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Race ideas

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This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

Race ideas represents the best efforts of the Warcraft Wiki community to create a fact-based analysis regarding why a race may or may not be included as a playable race as World of Warcraft expands.

So far, 2 races were added in The Burning Crusade, 2 more in Cataclysm, 1 in Mists of Pandaria, 10 races were added with the allied race feature of Battle for Azeroth, and 1 in Dragonflight.

Please do not add any datamined content or speculation based on datamined content (see Project:DNP).

Important information


+ Lime green — Strongly for
+ Dark green — For
? White — Neutral, could influence either way
Also used for speculation and comparisons that may have some support in lore or World of Warcraft game mechanics. Must be cited (must be proven to be relevant to the topic).
- Orange — Against
- Red — Strongly against
Gray — Additional info
Used for observation or speculation related to the main point.

Arguments that aren't neutral are preferred to be cited.

Race qualification factors

It is mandatory that new race sections are not added unless they have been agreed upon by majority consensus in the talk page.

When proposing new race ideas please use your common sense and try to stick to Humanoid-type races rather than monster types — the Scourge, for example.

This page includes races directly connected to current playable races as protospecies/protoraces or subraces/subspecies (as this concept has officially entered into the game with the introduction of allied races in Battle for Azeroth). Note that Blizzard in the past appeared to have had a policy of choosing original and unique races.

Race ideas that don't have enough reason to have a separate section, but are comparable to current playable races are listed in the Other sections at the bottom.

Most races with physical attributes that are not comparable to current playable races are most likely impossible as a playable race such as nonbipedal races, winged races and giant-sized races. However, a few of those races have been established as ideas for playable races, naga, vrykul and a few four-legged humanoid races.

Also note that race ideas for draconic humanoid races, primate races, pig humanoids and feline/cat humanoids are listed together in sections as general ideas as they represent similar looking groups.

It is also a good idea to consider Warcraft Wiki:Race speculation methods and the Warcraft Wiki:Rumored races test.

Making changes

If you think something on this page is inaccurate, please check the discussion tab before you change it yourself. Let people know you think it is incorrect, and leave your ideas and sources for your information. Together, we can agree on how feasible it is. Only add verifiable and cited information. If something is added that lacks a source and proper citation, it will probably be viewed as speculation and will be removed or demoted to the neutral "?".

It is mandatory that anything other than minor edits are discussed through peer review here and agreed upon by group consensus. Please discuss ideas on the talk page if you feel there should be changes to the main article, so the page does not become a battle field for clashing ideas. If you do not follow the above, you may be prevented from editing.


A cursed arakkoa.
A winged arakkoa.
First seen in The Burning Crusade
Winged arakkoa first seen in Warlords of Draenor
For There are two types of arakkoa: winged and cursed. They wear armor that is part of their 'creature' models.
Cursed arakkoa have animations such as loot, laugh and dance.
For They have their own unique architectural style and settlements. They also have their own unique language, Ravenspeech.
Arakkoa are as "smart as any gnome you ever met", according to Gremni Longbeard.
For Skettis Outcasts are a friendly faction of arakkoa who found refuge within Shattrath City in Outland.
For Arakkoa Outcasts, Ravenspeakers and Order of the Awakened are factions of arakkoa that can be befriended by players in alternate Draenor.
Against Arakkoa are almost exclusively found in Outland and alternate Draenor.
Arakkoa found on Azeroth in WoW are Erekem, a mini-boss in Violet Hold, and Kirrawk, an encounter at the Brawler's Guild.
Against So far no playable race has wings like the arakkoa. Winged arakkoa only appear on alternate Draenor, in the main universe only the cursed arakkoa are left.
Join the Alliance?
For WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png Grizzik allied himself with the Sons of Lothar during the Alliance invasion of Draenor.
Join the Horde?
Against Orcs were at war with the arakkoa during the rise of the original Horde.

Cenarius's descendants

Cenarius's favored children

First seen in Warcraft III
Cenarius's favored children are: keeper of the grove (male) and dryad (female).
For Keepers of the grove and dryads are members of the Cenarion Circle and have a strong connection to the Emerald Dream (which may be added in an expansion). Cenarius serves as one of the leaders of the Cenarion Circle and appears as faction neutral.
Neutral WC3RoC-logo.pngIcon-RPG.png According to lore dryads are immune to magic.[1][2] In WC3 many units that were immune to magic are now vulnerable.
It may just be a racial ability, like passive or active resistance.
Neutral There are variations of dryad called forest nymph, frost nymph and crystal dryad. There are also keepers of the grove and dryads corrupted by the Emerald Nightmare.
Strongly Against As keepers of the grove (male) and dryads (female) have four legs it could introduce technical difficulties in reworking WoW for the new animations, abilities, mounts, and clothing.
Join the Alliance?
Strongly For Forest Sisters and Shadowglen Keepers fight on the Alliance side against the Horde in the War of the Thorns.
Strongly For Icon-RPG.png Keepers of the grove and dryads have a strong Alliance connection, particularly to the night elves. Most are still part of the Alliance.[3]
Join the Horde?
Neutral Keepers of the grove and dryads belonging to the Cenarion Circle have proven that it is possible for them to work with both player factions.
Against Orcs were responsible for Cenarius' death.


Male and female centaur in Dragonflight.
Centaur male
Centaur female
First seen in Warcraft III
For WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png In World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3 it's stated that the Horde met Warug and his Magram centaur clan with who they defeated Theradras, the Magram became the leaders of the united centaur, yet none knew how long they would stay on the path of peace.
For Maraudon and a quest line indicate that the race may be poised to undergo a reformation and may be willing to join the Horde or Alliance.
In the quest  [Seed of Life], Zaetar's spirit is freed and seeks to bring hope to his children.
For The obsolete quests (H [33] Gelkis Alliance and H [33] Magram Alliance) in Desolace shows Horde as interested in an alliance with a centaur tribe in order to defeat all the clans, and the obsolete quests (A [35] Strange Alliance and A [35] Brutal Politics) in Desolace shows Alliance as interested in friendship with the centaur.
Neutral Centaur have been seen in Central Kalimdor and the Dragon Isles where each of them have their own settlements.
Against WC3RoC-logo.png Centaur in Central Kalimdor are hostile and xenophobic.[4] It's said they are cannibals.[5] Although so are Forsaken.
Strongly Against Centaur have four legs it could introduce technical difficulties in reworking WoW for the new animations, abilities, mounts, and clothing.
Join the Horde?
For Comics title.png Dorthar a centaur from Desolace that was nearly killed in the Southern Barrens by his own kind eventually joined the Horde.
For The Horde has once allied itself with the Magram clan to fight against the other centaur clans and their mother, Theradras.
For Tauren and centaur together fought against the Primalists in the Ohn'ahran Plains and are now rebuilding Toghusuq Village.
Strongly Against Centaur are ancestral enemies of the tauren. Still, tauren can do quests to gain reputation with one of two tribes living in Desolace.

Draenei/Eredar race variants

The playable Draenei race are the eredar that fled Argus and later inhabited Draenor, additionally a variant of draenei is already a playable allied race, Lightforged draenei.

Broken/Krokul (and/or Lost One)

Broken draenei
Lost Ones first seen in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
Broken first seen in The Burning Crusade
For Male broken draenei from Outland already have graphical support for utilizing equipment, armor (minus helmets) and weapons.
Broken draenei have the same animations as the playable tauren male.
In the art for a short story titled Unbroken a foot of Farseer Nobundo is depicted differently than the model in-game.
For Male Broken on Argus have a new character model, although they don't support player armor, they do have the same animations as male playable draenei (and male Lightforged draenei).
Chieftain Hatuun leads a faction of Broken on Argus friendly to the players in the war with the Burning Legion.
On Argus there's a fel-corrupted, red-skinned variation of broken, such as Antoran Drudges, Legion Cannoneers and Failed Converts.
For Lost Ones have their own architecture and settlements. Broken have their own settlements. Broken use Talbuks and Elekks as mounts. Krokul is the Draenei (language) word for broken (and presumably also in eredun).
Neutral Draenei Lost Ones, despite being simply mutated draenei, have a distinctly different culture and social structure to their draenei relatives.
Draenei Lost Ones are hostile in-game, with few exceptions. Only few non-aggressive lost ones wander in Shattrath City as refugees.
All notable lost ones were retconned into broken draenei.
Feralfen Druids are named in-game, presenting a wholly different class choice that they can even be druids.
Neutral On Argus there's also a void-corrupted variation of broken named voidscarred (or shadow-touched).
Against Only male versions of broken and lost ones exist in-game.
Comics title.png In Shadow Wing, a female Broken is visible in the crowd. She simply looks like a female draenei with broken facial features.
Hearthstone Ashtongue Slayer and Baduu, Outcast are female broken from Hearthstone: Ashes of Outland.
Against Most Broken and Lost Ones appear to be strongly tied to two worlds outside Azeroth: Outland and Argus
Join the Alliance?
Strongly For Broken draenei that traveled with the draenei in the Exodar to Azeroth are already part of the Alliance and many train draenei in shamanism.
Strongly For Kurenai a tribe of broken draenei in Nagrand are already loyal to the Alliance.
Neutral A draenei Anchorite Ahuurn expressed interest in recruiting the feralfen tribe of lost ones. However their leader Elder Kuruti rejected these attempts due to a desire for the lost ones to pursue their own destiny as a separate and proud people, and being annoyed that the messenger attempted to deceive him through a disguise.[6]

Drakonid (and/or idea for another draconic humanoid in general)

The playable dracthyr are a draconic playable race in the Dragonflight expansion.

