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Crushridge banner.jpg
Main leader  Mug'thol
Secondary leaders  Targ
Race(s) Ogre Ogre
IconSmall OgreMage.gif Ogre mage Ogre mage
Capital Ruins of Alterac
Other major settlements Crushridge Hold, Slaughter Hollow, Gallows' Corner
Theater of operations Alterac Mountains; Hillsbrad Foothills
Language(s) Ogre, Orcish, Common
Affiliation Independent
  Formerly Stonemaul clan (presumed)
Status Active

The Crushridge are a group of ogres residing in the Alterac Mountains.


World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Crushridge ogres are likely from the Stonemaul clan who has at some point split as one group traveled to Kalimdor and now live in the Dustwallow Marsh. Their leader, Mug'thol, was enslaved by the Banshee Queen. He was later able to free himself of Sylvanas Windrunner's control by using the  [Crown of Will]. Now free from the Forsaken, he (apparently) renamed his clan the Crushridge and established a new home in Crushridge Hold.

The Crushridge ogres currently control much of the Alterac Mountains (including the ruined Alterac City) where the fallen human nation of Alterac made its home. The Syndicate, being the remnants of Alterac's inhabitants, are in a constant battle with the Crushridge ogres for supremacy of the region.

Marshal Redpath of Southshore employed Alliance adventurers to hunt the Crushridge ogres settling in the Alterac Mountains.[1][2]


Legion-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Legion.

The Crushridge ogres raided the ruins of Dalaran Crater and Ok'rok Icetouch stole the  [Tri-Disc of Frost], being later killed by the Archmage of the Tirisgarde for it.[3]


In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.


The Crushridge tribe[4] is referred to as both a tribe[5] and a clan[6][4][7] of ogres that have taken up residence in the Ruins of Alterac. The Crushridge ogres are cunning, massive and strong. Leftovers from the Second War, these ogres have thrown off orc rule for their own primitive ways. They live in Alterac City and kill whatever they can. They are cagey and surprisingly shrewd. Under Mug’Thol’s guidance, the Crushridge tribe has become a brutal and feared force in the Alterac Mountains. The tribe’s combined might is formidable, and it relies on brute strength to attain its goals. The warriors of the tribe simply trample their enemies under a massive, raging charge. The tribe is easily roused to full battle. Keeping the tribal stronghold, protecting territory and finding food are the tribe’s main concerns.[8]

The Crushridge ogres are one of the most active of Aretain Naris' enemies, especially in winter, when they come down from the north and attack anything in their path. Aretain's reports portray them as a major threat (at best, an exaggeration), and Aretain promises to open the road to the Plaguelands. If any heroes visit them, the ogres will attack.[9]

Gallow's Corner, which overlaps the road from Tarren Mill to the Plaguelands, is controlled by the Crushridge.[10]

Crushridge ogre "Marching Song"

"Who kills every kid and man?
Crushridge Clan!
Who burns just because they can?
Crushridge Clan!
Rip 'em up, slice 'em up, beat 'em to a pulp:
Will they live? Will they win? We say nope!
Kick 'em, hit 'em, listen to their moans,
Spill their blood and crack their bones!
Who just charges in without a plan?
The ogres of Crushridge Claaaaaan!"[8]



This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

It is unclear whether the Crushridge ogres were previously from Mug'thol's Stonemaul clan or a clan that Mug'thol took over.

See also
