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For the character from an alternate universe, see Drek'Thar (alternate universe). For the character from the Warcraft film universe, see Drek'Thar (film universe). For the Warcraft III hero unit, see Drek'Thar (Warcraft III).
Image of Drek'Thar
Title Frostwolf General,
Elder Shaman
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Class Shaman, Far seer, Warlock (formerly)
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Frostwolf clan, Horde, Earthen Ring
Former affiliation(s) Old Horde
Occupation Leader and elder shaman of the Frostwolf clan, Seer of the Earthen Ring
Former occupation(s) Farseer of the Frostwolf clan, Advisor to Thrall
Location Various
Status Alive
Relative(s) None known[1]
WarcraftAdventures-Logo.png Kal'Thar (son)
Mentor(s) Mother Kashur
Student(s) Thrall, Palkar
Companion(s) Wise-ear, Duros, Drakan (wolf companions)

“The land will weep, and the world will break!”

— Drek'Thar prior to the Cataclysm of Azeroth[2]

Drek'Thar (sometimes spelled Drek'thar) is the elder shaman and former farseer of the Frostwolf clan, and served as Thrall's tutor many years ago. Drek'Thar had to prove his worth during the Horde's dark period, being one of the first shaman eager to learn the dark arts of warlock magic. He found the spirits of the elements to be close companions, so shamanism became his path to might. Despite his power over the elements, Drek'Thar always maintained his meekness and wisdom. He continues to shepherd the younger shaman of the Horde in the old traditions of his people.[3]

Currently Drek'Thar is the leader of the Frostwolf clan, and the General of the Frostwolf armies in Alterac Valley, as well as one of the few remaining orcs from the old Horde in the current faction. Besides being a shaman, Drek'Thar is also a trained warrior.[4] He was once the Farseer of the Frostwolf clan, but ended up passing that role to Aggralan a few years after the Fourth War.

He is also an elite boss located at Frostwolf Keep in Alterac Valley.


Early history

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Some claim that Drek'Thar was blind from birth,[3][1][5] and others that he went blind later in life.[6][7] Drek'Thar was an apprentice shaman to the Frostwolf far seer, Mother Kashur, for many years on Draenor. When Kashur was killed while hunting, Drek'Thar became the senior Frostwolf shaman. Unlike his chieftain, Durotan, Drek'Thar was willing to accept Ner'zhul's announcement due to Mother Kashur's spirit (Kil'jaeden in disguise) confirming that the draenei were plotting against them.[8] When the elements abandoned the orcs following the beginnings of their genocidal campaign against the draenei people, Drek'Thar and the other shamans of the orcish race followed the evil Gul'dan and his apprentices from the Shadow Council into the path of the warlock. As such, he followed all assaults by the Horde on draenei hunting parties as well as on innocent civilians, including women and children. He was also present with Durotan during their meeting with Velen. Drek'Thar wanted to attack the prophet but Durotan stopped him.

With the Horde's opinion turning against Durotan and the Frostwolves for his public defiance of Warchief Blackhand and his refusal to partake of the Blood of Mannoroth—or allow any of his clan to do so—the Frostwolves were eventually exiled into the Alterac Mountains.[7] It was sometime during this exile that Drek'Thar renounced the way of the warlock and rediscovered the path of the shaman. With the aid of the elements and a little patience, Drek'Thar managed to convince the white wolves of Alterac to come to their aid. With Durotan and his heir gone, Drek'Thar assumed the leadership of the Frostwolves.[1] He has since those dark times been redeemed, however, he still holds himself personally responsible for his actions.

Lord of the Clans

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Almost 18 years later,[1][9] the powerful farseer discovered Thrall had been found alive while attempting to search for his clan. Giving the torn swaddling cloth he had kept since he was found to Drek'Thar, the farseer revealed that Thrall was the heir of Durotan — and the Spirit of Fire revealed to him at that first meeting that Thrall had potential as a shaman. After testing Thrall's humility as well as his pride — both qualities necessary for those who take the path of the shaman, he told the younger orc — Drek'Thar took the son of Durotan under his wing and began to train him in the ways of the spirits.

Shortly before he began Thrall's initiation, Drek'Thar sent his white wolf companion, Wise-ear, to locate the nomadic Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer and lead him to the Frostwolf camp. Doomhammer arrived as a cloaked stranger who spoke contemptuously of any attempts to free the orcs in captivity or fighting the humans. Enraged, Thrall challenged him to combat and defeated him; it was then that Doomhammer revealed his identity, and Drek'Thar revealed that he had set this confrontation up in order to convince Doomhammer to take Thrall under his wing when the Frostwolves united with the Warsong Clan to liberate the encampments.

