Borka the Brute

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Main article: Rocketspark and Borka
MobBorka the Brute
Image of Borka the Brute
Gender Male
Race Dire orc (Humanoid)
Level 37-42 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Blackfuse Company, Iron Horde
Occupation Assistant of Pauli Rocketspark
Location Grimrail Depot
Status Killable

Borka the Brute is the first boss of Grimrail Depot along with Pauli Rocketspark to whom he acts as a assistant.

Objective of


  • Pauli seems to have little more than contempt for his dimwitted assistant, despite Borka's good intentions.[1]
  • Borka is voiced by Abraham Benrubi.

Patch changes


External links