Dragonspawn first seen in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
Drakonid first seen in World of Warcraft
"Dragonman" first seen in Cataclysm
Tarasek first seen in Dragonflight
For "Dragonman" and tarasek have the same character animations as male worgen in-game.
"Dragonman" are either a separate race or possibly a type of drakonid.
For In a 2009. interview Tom Chilton mentioned as a possibility for a future playable race drakonids, and said that they could continue to expand on the depth of the drakonid race and that sort of race.[7]
Neutral Draconic is shared with other dragonkin races, it's already spoken by the current dracthyr playable race. Draconic humanoids generally live where there are dragons and do not possess their own unique settlements.
Neutral Female versions of bipedal draconic humanoid do not currently exist in-game. But they could like the dracthyr's dracthyr form just have one body type for both genders.
Female dragonspawn exist in-game (four legged). Though it's not known if other draconic humanoids show much sexual dimorphism.
Hearthstone Evasive Drakonid is a female drakonid in Hearthstone.
Neutral Drakonid Wyrmrest Protectors can be found in both Orgrimmar and Stormwind City guarding the jaw-armor of Deathwing.
Strongly Against Dragonspawn have four legs it could introduce technical difficulties in reworking WoW for the new animations, abilities, mounts, and clothing.
There are also versions of male dragonspawn with wings, such as General Cerulean and General Umbriss.
Many draconic humanoid NPCs also appear to be huge compared to player characters.
Join the Alliance?
Neutral It is believed that they may have evolved from humans. It is true that one was a human, at least: Maloriak.
Join the Horde?
For Multiple drakonid are seen as part of the Dragonmaw clan during their time as a part of the Fel Horde, Dark Horde and Iron Horde
Against The Horde has previously had strong connections with dragons, but these have been through dark deals or use of force. Alexstrasza the queen of the red dragon brood was enslavement by the orcs in the Second War.
Red dragons are neutral and aid both factions in Wrath of the Lich King.


First seen in Legion
Neutral There are two drogbar body types in-game a bigger and a thinner version.
Only male versions of drogbar exist in-game.
Neutral Drogbar generally live in caves, currently only encountered on the Broken Isles. They have their capital in Neltharion's Lair.
Neutral Stonedark tribe of drogbar is friendly to player characters. Most drogbar are hostile towards both Alliance and Horde alike.
Join the Horde?
For Historically drogbar were allied with the Highmountain tauren who have joined the Horde.

Dwarf race or protorace variants

The playable Dwarf race is the one that is part of the Kingdom of Ironforge prior to World of Warcraft: Shadowlands which add Wildhammer dwarf to the regular dwarf playable race, additionally a variant of dwarves is already an allied race in the Battle for Azeroth expansion the Dark Iron dwarf.


Frostborn from Alliance allied Frosthold.
First seen in Wrath of the Lich King
For Frostborn models have the same animations, hair and facial hair options as the playable dwarf male, and also have the ability to wear all player armor.
Only male versions of frostborn exist in-game.
For Frostborn already have a racial capital, Frosthold (this is their only known settlement). Frostborn use Stormcrest Eagles as flying mounts. Frostborn have a unique largely unknown origin and history.
Join the Alliance?
Strongly For The Frostborns are already the main allies of the Alliance in Northrend.
Strongly For Frostborns former King, Muradin Bronzebeard, is a member of the Alliance.

Iron dwarf

Iron dwarf from Northrend.
First seen in Wrath of the Lich King
For The iron dwarf model has the same animations as playable dwarf male characters. Iron dwarves have a variety of different beards in-game.
Only male versions of iron dwarves exist in-game.
For Iron dwarves have their own architectural style and settlements.
For By the time of the Burning Legion's third invasion of Azeroth, the iron dwarves have been re-integrated into Ulduar's defensive systems, serving the Keepers (alongside the earthen and the mechagnomes). Dvalen Ironrune is recruited by the warrior class order, and can be found in Skyhold.[8]
Against Iron dwarves were hostile to both Alliance and Horde in Northrend during the war against the Lich King.


First seen in The Burning Crusade
For Ethereals have their own unique architecture and settlements. Ethereal transmogrifiers are located in Horde and Alliance capitals as well as in Dalaran. Hearthstone Nexus-Champion Saraad is an ethereal with a unique ethereal mount an energy-camel.
For The Protectorate and Consortium are ethereal factions that can be befriended by player characters in Outland.
For Ethereals are already shown to be able to wear armor types over a base layer of mummy-like bandages, including armor for the head, shoulders, wrists, hands, chest, legs and feet.[9]
They maintain a humanoid shape only when wearing specially enchanted wrappings that keep their energy forms bound within their humanoid shapes. They are affected by spells that affect other humanoids. Also, the cloth acts as base layer of "underwear" upon which armor is placed.
Ethereals lack a face, which eliminates a customization option. One solution would be to make the playable ethereal faction wear masks of some kind.
Neutral Female models for ethereals do not currently exist in-game. Whether a race of energy-based beings would have biological genders is a subject of debate.
Ethereals used to be a biological race, as such, they will have individuals that used to be biologically female before the transformation.
Hearthstone Grand Lackey Erkh is a female ethereal in Hearthstone.
Neutral Ethereals seem to be tied largely to locations outside Azeroth. Nevertheless, their nomadic nature and ability to travel between worlds using the Twisting Nether means they could always show up.
Ethereals have an outstanding conflict with the forces of the Void. This might give them reason to seek aid from the Alliance or Horde in a future war.
Against Ethereals supposedly possess the ability to change shape or become unconfined masses of pure energy.
They can't stay in this state however, as their souls require a physical structure to survive in the physical realm for prolonged periods of time.

An ethereal's true form is not likely to be playable as it is elemental rather than humanoid. In their true forms they are an insubstantial beings of pure energy, so lack distinguishing features and cannot wear armor (technical difficulty).

Although it could be used as a racial ability.
Join the Alliance?
For There are ethereals in the Telogrus Rift friendly to the void elves after they join the Alliance.


First seen in Warcraft III
For WC3RoC-logo.png The Barkskin tribe of furbolgs united with the night elves, Thrall's Horde and Jaina's survivors of Lordaeron in the battle of Mount Hyjal against the Burning Legion. They are tied to Mount Hyjal, which was featured in Cataclysm, and the tribe isn't featured in WoW.
For Furbolg fought in the War of the Ancients with the night elves against the Burning Legion, their spokesman was Unng Ak.
For Furbolg have their own unique architectural style and settlements, with probably the largest settlement being Grizzlemaw. Furbolg have their own unique language, Furbolg. Furbolgs are widespread, and can be encountered in various regions of Azeroth.
For The Timbermaw tribe of furbolgs of Timbermaw Hold can be befriended by players. Before Cataclysm Gorn One Eye of Timbermaw Hold sent the player with the  [Timbermaw Offering of Peace] to warchief Thrall or King Magni Bronzebeard depending on the player faction.
For There are many friendly furbolgs in the Dragon Isles.
Neutral There are two variants of furbolgs established in lore WC3RoC-logo.pngIcon-RPG.png Polar furbolg and WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png Jalgar the ancestor race of furbolgs.
Many furbolgs have also been corrupted by dark magic and become corrupted furbolg.
Neutral Princess Stillpine is a female furbolg in-game but uses the same model as the males.
Hearthstone Elder Jari a furbolg druid and Frostfur a furbolg mage appear to be female furbolgs, and have female voice actors.
Join the Alliance?
Strongly For The Stillpine tribe of furbolgs has formed an alliance with the draenei on the Azuremyst Isles.
Strongly For Furbolgs of the Blackwood tribe in Darkshore have been saved from corruption by alliance players, and later by fighting of fire elementals. During the Fourth War the Alliance and the Blackwood tribe fought together against the Horde
For Furbolgs of the Thistlefur tribe in Ashanvale have been saved from corruption first by Broll Bearmantle and then again by alliance players.
For WC3RoC-logo.png Tyrande Whisperwind saved a furbolg shaman from corruption of a small band of cave-dwelling furbolgs in the Barrow Deeps, the shaman gave a talisman that was able to summon furbolgs for aid in a fight.[10]
For WC3RoC-logo.png Tyrande Whisperwind located ten missing furbolgs of a furbolg tribe in Ashenvale, as a reward a Furbolg Champion and two Furbolgs were given to her aid.[11]
Neutral The Blackmaw tribe of furbolgs in Azshara were going to ally themselves to the Alliance in Azshara until the Horde ruined the negotiations.
Join the Horde?
Neutral ‎Furbolg Chief Murgut has allied the Foulweald tribe with the Horde in Ashenvale.[12]
Against At Stillpine Hold the player will find a tauren's head, although this is probably only representative of that tribe.
Strongly Against The Horde is responsible for killing, corrupting and driving insane many furbolg tribes across Ashenvale Forest and Darkshore
Strongly Against WC3RoC-logo.png Grommash Hellscream and his Warsong clan killed a group of furbolgs and their chieftain in Ashenvale on the order of a goblin in return for purchasing shredders.[13]


First seen in Warcraft III
For Sayge is a friendly gnoll showing they can work with others.
There are gnolls that are part of the player hostile Venture Company, but even hostile it shows gnolls can work with other races.
Neutral Decatriarch Wratheye is a female that looks the same as a male model in-game, WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png while Cackle in Traveler is a female with a unique appearance.
Neutral Gnolls in the Dragon Isles have their own settlements that are larger then the camps and caves they inhabit in other contintents.
Against Almonst all gnolls have been shown as hostile to player factions.
Join the Horde?
Neutral ‎When the Zandalari Invaders came to Pandaria to resurrect the Thunder King they hired gnoll mercenaries who called themselves Blackmane Mercenaries to gather supplies for the trolls

Gnome variants

The playable Gnome race characters are from the faction that escaped the irradiation of Gnomeregan, additionally a variant of gnomes is a allied race the playable Mechagnome allied race from Mechagon.

