcraft III)
  90. ^ Old Hatreds (WC3 Orc)
  91. ^  [Kul Tiran Charger]
  92. ^ A [10-60] A Lesson on Trust
  93. ^ Archived page
  94. ^ Tol Barad
  95. ^ File:Chronicle2 Eastern Kingdoms Before the First War.jpg
  96. ^ MMO Champion Blue Tracker: Ask CDev #1 Answers - Round 1
  97. ^ Blizzcon 2010 - WoW Quests and Lore Panelj
  98. ^ Judgehype screenshot
  99. ^ Archived page
  100. ^ a b Assault on Kul Tiras (WC2 Orc)
  101. ^ a b Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal - Aftermath of the Second War (manual text)
  102. ^ The Seas of Azeroth (WC2 Orc)
  103. ^ "The Founding of Durotar: Old Hatreds", Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Blizzard Entertainment. Quote of Daelin Proudmoore to Jaina Proudmoore: "You have always been naive, my daughter. You aren't old enough to remember what these monsters did to our homeland. The orcs and their kin cannot be trusted. They must be exterminated like the mongrels they are!"
  104. ^ a b c Lands of Conflict, pg. 101
  105. ^ a b c Lands of Conflict, pg. 102
  106. ^ Lands of Mystery, pg. 29
  107. ^ Lands of Mystery, pg. 35
  108. ^ File:Azeroth Film universe.jpg
  109. ^ Warcraft: The Official Movie Novelization
  110. ^ a b Warcraft: Behind the Dark Portal, pg. 82
  111. ^ Warcraft: The Official Movie Novelization
  112. ^ Warcraft (film)
  113. ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, chapter 6: Her father, Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, ruled the city-state of Kul Tiras...
  114. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1
  115. ^ Cycle of Hatred, chapter 3
  116. ^ Ask CDev Answers - Round 1
  117. ^ File:Chronicle3 Azeroth map.jpg
  118. ^ MMO-Champion Press Release Q&A
  119. ^ File:Blizzard Archive - Warcraft II Alliance of Lordaeron.jpg
  120. ^ - MMO-Champion: Inside the Art of WoW Live Stream
  121. ^ World of Warcraft 2019-02-28. Inside the Art of WoW Live Stream—2/28/2019 (13:28). YouTube. Retrieved on 2019-03-01.