Grimrail Depot

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Grimrail Depot
Grimrail Depot loading screen.jpg
Location Gorgrond
Race(s) OrcOrc Orc
IconSmall DireOrc.gif Dire orc
GoblinGoblin Goblin
End boss IconSmall OrcBrown Female.gif Skylord Tovra
Instance info
Type Dungeon
Level 35-40
Player limit 5
Cross-faction? Cross-faction allowed

Grimrail Depot is a dungeon introduced in Warlords of Draenor, set in Gorgrond.

Adventure Guide

The Grimrail Depot is a vital hub in the Iron Horde war machine, allowing for the transport of troops and materiel produced in the Blackrock Foundry to the front lines of the war being waged across Draenor. The Depot's namesake is the Grimrail itself, a massive train that can bear entire battalions of troops and artillery. On this day, the Grimrail has been fitted with a massive railgun powerful enough to shatter the shield protecting Shattrath, and is about to depart...


Maps and subregions

Quests guide

Quest name Quest giver Zone location
Alliance Alliance quests
A [35-40D] Grimrail Depot Alliance Muradin Bronzebeard Lunarfall, Shadowmoon Valley
Horde Horde quests
H [35-40D] Grimrail Depot Horde High Overlord Saurfang Frostwall, Frostfire Ridge
Neutral Neutral quests
N [40H] An Axe to Grind Neutral Gamon Lunarfall, Frostwall
N [40H] Cleaving Time Neutral Gamon Lunarfall, Frostwall
N [40H] And No Maces! Neutral Lonika Stillblade Lunarfall, Frostwall
N [35-40D] Cold Steel Neutral John J. Keeshan Lunarfall, Frostwall
N [35-40D] Cold Steel Part II Neutral John J. Keeshan Lunarfall, Frostwall
N [40H] Learning Is Painful Neutral Lonika Stillblade Lunarfall, Frostwall


Main article: Grimrail Depot NPCs
Bosses Monsters NPCs
Grimrail Depot
The Grimrail
  • IconSmall CannonGoblin.gif Blackrock Turret
Grimrail Crash Site

Dungeon denizens


Grimrail Depot bosses


Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.1.5


  1.  [Grimrail Depot Challenger]
  2.  [Grimrail Depot: Bronze]
  3.  [Grimrail Depot: Silver]
  4.  [Grimrail Depot: Gold]



Patch changes

External links

Grimrail Depot Gorgrond

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