Leper gnome

Leper gnome from irradiated Gnomeregan.
First seen in World of Warcraft
For Leper gnomes are capable of already wearing all armor in-game and have all animations as current playable gnome male characters.
No female version in-game. Icon-TCG.png Ressa the Leper Queen is shown in the TCG.
An item called  [Discombobulator Ray] seems to imply being a leper gnome is a disadvantage.
Neutral Leper gnomes racial language is Gnomish, also already used by the Alliance gnomes.[14] Leper gnomes use Mechanostriders as mounts.
Against The leper gnome home and capital Gnomeregan, is already used as a dungeon, and their leader Sicco Thermaplugg is killable.
If Thermaplugg is killed in lore, it would give the leper gnomes a reason to find a new leader.
Join the Alliance?
Neutral There are gnomes in the Alliance trying to find a cure for leper gnomes seeing them as being only sick. Although a cured leper gnome would be a true gnome.
Icon-RPG.png True gnomes, are considered leper gnomes worst enemies, in their minds. They are whom they blame for their current existence. They regard High Tinker Mekkatorque as a demon, and his followers not much better. A leper gnome never associates with a regular gnome, preferring to kill or torture them rather than to work with them.[15]
Neutral Plugger Spazzring is the barkeep and owner of the Grim Guzzler a famous Dark Iron dwarf tavern.
Join the Horde?
Neutral Leper Gnome Laborers can be found in Keelen's Trustworthy Tailoring in Silvermoon City.
Leper gnomes or
undead gnomes?
Several in-game characters Ganoosh, Apprentice Crispin and Jennings work with the Forsaken, although it's unclear if they are leper gnomes, or if it's a simple case of model re-usage and they are meant to represent undead gnomes. The Forsaken could see leper gnomes similar to themselves, afflicted with an incurable "affliction"?

Mechagnome (and/or Blingtron)

First seen in Wrath of the Lich King
For Mechagnomes and blingtrons have the same animations as the playable male gnome character model.
Only male versions of mechagnomes and blingtrons exist in-game.
No robotic type race currently playable in-game.
Neutral Mechagnomes use Mechanostriders as mounts. Hearthstone Hearthstone: The Grand Tournament shows Clockwork Knight riding a mechanical horse as a mount.
Neutral Blingtrons are involved in something simply called The War.
Lore Mechagnomes are the original titan keeper Mimiron iteration of gnomes. Also Gearmaster Mechazod who was rebuilt by the gnomes from parts found near Fizzcrank Airstrip transformed gnomes into mechagnomes, which he intended to do to all living gnomes, in pursuit of which he has set about "curing" living gnomes of their fleshy affliction.
Blingtron is the name of a series of constructs resembling gem-encrusted mechagnomes.

Goblin mutated versions


Gilgoblin female
First seen in Cataclysm
For Gilgoblins have the same animations as playable goblins. Gilgoblins have both male and female versions in-game. Gilgoblins have unique physical attributes and skin colors.
Neutral Gilgoblins seem to mostly exist in underwater areas. Unknown if long time duration on land would have adverse effects.
Appear in Swamp of Sorrows and Stormsong Valley.
Neutral Gilgoblins being able to breathe underwater would not be an unfair advantage as the Forsaken already have that ability.
Join the Horde?
Strongly For The Horde closely works gilgoblins in Nazjatar among a group of former naga slaves called the Unshackled.
For The Unshackled had befriended the Zandalari loa Gral because of their shared hatred towards the naga.
Neutral Hobart Grapplehammer, a Horde goblin, somehow created them in an undefined incident. Because of this, they may want to join their creator or he could create more.
Though it's unknown why they left or how they were created in the first place.


First seen in Cataclysm
For It's shown in a quest that a hobgoblin is effected by  [Kaja'Cola] and thus Kaja'mite, this means hobgoblins have the potential to improve their intellect.
Neutral Hobgoblins physique is quite different from goblins. The in-game hobgoblin model has the same animations as ogres.
No female version in-game.
It could get a bit confusing if both bank (goblin racial ability: [Pack Hobgoblin]) and player hobgoblins had the same model.
Hobgoblins are shown to have diverse appearances in concept art.
Against Icon-RPG.png Hobgoblins lifespan is very short. Most don't live past their third year.
Join the Horde?
Strongly For Hobgoblins are already part of the Horde, via the goblin Bilgewater Cartel.


Half-elf half-human

First seen in The Burning Crusade
Neutral Half-elves do not currently have their own model.
There are only two male half-elves in-game: paladin Arator the Redeemer (who uses a blood elf character model) and Alodi who was the first Guardian of Tirisfal (who uses a human character model).
The blue dragon Kalecgos shapeshifts into a unique model that is established to be a half-elf appearance, but its potential wide use is questionable.
Neutral Half-elves speak Common and Thalassian as primary languages.
Join the Alliance?
For Icon-RPG.png Half-elves are members of the Alliance. Half-elves heritage places them in the Alliance at both ends, and many served in the First, Second and Third Wars. Half-elves socialize with humans more than with high elves, as the former are generally more accepting — and easier to find.[16]
Join the Horde?
Neutral Blood elves are related at one end of the heritage of half-elves.

Half-ogre half-orc (also known as Mok'nathal)

Rexxar one of the Mok'nathal.
First seen in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
For Rexxar has a unique model that has the same animations as the big Kul Tiran human male.
For Mok'nathal have their own settlement of Mok'Nathal Village in Outland.
Against Excluding Rexxar all other mok'nathal in-game both male and female use the brown mag'har orc character models.
Join the Horde?
Strongly For The Mok'nathal Clan are already part of the Horde.

Half-orc half-draenei

First seen in Warcraft: Orcs & Humans
Neutral Half-orcs do not currently have their own models.
Only two half-orc half-draenei exist in-game Garona Halforcen and Lantresor of the Blade (they use the orc female and orc male models respectably).
Garona Halforcen introduced in Warcraft: Orcs & Humans was originally established as half-orc half-human but was retconed as half-orc half-draenei.
Warlords of Draenor Both Garona and Lantresor also appear in-game as alternate universe versions in alternate Draenor.
Join the Horde?
Strongly For Garona Halforcen is part of the Horde.
For Lantresor of the Blade has been invited by Thrall to the first Kosh'harg on Azeroth.

Hozen (and/or idea for a primate race in general)

Hozen a monkey-like race from Pandaria.
Gorilla first seen in World of Warcraft
Monkey first seen in Cataclysm
Hozen first seen in Mists of Pandaria
Flying monkey first seen in Battle for Azeroth
For Hozen have their own unique primitive architecture and settlements. Hozen have their own interesting language.
For 1) Smart Mining Monkeys in Kaja'mite Cavern on the Lost Isles have been affected by Kaja'mite.
Mining Monkeys are also found in the Deadmines, and there is also a Mining Monkey companion pet.
For 2) Gorillas in Gorilla Gorge in Zuldazar have been affected by Kaja'mite and made intelligent.
Tsunga is a friendly gorilla quest giver.
For HearthstoneThe Grand Tournament showed Mukla's Champion which is a gorilla with armor and a lance riding a hippo. League of Explorers showed a Fierce Monkey with a sword, shield, a shoulderpad and a bracer.
Trailer Renfield a hozen is shown using a level 100 Character Boost in the "World of Warcraft Legion Trailer: 100 or Bust!".
Renfield can be found in-game in Skyhold.
Against No female Hozen or females of other types of primates currently exist in-game.
Against Both gorillas and regular monkeys can be hunter pets, it could get a bit confusing if both hunter pets and player primates had the same model.
Join the Alliance?
For Grong of the Da'kani group of intelligent gorillas has joined the Alliance.
Against Hozen dislike the jinyu of which one tribe has already allied with the Alliance.
Join the Horde?
Strongly For The Grookin and Slingtail tribes of Hozen has already joined forces with the Horde.
For Some of the Horde Vanguards in Dazar'alor are hozen.
Neutral The Monkey King is found in the Hozen Throne tiki bar in the Grand Bazaar in Zuldazar with two flying monkeys by his side.

Human variants and protorace variants

The playable Human race are specifically part of the Kingdom of Stormwind, additionally a variant of humans is an allied race, the Kul Tiran.

It should also be noted that the playable Worgen race are cursed humans from the Kingdom of Gilneas and that the playable Undead race are undead humans from the Forsaken faction.

