Team color
As a tradition of RTS games, team colors are used to distinguish different side during a battle. The rules vary for each game.
Warcraft: Orcs & Humans
The color of each side is hardcoded in both campaigns. Since most battles are usually orcs versus humans there is not much room left for confusion, but two missions are actually humans versus humans and orcs versus orcs. There are unique hero units but without specific team colors.
You can't select your team color in multiplayer games. You will be assigned the team color usually associated to your race. If the other player is playing the same race, both of you will see their opponent's units in the alternative color (i.e. if both players select humans, both will see their own units as blue and the opponent's units as red; if both select orcs, both will see their own units as red and the opponent's units as blue).
Team color | Used by |
Blue | Kingdom of Azeroth, Blackhand loyalists[1] |
Red | Horde, Northshire Valley brigands[2] |
In Warcraft I: Remastered, the Church building lost the ability to swap team color, and most human units will still display some blue elements in their outfits even when part of the red team.[3]
Warcraft II
In Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness and Beyond the Dark Portal each faction on a map must now have a different color, even when fighting on the same side, which is why many orcish clans and human kingdoms were created and are displayed on the ranking board at the end of a game. Most playable hero units such as Anduin Lothar, Uther Lightbringer, and Cho'gall are depicted using the Violet color to distinguish them from their surrounding troops, though this isn't always true.
Nevertheless, in campaign missions, heroes will always be a different color than non-unique units of the same class. For example, in Slayer of the Shadowmoon, Grom Hellscream is red the color of the Warsong, but his forces are orange, so the player won't get Grom Hellscream confused with another Grunt of the same color.
You still can't select your team color in multiplayer games. You will be assigned a team color randomly among eight available.
Team color | Alliance side | Horde side (ToD) | Horde side (BtDP) | Others |
Blue | Nation of Azeroth, Alliance Expedition | Stormreaver Clan | Flowerpicker Clan | Dentarg |
White | Nation of Lordaeron | Dragonmaw Clan | Shattered Hand Clan | Mogor's Death Knights,[4] Tomb of Sargeras Guardians[5] |
Red | Nation of Stromgarde | Blackrock Clan | Warsong Clan | |
Green | Nation of Kul Tiras | Bleeding Hollow Clan | Bonechewer Clan | Zuljin,[6] Tomb of Sargeras orcs[5] |
Black | Nation of Gilneas | Black Tooth Grin Clan | Shadowmoon Clan | Forest trolls,[6] Deathwing[7] |
Violet | Nation of Dalaran, Alliance Expedition[7] | Twilight's Hammer Clan | Thunderlord Clan | |
Orange | Nation of Alterac | Burning Blade Clan | Bleeding Hollow Clan | |
Yellow | Alliance Traitors | Horde Traitors | Laughing Skull Clan | Teron Gorefiend |
- Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans added another yet undepicted orcish clan, Frostwolf clan, whose color was blue.
- The Lord of the Clans novel added another human faction, Blackmoore's Durnholde military, which wore red and gold livery.[8]
- With time the national colors of the Alliance-side factions were generally respected. Lordaeron became a mix of white and blue as the other main playable human nation. The Syndicate took on the orange color of the fallen kingdom of Alterac.
- The Horde-side factions however usually lost their clans color with Warcraft III and especially World of Warcraft, with exception of the Frostwolf and Twilight's Hammer clans.
Stormreaver clan versus Lordaeron.
Alpha World Editor version, with the pink team color.
Warcraft III
In Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne there are no more unique colors associated to each factions, many different factions can now share the same color depending on context. Heroes are also surrounded by an aura matching their team color to distinguish them from other units. With this and the fact that they have unique models now, heroes are generally no longer distinguished by having a different team color in the campaign, although some such as Varimathras are still represented with a different color.
In multiplayer you can choose any color between 12 (classic) and 24 (Reforged) available.[9]
- ^ Old Hatreds (WC3 Orc) : Theramore Isle
- ^ a b To Tame a Land : Echo Isles
- ^ a b The Brothers Stormrage (WC3 NightElf)
- ^ a b Brothers in Blood (WC3 NightElf)
- ^ A Destiny of Flame and Sorrow (WC3 NightElf)
- ^ Under the Burning Sky (WC3 Undead)
- ^ a b c d The Dark Lady (WC3 Undead)
- ^ a b Dreadlord's Fall (WC3 Undead)
- ^ a b c The Spirits of Ashenvale (WC3 Orc)
- ^ a b c The Hunter of Shadows (WC3 Orc)
- ^ Daughters of the Moon (WC3 NightElf)
- ^ A Symphony of Frost and Flame (WC3 Undead)
- ^ Into the Shadow Web Caverns (WC3 Undead)
- ^ The Forgotten Ones (WC3 Undead)
- ^ a b The Flight from Lordaeron (WC3 Undead)
- ^ a b A New Power in Lordaeron (WC3 Undead)
- ^ a b Old Hatreds (WC3 Orc) : Coastal Base
- ^ To Tame a Land (WC3 Orc) : Beast Den
- ^ The Crossing (WC3 BloodElf)
- ^ Countdown to Extinction (WC3 demo)
- ^ a b c Gates of the Abyss (WC3 BloodElf)
- ^ A New Power in Lordaeron (WC3 Undead)
- ^ The Awakening of Stormrage (WC3 NightElf)
- ^ Where Wyverns Dare (WC3 Orc)
- ^ To Tame a Land (WC3 Orc) : Thunder Ridge
- ^ Old Hatreds (WC3 Orc)
- ^ a b A Blaze of Glory (WC3 Orc)
- ^ Riders on the Storm (WC3 demo)
- ^ To Tame a Land (WC3 Orc)
- ^ The Return to Northrend (WC3 Undead)
- ^ Old Hatreds (WC3 Orc) : Dustwallow Marsh
World of Warcraft
As it is heavily inspired by its RTS roots, World of Warcraft displays many factions with strong color schemes, but those are usually now carried through tabards and standards, as faction-specific NPCs and mobs usually carry more elaborate equipment than just having a single team color. For example, the Scarlet Crusade is emblematic for having red armor, but they also prominently feature white, gold and black colors. Some factions are still referencing their RTS days however, with the Amani trolls of Zul'Aman retaining their iconic red mohawks from Warcraft II.
- ^ The Black Morass (WC1 Orc)
- ^ Northshire Abbey (WC1 Human)
- ^ MfromAzeroth - Warcraft Remastered Review
- ^ Slayer of the Shadowmoon (WC2 Orc)
- ^ a b The Tomb of Sargeras (WC2x Orc)
- ^ a b Raid at Hillsbrad (WC2 Orc)
- ^ a b Deathwing (WC2 Human)
- ^ Lord of the Clans, chapter 11
- ^ Hive Workshop - 24+1 Player Color Codes