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Camp Cagg.jpg
Main leader Unknown
  Formerly IconSmall Ogre Male.gif Boss Tho'grun[1][2] †
Race(s) OgreOgre Ogre
IconSmall OgreMage.gif Ogre mage
Capital Dustbelch Grotto
Base of operations Camp Kosh, Camp Cagg, Camp Boff
  Formerly Camp Wurg
Theater of operations Badlands
Affiliation Independent
  Formerly Horde, Old Horde
Status Active

The Dustbelcher ogres[3][4] live in the Badlands, mostly found in Dustbelch Grotto.


The Dustbelcher were briefly hired for the Horde.[1]

Sigrun Ironhew and his dwarves were forced to leave their excavation site and the Dustbelcher ogres used the occasion to steal all the wagons and supplies for their own. Those of the Camp Kosh ate like vultures and some of them made their home in that place. The dwarves want to recover their supplies back[5] and then take  [Scrap Metal] from the ogres to reinforce their base.[6]

The Horde contracted to Boss Tho'grun and his band of ogres to help them obtain the  [Sign of the Earth] so that they could release and kill Blacklash and Hematus,[1] but Tho'grun stole the Sign for himself[2] and betrayed the orcs, overwhelming them and taking it with him to Camp Boff.[1] This band is a nomadic one, traveling between the camps, making it difficult to locate.[2] Both Alliance and Horde are targeting Boss Tho'grun for stealing the Sign, Gorn will be happy to see him dead[1] and Garek thinks that drastic measures should be taken because the ogres managed to steal the Sign.[7]

Camp Cagg, Camp Kosh, Camp Wurg, Camp Boff and Dustbelch Grotto are the homes of most the Dustbelcher ogres, but others are nomadic.[2]


Boss Tho'grun is the leader of a mercenary band,[1] this is just a part of the tribe as they are said to wander between the camps[2] and not residing in an specific place like most ogres.


In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

The Duskbelch ogres (also called Duskbelcher, or Duskbelch tribe), is a band of ogres found in the Badlands of Khaz Modan. They are content to feed on troggs and stray dwarves, but pity the fool that draws the wrath of the entire tribe. The substantial might and fearsome aspect of the ogres make them a truly awesome foe in combat. Gro'ach the Wise, leader of the Duskbelch tribe, is an accomplished warrior and a respected chieftain.

The Duskbelcher ogres are largely unconcerned with the other races in the area. They prey on caravans and raid occasional camps, but their numbers are too few to cause a major threat to the dwarves or to the orcish enclave of Kargath. The ogres make their home in Duskbelch Grotto, a large ogre camp in the southwestern Badlands.[8]


Relentless when moved to take up their clubs in battle, the Duskbelch ogres usually fight as a single unit. When facing inferior numbers, the lumbering hulks separate into three smaller divisions. These smaller units move to envelope the enemy, crushing opponents from three directions at once.[8]

Known members


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Due to his appearance and the fact he comes from the Badlands, Lunk is probably from the Dustbelchers.