Vrykul (and/or their related variants)

Male vrykul
Female vrykul
First seen in Wrath of the Lich King
For Vrykul have both male and female unique models in-game, male models are capable of already wearing most armor in-game, and the female models have armor that is in appearance player like.
For Vrykul of the Valarjar are friendly with player characters. They have a home realm Halls of Valor that has it's own unique architecture.
The unique transformed vrykul: Stormforged Valarjar (a group of iron vrykul) only has a male version in-game.
Neutral Vrykul have a own settlements, unique culture, history, ships, architecture, lifestyle and their own unique language, Vrykul.
Vrykul are a predecessor race to humans in the World of Warcraft lore.
Neutral Future relations of both Northrend and Stormheim vrykul are unknown.
King Ymiron was killed and Lich King Arthas defeated, giving reason to Northrend vrykul to find a new leader.
Possibly Northrend vrykul still serve the Lich King in the form of Bolvar Fordragon, and are hostile to everyone else.
Tideskorn in Stormheim are led by God-Queen Sigryn.
Neutral "Frost vrykul" a variant of vrykul have both male and female versions in-game.
Only possibly could be considered a separate race from vrykul. Most named as frost vrykul are undead that serve the Lich King.
Hyldnir a faction of frost vrykul are independent and friendly to player characters.
Kari the Beastmaster is part of the Unseen Path and can be found on the Broken Isles.
Neutral Kvaldir a vrykul related variant are hostile to player characters and have both male and female versions in-game.
With the defeat of Helya the future of the Kvaldir and their home realm of Helheim is unknown.
Neutral Val'kyr are a type of ascended winged female vrykul.
Against Iron vrykul from Northrend are hostile to player characters during the war against the Lich King, and only have male versions in-game.
Strongly Against All in-game vrykul and their related variants (Val'kyr, Frost vrykul, Kvaldir and Iron vrykul (as well as Stormforged Valarjar)) are "giants" or rather half-giants approximately twice as tall as humans. There are very few doors that giants can fit through in-game.
Join the Alliance?
For After being freed from the influence of Loken and the Lich King, most vrykul have returned to worshiping the Titans and their lieutenants. As many Alliance members (such as humans, dwarves and gnomes) share a common culture and reverence for Titanic creation, they may find a common cause with them, while Horde members of titanforged origin either ignore it (orcs, goblins) or outright oppose Titan-aligned factions (human undead), whilst others (trolls, blood elves, undead elves) have had their cultures shaped by Titan Keepers and never show any kind of gratitude.
For Some of the Drust Thornspeakers under the leadership of Ulfar betrayed their brethern and joined the humans of Kul Tiras to stop their previous leader who started to practice dark magic. Later those same drust tought the humans their unique ways of druidic magic.
Against Vrykul hate their human descendants, seeing them as "weak and ugly".[17]
However opinions may change, and the fact that they are related to humans might give a reason for vrykul to join the Alliance.

Human variety as more races or just more customization options

General speculation
Kul Tiran
allied race
The Kul Tiran allied race are an allied race made up from the bigger body type of humans found on Kul Tiras, even though modern humans do not have sub-races established in lore currently.
Even though different looking humans aren't established as separate races in lore it's possible that the allied race system is simply used as a vehicle to introduce new playable body types to the game.

body types or
as races?
Humans have unique body types and characteristics that can potentially be made playable by adding them as playable races.
1) Thin human males in Kul Tiras have a unique model that is already capable of wearing most armor in-game and have unique hair and facial hair.
Thin human males seem to have animations of the playable Undead female, but with a more upright posture.
Priscilla Ashvane is a female human with a unique model that has a more obese physical appearance.
Harlan Sweete the last boss in Freehold is a male human with a unique model who has the same animations as pygmies, grummles, wyrmtongues, and the goblin Jastor Gallywix.
Medivh is a male human with a unique model with the same animation rigging as a night elf male.
Vanilla introduced unique human models different from playable humans for NPCs, including different body types (examples: 1, 2, 3/4/5, 6/7/8, 9/10), or unique hair and facial hair (examples: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
as races?
Modern humans do have quite a lot of different kingdoms established in lore. Most of the different kingdoms are friendly which is why making nationality a customization option for humans could make sense.
When the vast empire of Arathor was divided, it split into seven human kingdoms each with different characteristics to take from. Four kingdoms have playable races associated with them Stormwind, undead from ruined Lordaeron, worgen cursed Gilneas and the allied race from Kul Tiras.

Jinyu (and/or Ankoan)

Jinyu first seen in Mists of Pandaria
Ankoan first seen in Battle for Azeroth
For Jinyu and Ankoan have the same animations as the night elf male.
For Jinyu have their own unique architecture and unique settlements. Ankoan have a settlement of Mezzamere.
Neutral Ankoan are described as a race of "deep jinyu" and so could be added as customization option for jinyu.
Neutral Several ankoan have distinctively female voices, but look no different to males. Female versions of jinyu don't currently exist in-game.
Join the Alliance?
Strongly For The Pearlfin tribe of jinyu has already joined forces with the Alliance.
Strongly For The Waveblade Ankoan faction in Nazjatar befriends the Alliance.
Neutral There jinyu Prideful Nah and Traveler Nali located at Boralus Harbor in Boralus.
Join the Horde?
Neutral There is a jinyu merchant Bohai in the Grand Bazaar in Zuldazar.
Against Jinyu dislike the hozen of which one tribe has already allied with the Horde.

Kobold (and/or Snobold)

Kobold: "You no take candle!"
Snobold from Northrend.
Kobold first seen in Warcraft III
Snobold first seen in Wrath of the Lich Ling
For Kobolds are shown to largely inhabit mines and caves. Hearthstone Gravelsnout Knight is a kobold riding a Dire Mole as a mount.
Neutral Snobolds are an arctic kobold-like race with a connection to the magnataur.
Geomancer Flintdagger a kobold from Arathi Highlands uses the Snobold model.
Neutral Female kobolds don't currently exist in-game. Hearthstone Hearthstone: Kobolds & Catacombs has depicted a separate physical appearance for female kobold.
Join the Alliance?
Against Kobolds have conflicts with the humans in Elwynn Forest and the dwarves in Loch Modan. Some kobolds conspire with the Defias Brotherhood.
Join the Horde?
For Subjugator Devo makes the Boulderslide Kobolds of Stonetalon Mountains servants of the Horde, though he does later call them allies.


First seen in Shadowlands
For Kyrian have both male and female versions, versions with and without wings.
Join the Alliance?
For Uther has become one of the kyrian.
Join the Horde?
Neutral Some val'kyr which are similar to kyrians were part of the Horde.


First seen in Mists of Pandaria
For Male mogu have the same character animations as the draenei male.
For Mogu have their own architectural style and settlements, and their own language, Mogu.
For Rajani are a friendly faction of mogu.
Neutral Female mogu have the same character animations as the worgen female, but their models have always clenching fists as the mogu have one more finger then the worgen, so they don't have their hand animations.
Neutral At PAX East 2018 developer Daniel Stahl when talking in an interview mentioned mogu when talking about allied races: "what does that mean for the mogu, what does that mean for the dark iron dwarves, or all these allied races out there..."[18]
Against Mogu are located in Pandaria, Zuldazar and Island Expeditions and are hostile to player characters.
Join the Horde?
Neutral Zandalari trolls have joined the Horde who are historical allies of the mogu, and they may be an example for the mogu to join the Horde as well.

Murloc (and/or their related variants)

Gorloc from Northrend.
Murloc first seen in Warcraft III
Gorloc first seen in Wrath of the Lich king
Deep sea murloc first seen in Cataclysm
For Murlocs are widespread, and can be encountered near virtually every large body of water. Murlocs have their own unique simple settlements. Murlocs have a language, Nerglish, though not unique to the murlocs (it is shared with other races of the sea).
For Sir Finley Mrrgglton in Stormheim is a murloc who is a member of the Explorers' League. Murloc Slrglrglr "Stabby" Glrslrslr is a member of the Unseen Path. Morgl the Oracle is a muloc that can borrow a shaman artifact weapon.
For Crab Rider Grmlrml and Glrglrr are murlocs who use crabs as a mounts. Hearthstone Murloc Knight rides a frog as a mount.
For Gorlocs have their own settlements. Oracles a faction of Gorlocs that inhabit Sholazar Basin can be befriended by players.
Neutral Murlocs have average intelligence.[19][20]
This is also shown in the orc "Prologue campaign" Exodus of the Horde chapters three, four and five. The murlocs who worshipped the Sea Witch showed intelligence and even had dialogue.
Neutral Murlocs don’t wear much.
Some murlocs have been shown wearing helmes in-game (examples: 1, 2, 3).
Mrrgria is a murloc wearing a dress and a wig and Shoreline Tidespeakers are wearing pants, form Return to Karazhan's Opera Hall: Westfall Story.
Hearthstone Hearthstone has depicted murlocs with armor.
There have been a number of murloc companion pets that use some armor: Murkimus the Gladiator, Murkalot,  [Murkidan],  [Grommloc],  [Knight-Captain Murky] and  [Legionnaire Murky].
A murloc demon hunter with the same model as Murkidan: Murgulis appears when demons are invading Stormheim.
Neutral It's not known if murlocs show sexual dimorphism.
Neutral There are a number of related variants to murlocs, two of which are seen in World of Warcraft Gorloc and Deep sea murloc, with WC3RoC-logo.png Mur'gul and Mutant murloc seen in Warcraft III but not seen in WoW Icon-RPG.png and both are expanded on in the Warcraft RPG as separate from regular murlocs.
There are fel corrupted murlocs on the Broken Isles.
Hearthstone Morgl the Oracle alternate hero has a long tale and distinct facial features. In the left of the art for Murloc Escaping! a distinct murloc is shown with fish-like fins on his back and arm. In the art for Gentle Megasaur there are 2 murlocs shown with a horn on their head.
Neutral In 2007. at the San Diego Comic Con when asked if murlocs would be a playable race Chris Metzen said "not soon".[citation needed] [21][22]
Neutral In a interview at BlizzCon 2017. Chris Robinson said that the idea of murlocs frequently comes up but that murlocs are not planned as an allied race.[23]
Neutral Glimmerfin murlocs in Grizzly Hills are friendly with adventurers. A neutral night elf druid King Mrgl-Mrgl in Borean Tundra managed to trick the Winterfin tribe of murlocs into being friendly with adventurers. Later in Highmountain on the Broken Isles King Mrgl-Mrgl is leading efforts to raise a friendly young murloc named Murky to be the new leader of the violent and cruel Swamprock tribe of Shipwreck Cove.
Neutral Mrgrggrgl Mark III a destroyer and Brgrggrgl Mark II a submarine are crewed by murlocs that can serve Alliance or Horde.
Join the Alliance?
For Sir Finley Mrrgglton in Stormheim is a murloc who is a member of the Explorers' League
Join the Horde?
For Tidelost murlocs are part of the Unshackled faction in Nazjatar that is friendly to the Horde.
Against Murlocs were responsible for driving the Darkspear tribe of jungle trolls from the Darkspear Islands, and killing their leader Sen'jin.
Those were Murlocs under control of the Sea Witch. There are other Murloc tribes.


