Gurtogg Bloodboil (alternate universe)

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For the character from the main universe, see Gurtogg Bloodboil.
For tactics on his encounter, see Hellfire High Council.
BossGurtogg Bloodboil
Image of Gurtogg Bloodboil
Gender Male
Race Fel orc (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Iron Horde, Bleeding Hollow clan, Shadow Council
Location Hellfire Citadel
Status Killable

Gurtogg Bloodboil with his insatiable hunger of blood, emerged the victor in hundreds of trials by combat. He has met his match only once, in a fight with Blademaster Jubei'thos ending in a draw. He now serves a member of the Hellfire High Council, which serves Gul'dan as both a Highguard and a Council of War.


  • Spell shadow bloodboil.png Bloodboil — Gurtogg causes the 5 furthest enemies' blood to boil, inflicting 70834 to 74468 Physical damage. In Mythic difficulty, this effect boils the target's blood for 70834 to 74468 Physical damage every second. This effect stacks.
  • Ability gouge.png Acidic Wound Tank Alert — Gurtogg's fel sickness infects the wounds of his current target, inflicting Nature damage every 2 sec. and reducing armor by 100. Stacks up to 60 times, lasts 30 sec.
  • Spell fire elementaldevastation.png Fel Rage — Gurtogg goes into a fel rage, focusing on a random enemy. A sickening fel energy courses through their veins, causing them to gain extra defenses. Successful melee attacks will cause Gurtogg to increase his attack speed by 10% in all difficulties except Looking For Raid.
    • Spell holy blessingofstrength.png Fury Enrage — Damage dealt increased by 10%. This effect stacks.
  • Ability foundryraid demolition.png Demolishing Leap — Gurtogg crashes around the room, inflicting up to 341250 to 358750 Physical damage to players based on proximity to his impact.
  • His Final Hour — Upon reaching 30% health remaining, Gurtogg begins to cast Tainted Blood until he is defeated.
    • Inv misc boilingblood.png Tainted Blood Deadly — Gurtogg taints the blood of his enemies, limiting their maximum health value by 10% per application. This effect stacks, and persists until the encounter is over.


Main article: Hellfire High Council#Quotes


Patch changes

External links