During the battle for the fifth encampment — now the outpost of Hammerfall — both Doomhammer and Drek'Thar's old companion, Wise-ear, fell in battle. Drek'Thar convinced Thrall to put on Doomhammer's black plate armor to show that the Horde had a new Warchief. His advice proved to be sound, and the new Horde rallied behind their new leader after the fall of Durnholde Keep.[10]

After the Third War

WC3RoC-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

After the Third War, Drek'Thar traveled across the sea and helped Thrall found the kingdom of the capital of Orgrimmar in Durotar, and conducted many magical experiments in the surrounding landscape.

Drek'Thar was trying to create a potion that required shimmerweed, a rare herb found only in Thunder Ridge (named so for the thunder lizards which lived there). The Thunder Lizards had become increasingly hostile of late, so when Rexxar arrived in Orgrimmar, Drek'Thar instructed him to retrieve six bushels of shimmerweed. Rexxar did so and Drek'Thar rewarded him. However, Drek'Thar was puzzled by the increasing hostility of the thunder lizards, and assumed that perhaps there was an outside force behind it.

Drek'Thar went to investigate himself and found that the behavior Rexxar had reported was true. At Thrall's request, Rexxar joined Drek'Thar in Thunder Ridge and collected several Thunder Lizard eggs to study. Upon further investigation, they found that humans had begun to harvest lumber throughout the region, and the upset ecology was driving the thunder lizards mad. Rexxar wanted to level the lumber mill, but Drek'Thar stopped him, saying that it would breach the non-aggression pact signed by Thrall. Instead, they had to kill the raging beasts despite Rexxar's reservations.

World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Some time after Rexxar departed to wander the wilds of Kalimdor, Drek'Thar returned to the Frostwolf lands in Alterac Valley, where he continues to lead the Frostwolf clan from the fortress of Frostwolf Keep. He leads the Horde and Frostwolves in the defense of Alterac Valley against the Stormpike Guard, who encroach on the northern edge of the valley.

To this day, he carries the guilt of his actions during the early days of the Horde and has never forgiven himself.

At some point, Drek'Thar retold the history of the orcish race on Draenor and Durotan to Thrall. He cried while speaking of it.[7]

The Burning Crusade

Bc icon.gif This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

Drek'Thar returns to Nagrand.

Since the sealing of the Dark Portal, one group of orcs retained their original brown skin and maintained the traditional shamanism of the orcish race. They are called the Mag'har, and are led by Greatmother Geyah, grandmother of Thrall. Upon hearing that there is a clan of uncorrupted orcs in Outland, Thrall immediately attempted to set out to the Dark Portal and traveled to the plains of Nagrand, however his duties as Warchief delayed his visit for some time.

Later with his duties as warchief temporarily sorted, Drek'Thar and an honor guard of Kor'kron accompanied Thrall from Orgrimmar to the Mag'har settlement of Garadar in Nagrand. This was Drek'Thar's first visit to Draenor (now Outland) since the Frostwolves crossed into Azeroth.

World of Warcraft: Shaman

Comics title.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft manga or comics.

Palkar and an orc carrying Drek'Thar.

Drek'Thar was revealed to be the Earthen Ring's most revered seer. By the time Drek'Thar traveled to Mulgore, it was said that he has lost the strength of arm and mind. He was carried by both Palkar and an orc, and was already a little bit senile because he was confused by where he was, as he said he was in Orgrimmar. Drek'Thar hysterically spoke about a foreboding shadow and told Muln to ask Wise-ear about it. Eventually, Palkar took him out and calmed him with some herbs. Palkar and the orc took him to Orgrimmar, just as he wanted after witnessing a fire in Mulgore.