Naga female
Naga male
First seen in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
For Both male and female naga exist in game, their models are capable of already wearing much of the armor in-game.
Naga models include support for wearing boot and leg pieces (that fit on their tail), however not helmets.

Naga sea witchs are a distinct version of naga with snake like hair.

For Naga have their own unique architectural style and settlements. Naga have their own unique language, Nazja. Naga have a racial capital in lore, Nazjatar. Naga are widespread, and can be encountered on virtually every coastline.
For The Naga of the Illidari of the Coilskar tribe led by Lady S'theno defended Azeroth during the third invasion of the Burning Legion.
For Chris Metzen has said in the The Burning Crusade Behind-the-Scenes DVD that naga are one of the races he'd like to eventually be playable.[24]
Neutral Naga were in the planned lineup of playable races for Vanilla World of Warcraft but were cut because of difficulty in creating mounting animations and armor that would fit the naga.[25]
Neutral Naga being able to breathe underwater would not be an unfair advantage as the Forsaken already have that ability.
Against Naga are servants of the Old Gods. Some have sided with Illidan, and in Outland were enemies of both the Alliance and Horde.
Strongly Against So far all playable races have been bipedal, as naga have no legs, rather a snake-like limb, it could introduce technical difficulties in reworking the WoW code for the new animations, abilities and clothing.
Naga brutes a version of a naga with legs have been introduced, but they are all larger then current player characters.
Join the Alliance?
For Cooperation between the naga and the night elves is possible as shown in a the Warcraft III: the Frozen Throne mission: The Brothers Stormrage.
Join the Horde?
For The nagas and blood elves allied during the aftermath of the Third War. As shown in a the Warcraft III: the Frozen Throne campaign: Curse of the Blood Elves.
Icon-RPG.png The naga mindset and background is similar to the blood elves and Forsaken undead. They also share the same views on the arcane as their fellow Highborne exiles, the blood elves. Blood elves get along well with the naga — with whom they share Highborne ancestry.[26]


A one-eyed ogre
First seen in Warcraft: Orcs & Humans
Two-headed ogre and ogre magi first seen in Warcraft II
One-eyed one-headed ogre first seen in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
For Ogres have their own unique culture, history, traditions, ships (juggernaughts), architecture and settlements. Ogres have their own language, Ogre. Ogres are widespread and can be encountered in various zones across Azeroth, Outland and alternate Draenor.
For Ogri'la is a ogre faction in Outland that can be befriended by players of both factions.
Mog'dorg the Wizened of the Ogri'la can aid the player in the quest N [35 Daily] The Protectors of Hyjal.
For Many ogres are comparable in height to be a prefect size for a player race. However many do appear to be huge compared to player characters.
Icon-RPG.png Adult ogres can be between 6'5" - 7'5" (males) and 6'2" - 7'2" (females).[27] Shorter than the ingame tauren males (8 ft tall).
For Chris Metzen has said in the The Burning Crusade Behind-the-Scenes DVD that ogres are one of the races he'd like to eventually be playable.[24]
Neutral Additional variations of ogres exist such as two-headed ogres, one-eyed ogres and the huge ogre lords.
Two-headed ogres and ogre magi appear as both having their twin heads act, think and speak independently of one another, such as Cho'gall, or their twin heads act in unison, such as Dentarg and Imperator Mar'gok.
Neutral In 2004. Blizzard announced an April Fool's Joke that two-headed ogres would be a playable race in WoW.
Neutral In-game ogres are shown to pledge allegiance to the player that can best their previous leaders, as is the case of the Gordok (on a Tribute Run of Dire Maul North[28]) or the Bladespire and Bloodmaul clans (when the Gronn are slain, the player is declared king or queen of the ogres[29]).
Against Female ogres don't currently exist in-game.
WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png Only two known illustration of female ogres exist Karrga and Ogre girl.
Join the Alliance?
Neutral Ogres, like draenei, humans and night elves, have suffered at the hands of orcs in the past, which could potentially give them reason to unite with the Alliance against the Horde.
Historic feud with the Alliance. However, this is interchangeable, as blood elves had a historic feud with the Horde prior to joining them.
Neutral The Laughing Skull Clan an orc clan led by ogre mage Mogor the Ogre managed to betray the Horde of Draenor and aided the Alliance at one point. However Mogor although still alive in Outland, is hostile to everyone.
Strongly Against Members of the Alliance generally view ogres as savages and enemies.[30]
Join the Horde?
Strongly For Stonemaul clan ogres centered in Dustwallow Marsh with their capitol in Brackenwall Village are already members of the Horde.
Strongly For Stonemaul clan ogres from alternate Draenor seem to be part of the Mag'har from alternate Draenor and came to Orgrimmar with the Mag'har orcs when they joined the Azeroth's Horde.
For Following the cataclysm the Dunemaul ogres in Tanaris are brought into the Horde due to the efforts of Megs Dreadshredder and the Dunemaul "Emissary" who are stationed at the Dunemaul Recruitment Camp.
For Members of the Dreadmaul ogres in the Blasted Lands have been conquered and enslaved by the Horde.[31]
For Individual ogres such as Jorb and Gregg already serve the Horde.
For Ogres were part of the Old Horde, as well as Ner'zhul's Horde of Draenor.
Two ogre mages were leaders of entire orc clans Cho'gall and Mogor. Ogre mage Dentarg was one of the most trusted servants of Ner'zhul.
WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png Several ogre clans became members of the Old Horde willingly when they were freed from the Gronn.[32]
WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png Orgrim Doomhammer was rather fond of his ogre bodyguards.[33]

Icon-RPG.png Some ogre clans like the Stonemaul, are rejoining the Horde willingly; feeling that there's a bond with the orcs.[34][35][36]

Orc variants

The playable Orc race is the one who's skin turned green from the taint of the drinking of the blood of Mannoroth, additionally a variant of orcs is already an allied race in the Battle for Azeroth expansion the Mag'har orc.

Fel orc

First seen in Warcraft III
For1 Quests in the Blood furnace reveal many of the fel orcs in the Illidari are unwilling converts created from orcs and Mag'har orcs.
Neutral Fel orcs in Outland are red-skinned and are hostile to both Alliance and Horde after the second reopening of the dark portal.
2) There are male versions in-game that have the same animations as the playable Orc male and are capable of wearing all player armor.
1) There are males with a unique model (with spikes) that is capable of wearing most armor in-game and have the same Orc male animations.
Uniquely Watchkeeper Gargolmar has purple skin and Bonechewer Behemoths have dark skin.
Icon-TCG.png Pride of the Fel Horde TCG card has fel orcs with orange skin.
The present situation in Hellfire Citadel and Hellfire Peninsula where fel orcs are located is unknown.
Hearthstone There are a number of red female fel orcs in Hearthstone: Ashes of Outland: Bonechewer Vanguard, Dragonrider, Ruststeed Raider and Warmaul Challenger.
Neutral 3) Fel orcs from AU Draenor have skin that is a gray-black color, with the exception of some red-skinned dire orcs such as Felsworn Hulks and Gurtogg Bloodboil.
While much fewer in number, some fel orc members of the Shadow Council resembling the ones from Alternate Draenor can be found on the Broken Isles, such as Lord Malgath in the Assault on Violet Hold.
Lore WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png Fel orcs are corrupted orcs created by the continual consumption of pit lord blood, which has caused them to be completely consumed by madness and bloodlust.[37]
WC3RoC-logo.png Orcs with red skin as first seen: Slave Master is the first and Jubei'Thos is the second red-skinned orc seen. After Grom Hellscream's orcs drank from the Chaos Well they become red-skinned fel orcs that were called chaos orcs. WC3tFT-logo.png First seen with the name fel orcs are in Outland.
Join the Horde?
Strongly For Quartermaster Dekrok and some Horde Portal-Sentries NPCs in the Blasted Lands are part of the Horde.
For Caza'rez wants to create a cure for the fel orcs forcibly corrupted by the Illidari.[38]

