Stillpine Hold

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AllianceStillpine Hold
Stillpine Hold.jpg
Type Village
Leader(s) IconSmall Furbolg.gif High Chief Stillpine
Race(s) Furbolg Furbolg
Language(s) Furbolg
Affiliation(s) Alliance Stillpine tribe (Alliance allies)
Location Azuremyst Isle[45, 18]
Status Active

Stillpine Hold is a small settlement on the northern side of Azuremyst Isle and home to the Stillpine tribe. The hold within the cave itself is occupied by corrupted and thus hostile moonkin, which the furbolgs wish to get rid of. After the prophesized draenei adventurer killed Chieftain Oomooroo and several Crazed Wildkin, a squad of Stillpine Raiders charged inside the cave.[1]



In order to do any of these quests given by the furbolgs here, the player must complete the quest chain starting with A [1-30] Learning the Language.

Patch changes


  1. ^ A [1-30] Chieftain Oomooroo

External links

es:Bastión Semprepino