Later, Muln relayed his fears with Drek'Thar about Thrall's indecisive stance. Drek'Thar told him that it was his fault as his advice to Thrall has been useless lately. Drek'Thar told Muln that lately he's been seeing two futures and his visions have been less reliable for Thrall. Drek'Thar told Muln that a time will come when the Earthen Ring will become Azeroth's salvation or lead it to ruin. Drek'Thar suddenly becomes frantic and warns Muln about the "fire that consumes all".[11]

The Shattering

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

After the defeat of the Lich King, all hostilities in Alterac Valley had ceased as part of a treaty between the Alliance and the Horde. Shortly before the emergence of Deathwing, Drek'Thar, now seemingly going senile and cared for by a young orc shaman named Palkar, started having visions, some of which he forgot most of their content within moments of waking. These included visions of the world breaking apart and an attack on a peace meeting between night elf and tauren druids. Drek'Thar pleaded with Palkar to send runners to Ashenvale to warn the druids that a band of orcs was about to attack a gathering of druids. Runners were sent and warnings were issued to the night elves, but no orcs were found in the area and it accomplished nothing except to make the night elves more suspicious of the Horde.

Two months later, Drek'Thar had a vision of the world breaking apart and the elements crying out in pain. Again, Drek'Thar pleaded with Palkar, this time to send word to Thrall about the visions of the world breaking. Palkar, believing this to be part of Drek'Thar's senility, dismissed the visions. A short while later, Drek'Thar again had visions of the elements crying out and the world breaking apart, but as soon as he was about to share his vision with Palkar, senility claimed him and all he could remember was that something terrible was about to happen, but could not recall what.

A short time later, word came from Perith Stormhoof, one of the tauren Longwalkers, that an attack did indeed occur on a group of night elf and tauren druids in the spot that Drek'Thar had specified. Palkar realized that despite his senility, Drek'Thar was right, and resolved to send a message to Thrall of Drek'Thar's visions of the world breaking apart. A short time later, Drek'Thar had a vision of the Stormwind Harbor being hit by tidal waves, which wrecked ships, drowned people, and totally submerged the harbor up to its highest point. The vision shifted to Westfall, where a crack in the earth made a huge sinkhole. Drek'Thar wept and had another vision of a mysterious person trying to break down the door to their residence. He instructed Palkar to bar the door and not let this person inside. Palkar agreed to the request, but wondered who the intruder was and why Drek'Thar was so adamant he not be let in.[12]


Cata-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

During the Cataclysm, Drek'Thar appeared to be disabled and used a wheelchair.

Being pushed by Captain Galvangar, he was approached at the entrance to Alterac Valley by a Horde adventurer on behalf of High Warlord Cromush, for the assistance of the Frostwolf clan in dealing with the remaining Alliance within Lordaeron. However, Drek'Thar declined, citing a refusal to work with the Forsaken. He referenced his own dark past, contrasting the regret and remorse he feels to the unrepentant actions of the Forsaken. Cromush was greatly dismayed by this turn of events, contemplating whether this refusal was Drek'Thar "forsaking" the Horde, and resolved to defeat the remaining enemies in the region without the aid of the Frostwolves.[13]


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Drek'Thar within the Heart of Azeroth.

Several years later, during the Burning Legion's third invasion of Azeroth, Drek'Thar was seen walking again, though this may not be something he can do reliably.

When a Horde adventurer reached Prestige Rank 2, Drek'Thar could be found in the Undercity alongside other notable leaders of the Horde. He was present at the ceremony hosted by Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner that congratulated the adventurer for their battles against the Alliance, following their receiving of the High Warlord's Medal of Valor from the Warchief, as well as an artifact appearance.[14]

He also appeared as a guest within the Heart of Azeroth and bestowed his blessing upon his fellow shamans. Contrary to his appearance in the early parts of the invasion, he was once again in his wheelchair. To Horde adventurers, Drek'Thar recognized them by their confident stride and said he heard stories of how some people went back to Draenor, though he didn't know how he couldn't bear to see his old home as it once was. To Alliance adventurers, Drek'Thar wondered if they once met on the field of battle, and said he can see the spirits shining in them and that the Alliance must be proud to have them.


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Several more years after the Fourth War, Thrall's family came to visit Drek'Thar, as Thrall's son Durak wanted to speak to him about his upcoming om'riggor. A conversation between Drek'Thar, Aggra, and Eitrigg prompted the three to revive the forgotten orcish tradition of the Kosh'harg festival, as well as to replace the rite of the om'riggor with a new om'gora. Drek'Thar named Aggralan the new Farseer of the Frostwolf clan in his place.[15]


Notable appearances
Location Level range Health range
Alterac Valley ?? 28,527,240
Nagrand ?? 7,380,000
Heart of Azeroth (Class Hall) 110 1,039,267,008
H [10-45] A Royal Audience 110 831,413,632


Drek'Thar in World of Warcraft.