Orc clan and body variety as races or just more customization options

There are a few orc clans with enough unique esthetics to justify them as a customization option.
1) Orc clans of the Dark Horde led by Blackrock clan centered in Blackrock Spire have had a unique esthetic (with gray skin that has a small shade of green) since Vanilla.
Eitrigg an orc who is from the Blackrock clan but was never part of the Dark Horde has the same unique esthetic.
On alternate Draenor, Orgrim Doomhammer, Master Siegesmith Uratok and Morketh Bladehowl are Blackrock clan orcs with the same unique esthetic.
2) The majority of the Dragonmaw clan has a unique esthetic with gray skin and glowing yellow eyes established since the Cataclysm expansion (prior to Cataclysm Dragonmaw clan orcs in the Wetlands used skin colors as other orcs).
Because they don't show a green pigment in their skin color this could possibly mean they never drank the Blood of Mannoroth and are in fact mag'har orcs.
On alternate Draenor in Warlords of Draenor there are orcs with the same appearance as Dragonmaw clan orcs, unknown whether these orcs are intended to represent Dragonmaw clan orcs or are simply a case of model re-usage. However they aren't part of the Mag'har orc allied race.
3) AU Shattered Hand clan orcs from Alternate Draenor have a unique esthetic of a pale white skin.
This skin tone isn't part of Mag'har orc allied race as it exists ingame.
The Shattered Hand clan skin is attached to a unique esthetic from Warlords of Draenor that don't support player armor, and doesn't have a female variant in-game. Nevertheless, it is possible for their skin tone to be ported to the playable Mag'har in the future as shown by this fanmodel.[39]
Blackhand warlord of the AU Blackrock clan is depicted with a similar pale white skin.[40] Hans'gar a dire orc is also shown with a similar pale white skin.
There are NPC body types that are different from playable orc races body types: 4) large male Dire orcs (present among orcs and mag'har orcs as well as fel orcs and pale orcs) and body types used by unique characters: 5) Thrall with a unique male orc body type introduced in Cataclysm and 6) Gul'dan with spikes on his back and with a unique posture.
Thrall is also the only male orc with eyebrows as a model in WoW. WC2-BnetE-logo.pngWC3RoC-logo.png Prior to WoW orcs with eyebrows are Gul'dan and Kargath Bladefist hero units in Warcraft II and Blademaster, Far Seer and Stormreaver Warlock units in Warcraft III.
WC2-BnetE-logo.pngWC3RoC-logo.png Some orcs from the Warcraft II and Warcraft III cinematics are thinner than the WoW depiction of orcs.
Against Specific orc clans or body varieties aren't established as separate sub-races in lore.
Join the Horde?
Strongly For 1) Blackrock clan orcs have been part of the new Horde since its inception.
Strongly For 2) The Dragonmaw clan is already part of the Horde.
Strongly For 3) Both the alternate and main timeline Shattered Hand clans are part of the Horde.
Strongly For 4) A few dire orcs are already part of the Horde.

Quilboar (and/or idea for a pig humanoid in general)

Quilboar female
Quilboar male
Quilboar brute
First seen in Warcraft III
For Quilboar have both male and female versions in-game.
Quilboar have two male versions, with the second larger male quilboar version having the same animations as the male tauren.
For Quilboar have their own unique primitive architectural style and settlements. Quilboars are found in Kalimdor and Kul Tiras.
For The (demi)god of the quilboar, Agamaggan, aided the other demigods and the mortal races against the Burning Legion in the War of the Ancients.
The Spirit of Agamaggan seeks to return his children to their noble roots.[41]
Neutral Beast men are grotesque beings found in Drustvar that resemble beast (mostly pig) humanoids.
Join the Alliance?
For Although resulting in a terrible idea, some humans are willing to work with the quilboar against the Horde.[42]
Neutral A chunk of the quilboars' ancestral land was taken from them by the Horde, possibly providing a motive for the quilboar to join the Alliance.
Join the Horde?
For The Mean Streets of Gadgetzan expansion of Hearthstone features a quilboar biker gang seemingly affiliated with the Horde.
For Both the tauren and quilboar live together in peace in Freewind Post which both races had taken from the Grimtotem tribe.
Strongly Against WC3RoC-logo.pngIcon-RPG.png Rexxar, half-ogre champion of the Horde killed many quilboar when population numbers became a problem for the Horde. Quilboar have not forgiven the Horde for this transgression, and hold bitter resentment against anyone allied with the Horde.[43][44] They have hatred especially the tauren and the orcs whom they believe to be trespassing on their ancestral lands.

Saberon (and/or idea for a cat humanoid in general)

Obsidian destroyer first seen in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
Trolls in Zul'Gurub transformed into feline humanoids in Vanilla
Tol'vir first seen in Cataclysm
Saberon first seen in Warlords of Draenor
For Several trolls in Zul'Gurub took on the aspect of the feline loa Shirvallah and Bethekk transforming themselfs into feline humanoid forms.
During Warlords of Draenor there was a Feral druid talent [Claws of Shirvallah] which made their [Cat Form] transform them into an appearance which looked the as same as a Draenor's Saberon.
For Both saberon and male and female shapeshifted troll models have the same character animations as male worgen in-game.
For Saberon have their own architectural style and settlements, although primitive.
Saberon generally live in caves.
For Tol'vir have their own unique history, architecture and settlements. There is a faction of tol'vir called Ramkahen that can be befriended by players.
For Tol'vir Gharset the Aimtrue is part of the Unseen Path.
For In Zuldazar there is a tol'vir ship in the Port of Zandalar and three tol'vir merchants Ahmos, Plen and Jadzia in the Grand Bazaar.
Neutral Saberon unlikely to appear even as a non-playable race in any expansion after Warlords of Draenor.
In the main universe saberon either do not exist or they were completely killed off when Draenor became Outland.
However, as worgen show, the race's own plotline does not have to be directly related to the expansion storyline.
Neutral Most saberon tribes are hostile towards both Alliance and Horde alike.
Several saberon like Leorajh, Pallas, and Goldmane aid the Horde and Alliance showing they can work well with each other.
Strongly Against Tol'vir have four legs it could introduce a technical difficulties in reworking the WoW code for the new animations, abilities and clothing.
There are variations of tol'vir both those made of flesh and those made of stone, as well as those made of stone with wings.
Join the Horde?
Strongly For Darkspear trolls in the Cenarion Cicle were the ones who developed [Claws of Shirvallah].
Neutral The saberon of Draenor accidentally escaped to Azeroth thanks to the efforts of the orcs.


First seen in Mists of Pandaria
For Saurok have the same character animations as male worgen in-game.
Neutral No female versions of saurok exist in-game. Though it's not known if in canon lore they show much sexual dimorphism.
Hearthstone Hearthstone: Journey to Un'Goro has depicted a separate physical appearance for female saurok.


First seen in Battle for Azertoh
For The body of the Sethrak model has the same character animations as female worgen in-game[45] with the addition of a tail, and a unique head structure.
There are female appropriate sethrak voice overs in-game,[46][47] so it appears that sethrak don't show much sexual dimorphism. Though Avatar of Sethraliss has breast armor.
Hearthstone Vessina is a female sethrak in Hearthstone.
For Sethrak have their own architecture and settlements. Sethrak use krolusk & pterrordax as mounts.
For Sethrak in Sanctuary of the Devoted & Forward Camp are friendly to players.
Join the Horde?
For The main god of the sethrak race is Sethraliss, who is also worshiped by the Zandalari trolls who house the sethrak priests of this loa in their capital.
For In Vol'dun the Devoted work closely with the Horde and Voldunai vulpera (who have formally joined the Horde) against the Faithless.


First seen in Shadowlands
Strongly For Sylvar have both male and female versions and have the animations of female draenei.

Tauren related race varients

The playable Tauren race are native to modern Kalimdor, additionally a tauren offshoot is already a playable allied race, Highmountain tauren from the Broken Isles.


Taunka from Northrend.
First seen in Wrath of the Lich King
For Male taunka have a unique model in-game and are capable of already wearing most armor in-game.
Female taunka use the female tauren model in-game.
For Taunka have their own architectural style and settlements in Northrend.
Neutral After WotLK taunka appeared outside Northrend: Gaur Icehorn, Toshe Chaosrender, Omu Spiritbreeze, Sage Paluna, Tormak the Scarred and the Mistscorn taunka on Island Expeditions.
Join the Horde?
Strongly For The Taunka are already part of the Horde and are their main allies in Northrend.


First seen in Mists of Pandaria
For The yaungol model has the same animations as playable tauren male characters.
Only male versions of yaungol exist in-game.
For Yaungol have their own architectural style and settlements in Pandaria.
Join the Horde?
Neutral Yaungol are the ancestor race of the tauren and taunka with whom they kept in touch up to the Sundering which made all communications between these races impossible.


First seen in the Journey to Un'Goro expansion for Hearthstone.
Introduced in World of Warcraft in game with Battle for Azeroth
For Tortollans are friendly to player characters. Tortollan Seekers are a faction that can be befriended by player characters. Tortollans have their own settlements and are found on Zandalar and Kul Tiras.
For Hearthstone Hearthstone: Journey to Un'Goro established that tortollans are also present in Un'Goro Crater and that they have Stegodons as mounts.
Neutral It appears that tortollans don't show much sexual dimorphism, as there are both male and female characters using the same model but have gender appropriate voice overs.
Join the Horde?
For For many years the tortollans had been allies of the Zandalari Empire and even have their own district in the capital city of the Zandalari trolls.
For Most tortollans worship Torga while the Tortaka tribe has recently begun to worship Kimbul both of whom are loa who are also worshipped by Zandalari trolls.
For In Nazmir tortollans side with Talanji's Expedition in battle against the blood trolls.

