Frostwolf Orcs

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This article is about is the Warlords of Draenor faction. For the original timeline clan information, see Frostwolf clan.
HordeFrostwolf Orcs
Frostwolf Crest.png
Main leader Horde Unknown
  Formerly Neutral  Durotan †
Neutral  Garad †
Secondary leaders Neutral  Drek'Thar
Neutral  Draka
  Formerly Neutral  Ga'nar †
Race(s) Mag'har orcMag'har orc Mag'har orc
Capital Horde Orgrimmar
  Formerly Neutral Bladespire Citadel
Other major settlements Horde Hall of the Brave
  Formerly Neutral Wor'gol
Neutral Throm'var
Neutral Stonefang Outpost
Neutral Frostwolf Overlook
Neutral Durotan's Grasp
Base of operations Horde Orgrimmar Embassy
Theater of operations Azeroth
  Formerly Frostfire Ridge, Talador
Language(s) Orcish
Affiliation Mag'har Clans
  Formerly Independent, Horde-allied
Status Active
Quartermaster IconSmall OrcBrown Female.gif Beska Redtusk
Tabard Frostwolf Orcs Tabard.png

“Like the great wolves that roam here, we survive in this land according to its rules.”

Chieftain Durotan[1]

The Frostwolf Orcs, or Frostwolf clan, are renowned for their prowess as one-on-one combatants. Led by Chieftain Durotan, they are a strong, close-knit clan whose bond with wolves only adds to their strength—though their numbers remain smaller than most clans. Though the clan spends much of their time in Frostfire Ridge, they migrate to Nagrand with the seasons.[2]

In the past, the clan battled against the Laughing Skull clan.[3]


Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

As the Iron Horde was being formed, invitations were sent to every clan, the Frostwolves included. However Chieftain Garad rejected the offer and, in turn, was killed by the Iron Wolf, and his Thunderlords. Henceforth treated as enemies of the Iron Horde, members of the Frostwolves would be captured and sent to work as slaves for the Iron Horde war machine as it prepared for its invasion of Azeroth. Later some of these prisoners would be used to power the portal along with the draenei.

Though the Ironmarch scored early success they were ultimately defeated and the defenders of Azeroth were quick to turn the tables by invading Draenor. After beating back Iron Horde forces, the Horde and Alliance forces split off with the Horde becoming allies of the Frostwolf Orcs. The two would work together in beating back the Bladespire ogres and claim Bladespire Citadel as their own.[4] However while the Horde was focused on the ogres, the Thunderlords took the opportunity to strike Wor'gol. After defending the town the Frostwolves decided to take the fight to the Thunderlords.

During the Horde counterattack, the Thunderlords would face a series of defeats that would ultimately see the death of its chieftain.[5] However, instead of being able to rejoice in their victory, scouts reported that a massive Iron Horde army was making its way through the Thunder Pass.[6] In order to prevent the Iron Horde from pushing through, the Frostwolves and their allies faced them as they came out of the pass. The Battle of Thunder Pass would be costly for the Iron Horde as the united Frostwolves and their allies protected the pass. However, with the Frostwolves outnumbered, Drek'Thar sought to speak with the earth in order to collapse the canyon itself. This was ultimately successful and the Iron Horde invasion was destroyed, though the battle was not without its casualties, which included Ga'nar who sacrificed his life to buy Drek'Thar the time he needed.[7]

With the battle finished, the Frostwolves mourned the fallen and decided to take the fight to the Iron Horde. To that end, they ensured no hostile presence remained within Frostfire Ridge[8] and sought allies to aid their war against Iron Horde forces.

They later ventured into Talador where Durotan and Draka fight the Grom'kar Vanguard, led by Orgrim Doomhammer and the Burning Blade Clan. After their success in Talador the Frostwolves joined the Horde in the Siege of Grommashar, which saw the death of Garrosh Hellscream.[9]

Frostwolf forces later breached the Tanaan Gate and took to fighting the Iron Horde forces within the Iron Front.