Drek'Thar in Alterac Valley is a formidable opponent who can easily tear apart an unprepared Alliance force, especially with dedicated Horde defenders. He has two guard wolves, Drakan and Duros that respawn every time you pull Drek'Thar outside of his bunker, if they are not alive when he returns.

  • Spell shadow unholyfrenzy.png Frenzy - 167% damage increase and 50% attack speed increase. Duration of two minutes.
  • Ability whirlwind.png Whirlwind - Inflicts weapon damage to nearby hostiles, two second cast time.
  • Ability golemthunderclap.png Knockdown - Inflicts 60 to 80 damage to an enemy and its nearest allies, stunning them for 2 sec. Affects up to 5 targets.
  • Inv helmet 01.png Warmaster - Each Warmaster present increases Drek'thar's, Duros', Drakan's and all other Warmaster's health by 25% and damage by 25%.


Contrary to popular myth, his guard dogs do not respawn when looted. They respawn when Drek is reset. The best way is to just rush in and tank him while a few of the attackers kill his dogs. That way you only deal with the dogs once.

Drek'Thar is relatively easy to tank by a single player, as he does not have any abilities that drop aggro. It is merely necessary to assure constant healing.

It is possible to kill Drek'Thar with one or two warmasters still alive, it primarily involves having more than one tank and plenty of healers. If more than two warmasters are alive it is best advised to destroy the East and West Frostwolf Towers first.

To prevent perpetually resetting him, it is wise to have a few death knights inside Drek'Thar's fortress and have them keep pulling him back inside when he's about to run out and reset. Keep in mind that this will mean that whoever gripped him will have aggro for a few seconds so it is best to only assign this job to death knights who are able to tank properly.

Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans

Drek'Thar in Warcraft Adventures.

WarcraftAdventures-Logo.png This section concerns content related to the canceled game Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans and is therefore non-canon.

In the canceled Warcraft Adventures, Drek'Thar was an old fogy who had a role similar as in the novel. He had a vision of an orc raised in slavery which would later rise to lead the clan, and taught Thrall in the shamanistic ways. He had a son named Kal'Thar and was to be played by Tony Jay.

He also narrated the trailer of the game:

Three great wars between the human Alliance and the orcish invaders have laid waste to the once proud realms of Azeroth. Twenty-two years have passed since Blackmoore found the young orcling. Secretly raising the orcling within the confines of his prison fortress Durnholde, Blackmoore planned to mold the orcling into the perfect warrior. A warrior conditioned to human thinking, but with all the savagery of an orcish heart.

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Drek'Thar serves as Thrall's primary representative in the Eastern Kingdoms (which is good because Thrall has someone he can trust in charge); it is, however, inefficient because Drek'Thar's home in the Alterac Mountains is not readily accessible to the main body of the Horde.[16] Drek'Thar is described as an orcish sorcerer.[17]

After their banishment from the Horde and the assassination of their chieftain, the clan was led for a time by Drek'Thar, an ancient and wise shaman. Drek'Thar organized the day-to-day activities of the clan, but he never assumed the title of chieftain. The shaman also created a strong tie between his clan and the native white wolves of the mountains; they were different from the large black wolves the Horde had worked with, but the white wolves proved equally loyal.[18]


Lord of the Clans

  • "They are watching. They must not lose heart. You must put on the armor at once, and show them they have a new chieftain." — to Thrall, shortly after the death of Orgrim Doomhammer.
  • "Of course you are what Blackmoore made you. And what Taretha made you. And Sergeant, and Hellscream, and Doomhammer, and I, and even Snowsong. You are what each battle made you, and you are what you made yourself...the lord of the clans." — to Thrall, when told of what Blackmoore had said before he died.

Warcraft III: Frozen Throne

For unit quotes, see Quotes of Warcraft III/Orc Horde#Drek'Thar.

Alterac Valley

Gossip text
Greetings young <class>. It is here that your Warchief challenged Orgrim Doomhammer! Although it happened so many years ago, it is an image still fresh in my mind.
Stormpike filth! In my keep?! Slay them all!
You seek to draw the General of the Frostwolf legion out from his fortress? PREPOSTEROUS!
Raid wipe
Stormpike weaklings, face me in my fortress - if you dare!
When fighting
  • Your attacks are slowed by the cold, I think!
  • Today, you will meet your ancestors!
  • If you will not leave Alterac Valley on your own, then the Frostwolves will force you out!
  • You cannot defeat the Frostwolf clan!
  • You are no match for the strength of the Horde!