Troll race variants

The playable Troll race is the Jungle troll race specifically the player characters are part of the Darkspear tribe prior to World of Warcraft: Shadowlands which add sand troll and what seems to be dark troll customization options for the regular troll playable race, additionally a variant of trolls is an allied race, the Zandalari troll.

Blood troll

First seen in Battle for Azeroth
For Blood trolls have both male and female versions in-game that have the same animations as the playable troll race.
Both male and female models have unique hair and tattoos, and the males have unique tusks.
Have unique racial armor. Models currently don't support the player character armor type.
In addition there is a bigger female blood troll model (female dire troll) that has the same animations as the big Kul Tiran human male.
For Blood trolls have their own unique culture, architecture and settlements located in Nazmir. Blood trolls have unique mounts: crawgs, undead devilsaurs and blood ticks. The Amaki, Natha'vor and Nazmani are blood troll tribes.
Neutral On 11. june 2018. in an interview with IGN a day before E3 2018. production director John Haight said "don't be surprised if you don't see the opportunity to play as a blood troll at some point".[48] It was soon stated that the developer misspoke and that he was talking about Zandalari trolls becoming a playable race not blood trolls.[49]
Neutral Gottum is a neutral blood troll vendor, showing that not all blood trolls need to be hostile.
Join the Alliance?
Neutral Even though the Alliance had failed, there were attempts to allie with the blood trolls against the Horde during the Fourth War
Join the Alliance?
Neutral Hir'eek, the bat loa is worshipped not only by the Darkspear and Zandalari trolls who are part of the Horde, but also by the blood trolls, and his eventual return might improve the relationships between those races
Strongly Against The blood trolls were the enemies of the Zandalari Empire for many years and are resposible for many atrocities commited against the Empire and the loa

Dark troll

A lone dark troll in Zuldazar Speaker Ik'nal.
First seen in Warcraft III
For WC3RoC-logo.png Shadowtooth clan of dark trolls fought together with the night elves, Thrall's Horde and Jaina's survivors of Lordaeron in the battle of Mount Hyjal against the Burning Legion.
Neutral A female dark troll Speaker Ik'nal is located in Zuldazar. She is so far the first and only dark troll seen in-game in World of Warcraft.
WC3RoC-logo.png Dark trolls were seen in Northern Kalimdor in Warcraft III.
Neutral Dark trolls seem to have been wiped out by the Twilight's Hammer, but more could possibly exist in caves.[50]
Against Icon-RPG.png The RPG states that dark trolls are the tallest and rarest known subspecies of trollkind.
Strongly Against World of Warcraft: Shadowlands seems to add dark trolls as a customization option for the regular troll playable race, but this isn't confirmed yet and those skin colors could be darker jungle trolls.
Join the Alliance?
Neutral Night elves may be interested in finding out more of their ancestor race the dark trolls?

Forest troll

First seen in Warcraft II
For Male forest trolls have a unique model that is capable of already wearing most armor in-game, they look like a stretched out version of the playable Troll race, and their animations are based on the playable Trolls from before the WoD model update. Female and some male versions in-game have the same animations as the playable Troll race and are capable of wearing all player armor.
The most recent unique NPC forest troll model was introduced in Mists of Pandaria.
For Forest trolls have their own unique architecture and settlements. Forest trolls have a racial mount the  [Amani War Bear]. WC2-BnetE-logo.png Forest trolls also have their own naval vessels.
Neutral Forest trolls of the Amani tribe have an enclave Tal'aman in Zuldazar. In the Terrace of the Speakers in Zuldazar there are forest troll Speaker NPCs from the Firetree, Mossflayer, Revantusk, Smolderthorn, Vilebranch and Witherbark tribes.
Neutral Whilst their ingame model in World of Warcraft doesn't currently showcase this, Forest trolls are noted to be smaller in size compared to Ice and Zandalar trolls.[51][52][53]
Against Members of the Alliance and Horde twice worked to defeat the Amani tribe of forest trolls in their racial capital of Zul'Aman and killed their most beloved leader Zul'jin and later the Zandalari connected warlord Daakara. Later in the Throne of Thunder they killed the next Amani leader Kazra'jin.
Join the Alliance?
Neutral There is possible motivation for the forest trolls to join the Alliance in order to mount an offensive against their mutual enemy, the blood elves.
Against Forest trolls allied with the orcs against the Alliance of Lordaeron in the Second War.
Strongly Against Forest trolls are in conflict with the Wildhammer dwarves who are part of the Alliance in the Hinterlands.
Strongly Against Forest trolls hate high elves and humans. High elves founded Quel'thalas on forest troll land and Silvermoon itself was constructed over the site of sacred troll grounds. Humans and high elves destroyed the Amani Empire in the Troll Wars.
Most descendants of high elves are blood elves (Horde members), those still calling themselves high elves are members of the Alliance.
With the creation of void elves, there is now another faction of former residents of Quel'thalas who have joined the Alliance.
Join the Horde?
Strongly For Revantusk tribe of forest trolls in the Hinterlands are already aligned to the Horde.
For In the Stonetalon Mountains one of the variants of Krom'gar Blood Guard and Krom'gar Marauder NPCs is a forest troll. Also Troll Workers are forest trolls who were seen carrying crates in Razor Hill during the Darkspear Rebellion shortly before the Siege of Orgrimmar.
For Forest trolls under Zul'jin were part of the Old Horde in the Second War. A group of forest trolls were also part of the Ner'zhul's Horde of Draenor.
WC3RoC-logo.png Campaign chapter Chasing Visions Thrall quote: "Forest trolls! I still can't believe they were ever a part of the Horde."
Against In Kaja'mine on Kezan forest trolls were slaves of the Bilgewater Cartel of goblins (who became part of the Horde soon after).
Against WC3tFT-logo.png Campaign chapter The Dark Lady Sylvanas quote: "Forest Trolls! I hate them even more than those cursed dreadlords. Slaugther them all!"
Strongly Against Blood elves are in conflict with forest trolls in eastern parts of Eversong Woods and Ghostlands. There is mutual hatred between blood elves and forest trolls.
Zul'jin the former leader of the forest trolls feels betrayed by the Horde, his former allies, for joining forces with the blood elves.[54]

Ice troll

First seen in Warcraft III
For Male ice trolls have a unique model that is capable of already wearing most armor in-game, they look like a larger variant of the playable Troll race just like Forest Trolls, and their animations are based on the playable Trolls from before the WoD model update.
Female ice trolls use the same female model in-game as the playable Troll race.
Neutral Ice trolls have their own unique architecture and settlements. Ice trolls have been shown riding several different mounts, the bat, mammoth, ram, raptor and rhino. There are 4 different tribes of ice trolls in-game all from different locations: drakkari, frostmane, icetusk and the winterax tribe.
The heaviest population of ice trolls were the drakkari centered in Zul'Drak, who have had their numbers diminished in the war with the Lich King.
The Drakkari ice troll capital, Gundrak, is already used as a dungeon, and their leaders are killable.
Neutral In lore, Ice Trolls are noted to be bigger then Forest Trolls and the Zandalari, contrary to their current ingame model.[55][56][57]
Neutral In Zuldazar there are ice troll Speaker NPCs from the Drakkari, Frostmane, and Winterax tribes.
Join the Alliance?
Strongly Against The frostmane tribe of ice trolls have a historic feud with the dwarves over the lands of Dun Morogh they once ruled.
Join the Horde?
For Frostwolf Stable Masters are frost trolls who joined the Frostwolf clan.

Troll body variety as races or just more customization options

Zandalari dire troll male
A jungle troll NPC model
There are jungle troll and Zandalari troll NPCs with body types different from playable trolls: large male Dire trolls (present among jungle and Zandalari trolls as well as forest, sand and ice trolls), muscular male jungle troll body type found in Stranglethorn Vale (WC3RoC-logo.png similar to the Troll Berserker), Zul the Prophet is a Zandalari troll that has the same posture and animations as a regular playable Troll male (in contrast to Zandalari posture and animations) and there is a bigger female Zandalari troll Aka'ali the Conqueror found in the Kings' Rest dungeon with the same animations as the big Kul Tiran human male (female dire troll, a female body type also found amongst blood trolls).
In addition the male Zandalari Infiltrator mob has a unique appearance, but what species of troll it is is unknown.
Some dire troll males are shown with skin color not seen on other trolls, such as white and orange (but some of these may be body paint).
Dire troll males are shown as having eyebrows (a characteristic among trolls only also seen on some sand trolls). There are trolls shown having beards (examples: 1, 2). Heroes of the Storm Troll minions in Alterac Pass are also shown as having furlike hair on their arms and feet.
WC3RoC-logo.png Troll Batriders are jungle trolls shown without having tusks (WC2-BnetE-logo.png Troll Axethrowers are forest trolls shown without having tusks).
Against Specific troll body varieties aren't established as separate sub-races in lore.
Join the Horde?
Strongly For There are dire troll males among the Zandalari and forest trolls who joined the Horde.


Female and male tuskarr models in Dragonflight.
First seen in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
Strongly For There are new male and female tuskarr models in the Dragonflight expansion.
For Male tuskarr from Wrath of the Lich King already have graphical support for utilizing some armor (minus helmets).
For Tuskarr have their own unique architectural style and settlements in Northrend and the Dragon Isles. Tuskarr use otters and turtles as mounts, and bigger turtles as turtle boats. Tuskarr have their own unique language, Tuskarr.
For Kalu'ak (meaning "tuskarr" in the tuskarr language) is a tuskarr faction in Northrend that can be befriended by players.
Join the Horde?
For The tuskarr of the Dragon Isles are worshiping the zandalari shark loa Gral.