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

While the exact order of events is unknown, by the time of the Fourth War Durotan was killed by the Lightbound and the Frostwolves joined with the Mag'har orc clans under the command of Warchief Grommash Hellscream.[10] In time, Geya'rah, Durotan and Draka's daughter, would eventually rise to the rank of Overlord and serve as the Warchief's second-in-command during the war between the Lightbound and the Mag'har. As the Mag'har and Lightbound clashed, events on Azeroth would see to a new war between the Horde and the Alliance. In the midst of this, Eitrigg sought to travel to the alternate Draenor and call upon the debt the Mag'har owed to the Horde for liberating them from Garrosh Hellscream's meddling and the Burning Legion's corruption.[11]

As the entire Lightbound army was marching towards the Mag'har, Grommash ordered for the Mag'har to follow Geya'rah and fallback to Azeroth. Thus, when Warchief Hellscream and Lantresor of the Blade charged at the Lightbound, Eitrigg activated the shard of the  [Vision of Time] in his possession in order to return to Azeroth with his new allies.[12] After their arrival on Azeroth, Overlord Geya'rah took her place as the leader of the Mag'har and pledged the loyalty of her people to Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner and the Horde.[13]


Beska Redtusk
<Frostwolf Orcs Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Frostwolf Elixir] 5g 1 Apexis Crystal Consumable
Honored  [Permanent Frost Essence] 1000g 50 Apexis Crystal Toy
 [Howl of the Frostwolf] 500g Trinket
Revered  [Bladespire Relic] 2,500g Teleport
 [Contract: Karg Bloodfury] 5,000g Follower contract
 [Frostwolf Pup] 1,000g 2,000 Apexis Crystal Companion
Exalted  [Frostwolf Tabard] 100g Tabard
 [Swift Frostwolf] 5,000g 5,000 Apexis Crystal Mount (150)

Notable members

Name Role Status Location
Horde  Durotan Chieftain Deceased Various locations throughout Frostfire Ridge, Gorgrond, Talador and Nagrand
Horde  Draka Durotan's mate Alive Various locations throughout Frostfire Ridge, Gorgrond, Talador and Nagrand
Horde  Ga'nar Durotan's brother Deceased Various locations throughout Frostfire Ridge
Horde  Drek'Thar Farseer Alive Various locations throughout Frostfire Ridge
Horde  Garad Past Chieftain Deceased Frostfire Ridge
Horde  Geyah Garad's mate, follower (if chosen) Alive Thunder Pass, Frostfire Ridge, later Frostwall
Horde  Beska Redtusk Frostwolf Quartermaster Alive Warspear, Ashran
Horde  Karg Bloodfury Follower Alive Grom'gar, Frostfire Ridge
Horde  Lokra Draka's sister, follower (if chosen) Alive Various locations throughout Frostfire Ridge
Horde  Kal'gor the Honorable Follower (if chosen) Alive Various locations throughout Frostfire Ridge
Horde  Mulverick Follower Alive Sootstained Mines, Frostfire Ridge, later Frostwall
Horde  Raza'kul Champion Alive Frostwall, Frostfire Ridge
Horde  Kash'drakor Gladiator Alive Brimstone Springs, Gorgrond, later Beastwatch

Culture notes

A Frostwolf orc and his frost wolf.
  • When members of the Frostwolf clan come of age, they cover themselves in the blood of their first hunt, and rest their hands upon a shamanstone to honor the ancestors who came before them.[14]
  • In order to be granted full standing within the Frostwolf clan, each member must undertake a solo quest to befriend and bond with a wild frostwolf. Not all clan members pass this trial, but those that do earn a lifelong companion.[15] In life, no two creatures will share a stronger relationship than that of a Frostwolf orc and his or her companion wolf. The two eat, sleep, and fight side by side until one or both dies an honorable death. Even then, sometimes not even death itself can stop a frostwolf from coming to the aid of its beloved orc.[16]
  • As part of the rite of passage into adulthood, a Frostwolf orc must slay a frostboar and carve their family genealogy as far back as will fit on the creature's largest tusk. Family history and tradition are of great importance to the Frostwolf clan, so the largest frostboars are hunted each season to preserve clan lineage.[17]
  • With the icy Frostwind desert providing little vegetative nourishment, the Frostwolf depend on their hunters for sustenance. Snowshoes, constructed of wolf bones and pelts, help keep trackers from sinking into deep drifts while pursuing prey.[18]
  • A first-fang is the first of many shed by an adolescent frost wolf pup when their adult teeth begin growing. Orcs of the Frostwolf clan often keep the first-fang of their animal companion as good luck charms.
  • The veterans of the clan are called Greyfurs.


  • Several brown-skinned Frostwolf units, including warriors, grunts and a leader were added in the Legion database but were left unused.


Patch changes


External links

es:Orcos Lobo Gélido