The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm

  • "The land will weep, and the world will break!"
  • "My sleeping furs...why did you move them? You are always disturbing my things, Palkar."
  • "Someone is breaking down the door! Bar it! Do not let him in!"

Matters of Loyalty

Drek'Thar and Galvangar in Cataclysm.
So you have come seeking our aid?
Drek'Thar coughs.
I... *cough* I have been alive for a very long time. In that time I have seen and done terrible things.
Things that still keep me awake at nights.
But these terrible things that I have done and the people that I have harmed - I know them... I face them... and I feel remorse for them.
But the Forsaken. *cough* What do they feel?
They ravage the land and destroy everything that they touch. How many lives have been lost to their vile poisons?
How many innocents have fallen before the Forsaken war machine?
Countless... countless lives... *cough*
Yes... I have done terrible things, but nothing could ever be as terrible as lending aid to the Forsaken.
You go back to that spineless orc who would not come see me and you tell him that the Frostwolf clan will not aid the Forsaken. Not now, not ever!

Heart of Azeroth

<The blind shaman hears your footfalls as you approach. He reaches up to touch your face.>

Ah, Farseer. I recognized your confident stride. <Cough>. The spirits walk in step with you, united in purpose.

Ages have passed since I first heard the call of the elements on Draenor. Did you go back? I heard there were some that went back... somehow. <Wheeze>. I could not bear to see my old home as it was. Before the darkness. The war.

Yes, but you did not come to me to hear the ramblings of an old orc. You do not judge me as the others do. My age... <Cough> this chair... I am not the frail thing the others see. My power is all around me, amongst the stones and the winds.

Gossip <Receive Drek'Thar's blessing.>

This gives you the Clarity of Vision buff ("You have renewed focus. Nature damage increased by 2% within the Broken Isles.")


  • Tell me, what do you see?
  • Speak, young one.
  • Greetings, young one.
  • The winds spoke of your arrival.
  • Perhaps, we will meet again.
  • Ancestors guide you.
  • Spirits watch over you.
  • Walk with honor.
  • Wisdom does not come with age, you simply run out of stupid things to do.

Alternate timelines

An alternate Drek'Thar is present in the alternate Draenor in the past during the war in Draenor.

Drek'Thar from a separate timeline[19] appears in the movie continuity.

In Hearthstone

Hearthstone This section contains information exclusive to Hearthstone and is considered non-canon.

Drek'Thar appears as a neutral legendary minion in the Fractured in Alterac Valley expansion for Hearthstone. His flavor text reads: "Inside your deck there are two wolves. One is a frostwolf. The other is a frostwolf. You are a Frostwolf."

Drek'Thar is also a Neutral hero available in the Duels game mode.

Notes and trivia


Heroes of the Storm

Patch changes

See also


  1. ^ a b c d Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 122
  2. ^ The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm, pg. 323
  3. ^ a b World of Warcraft: Game Manual, pg. 182
  4. ^ Lord of the Clans, chapter 19
  5. ^ Ultimate Visual Guide, Updated and Expanded, pg. 134
  6. ^ BlizzCon 2013 The Adventure Continues panel
  7. ^ a b c Rise of the Horde
  8. ^ Rise of the Horde, 173 (ebook)
  9. ^ Official 2007 timeline
  10. ^ Lord of the Clans
  11. ^ Shaman
  12. ^ a b The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm
  13. ^ H [7-30] Matters of Loyalty
  14. ^ H [10-45] A Royal Audience
  15. ^ H IconSmall Orc Male.gifIconSmall Orc Female.gif [50-80] A People in Need of Healing
  16. ^ Alliance Player's Guide, pg. 177
  17. ^ Magic & Mayhem, pg. 144
  18. ^ Horde Player's Guide, pg. 171
  19. ^ Micky Neilson on Twitter (2015-07-12). Retrieved on 2016-06-29.​ “@MickyNeilson Will the Warcraft movie become "canon" lore, or is it like a parallel universe like WoD? except no interaction between the two" "@Zerde3 Separate.”
  20. ^ To Tame a Land
  21. ^ Rise of the Horde, chapter 20

External links

Preceded by:
Mother Kashur
Elder shaman of the Frostwolf clan
Succeeded by:
Preceded by:
Leader of the Frostwolf clan
Succeeded by:
Preceded by:
Leader of the Frostwolf clan
Succeeded by:

es:Drek'Thar fr:Drek'Thar pl:Drek'Thar it:Drek'Thar