Undead variants as playable races or just more customization options

vampyr pirate
Male troll Mummy
Skeletons first seen in Warcraft: Orcs & Humans
First non-human undead was shown in a unit icon in Warcraft: Orcs & Humans
For Current playable undead are highly decomposed undead humans of the Forsaken faction although there are other types of undead.
Note there are player characters already set up as undead versions of their respective member races with the Death knight class and "Dark Ranger" customization unlocked from  [Return to Lordaeron]. Additionally note there are toys that allows the player character to appear as a ghost version of themselves:  [Death's Door Charm],  [Spectral Visage] and  [Scroll of Aeons].
of undead
In the Shadowlands and especially in Maldraxxus there are new undead different from the current playable undead.
Flesh covered skeletons with the Kul Tiran male animation rig.
Slime giants with the Kul Tiran male animation rig.
Maldraxxi gladiators, which have the female version with the Kul Tiran female animation rig.
Maldraxxi necromancers with the male Zandalari troll animation rig.

Other versions of undead humans different from the current playable Forsaken undead humans.

Recent/vitalized humans like Calia Menethil, or Nathanos Blightcaller or the vampyr pirates of the Red Blade, they already support wearing all armor in-game and have the same animations as the playable human.
Could be added as simply as a customization the same way dark ranger customization was added for elf races?
Skeletal humans are already built to support wearing some player armor, and have the same animations as the playable undead male.
There are also skeletal humans that use the same animations as the playable human male, but don't support player armor.
There are also skeletal warriors and skeletal mages who have their own distinct models.
Ghouls, geists and zombies have distinct body types.

Many versions of non-human undead of other living playable races are already in-game.

San'layn a type of darkfallen vampire undead elves.
Troll mummys that use a variation of troll male and female player models.
Troll death knight Disciple of the Unholy uses the mummy skin.
Goblin Zombies were raised by pygmy witch doctors on the Lost Isles, they use a variation of the goblin male player models.
Skeletal orcs, Skeletal trolls, tauren, dwarves, gnomes and goblins have unique models that use the same animations as the playable male versions of those races.
At least one undead gnome Zelifrax Wobblepox re-uses a leper gnome in-game appearance.

Undead versions of NPC only races that are in-game:

Different versions of undead vrykul (human ancestor race) exist such as val'kyr, vrykul skeletons, vargul and ymirjar.
Skeletal vrykul models are already built to support wearing some player armor.
There are skeletal drust that use the skeletal vrykul model.
There are quilboar (Death's Head tribe), gnoll (Rot Hide) and murloc (mur'ghoul) undead who just use a undead skin color.
Skeletal monkeys that have the same animations as hozen.

There are undead constructs and experiments, such as abominations, bone golems and plague eruptors.

There are construct terracotta warriors, vigilants and wicker constructs powered by souls, so they are possibly another form of undead.

There are undead who are incorporeal or partly incorporeal who don't have legs, such as banshees, spectres, wraiths, shades and lichs.

Join the Horde?
Strongly For The Forsaken undead faction that is part of the Horde has many different types of undead in its ranks.
For San'layn including Blood Prince Dreven have been given a chance to redeem themselves by serving the Horde in Battle for Azeroth.[58]


First seen in Shadowlands
For Venthyr have both male and female versions.
For Denathrius has the same animation rig as a male draenei, but he is as far is known a unique character.
Against Venthyr exposed to the Light for too long become ash ghouls wretches crawling on the ground. A playable venthyr would perhaps need a unique lore reason to be able to enter the area that can't be entered by NPC venthyr but can be entered by a player character.

Worgen variants (night elven worgen and/or nontransformable worgen)

First seen in World of Warcraft
Lore A faction of Night elf druids were the original worgen (see: Druids of the Pack/Scythe and Pack form) created in the time of the War of the Satyr.
The worgen curse has roots in the Emerald Dream (through the wolf Ancient, Goldrinn).

Current playable worgen are humans from the kingdom of Gilneas affected by the worgen curse. They can appear outside of combat in either their human form or their worgen form.

Krennan Aranas managed to concoct a partial cure for the worgen curse. Upon experimenting it on captured Gilnean feral worgen, it allowed them to regain their sanity (giving them control of their minds), thus allowing them to retain the semblance of their past human selves. The night elves later offered a more effective cure: drinking from the wells of Tal'doren would allow them to transform back into their humans selves at will.
Possible options? It is then possible to have either: unique worgen who were night elves and change back to a night elf form outside of combat (similarly to playable worgen), former night elves who are stuck in a worgen form, or humans who are stuck in a worgen form.
It is unclear what would make them visually unique from playable worgen, possibly long night elf ears for worgen, or in general a more feral look.
Join the Alliance?
For According to Denmother Ulrica several of the worgen in Talonbranch Glade, possibly including herself, had been around since Velinde Starsong first used the Scythe of Elune. This would make some of them former Druids of the Pack, and as such a night elven worgen.
For Both night elves and human worgen are already part of the Alliance.

Other variants of current playable races

Other unique variants of current playable races not separately listed above that are shown in-game are listed below:

Variants of a current playable race that is currently only seen as a single NPC in-game:

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png Night of the Dragon also established Skardyn cursed descendants of dwarves of the Dark Iron clan beneath Grim Batol.

Icon-RPG.png Steppe Trolls are a type of trolls who can be found in the steppes and grasslands of Azeroth and can be found as allies of the Horde.

Additionally there are factions of races who aren't established as physically distinct but can potentially be established as separate playable races in the future such as the Grimtotem tribe of tauren (they have unique tattoos) or the secretive Shen'dralar Highborne night elves.

Alliance high elf

Alliance high elf female ranger
Alliance high elf male priest
First seen in Warcraft II
Note High elves have been added in a way by adding high elf appearance customization options to both Horde blood elves and Alliance void elves in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, but it can additionally be suggested that this lore wise may not have made the Alliance high elf option playable as the void elves have unique lore and specific racials compared to the high elf, so it can be additionally suggested making a separate Alliance high elf playable race or making blood elves be playable by both factions (like the pandaren).
As there can be almost no difference between blood elf and void elf playable characters in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands a third playable race may not be imposible.
For Alliance high elves have their own settlements and ships[59] in-game, however the styles used for them are just high elf themed versions of architecture and ships used by others. High elves have their own unique mount the  [Quel'dorei Steed]. High elves language of Thalassian is currently used by both Horde blood elves and Alliance void elves. High elves have well established lore, although this can possibly apply only to the time until the Scourge invasion of Quel'Thalas.
Neutral High elves still exist, although high elf numbers are diminished by war with the Scourge and then by the establishment of the blood elves.
High elf society exists, although the high elf race as a contemporary concept separate from blood elves is contentious.
Icon-RPG.png Careful cross-referencing of data given by the RPG books, according to Brann Bronzebeard's official figures[60][61], high elves have a population of about 25,720, with most living in Stormwind: much higher than his total of 9,958 Darkspear trolls (a playable race) left on Azeroth.
Neutral Void elves so far can't be the paladin and demon hunter classes so option for these classes may be a reason to have playable Alliance high elves or blood elves on both factions.
Neutral WC2-BnetE-logo.png&WC3RoC-logo.png Elves from Warcraft II didn't have glowing eyes instead had white eyes, and high and blood elves from Warcraft III had white eyes with only priest units having glowing eyes.
Strongly Against When asked about why high elves weren't added in Battle for Azeroth as an allied race at BlizzCon 2017, Game Director Ion Hazzikostas stated that high elves are essentially already playable as the blood elves on the Horde, and that the void elves are also another flavor of high elves that are playable on the Alliance.[62] In April 2018. he again stated that blood elves are basically high elves, but he also stated that anything is possible in the future but no plans in the near-term to add high elves as an allied race.[63]
Strongly Against The new character customizations added in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands have essentially allowed for void elves to play as high elves.
Join the Alliance?
Strongly For High elves are already part of the Alliance. High elves directly oppose the Horde and the blood elves despite the restoration of the Sunwell.
The Silver Covenant which is made up by high elves is part of the Alliance, it is led by Ranger-General of the Silver Covenant Vereesa Windrunner.
The Silver Covenant has played a role in WotLK, Cataclysam, MoP and Legion WoW expansions.

Other unique humanoids comparable to playable races

Unique humanoids with physical attributes comparable to current playable races not separately listed above that are shown in-game are listed below:

Shadowlands humanoids with same animations as current playable races but lacking physical attributes such as facial features:

Notes and other idea pages

  • Previous suppositions about the Alliance new race for The Burning Crusade expansion can be found here.
  • Other ideas and in-depth arguments:
  • Great sea race ideas
  • Pandaren ideas
    • Gnoll Ideas by Kinkku.
    • Gnoll Rumor by Charred But Alive.
    • Drakonid ideas by Kesmana.
    • Satyr ideas by Kesmana.
    • Race ideas by Coolperson1.
    • Lon-ami's Races Ideas by Lon-ami.
    • Gigawolf1's race ideas by Gigawolf1
    • Ogre Race Idea by TheScourgelord.
    • Darkfallen Race Idea by Odjuret.
    • Mok'Nathal ideas
    • Half-elf ideas by Noobi666.
    • Leper gnome ideas by Noobi666.


Fan concept gallery


  1. ^ Blizzard Entertainment. Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Manual, 58. 
  2. ^ Alliance Player's Guide, pg. 27
  3. ^ Alliance Player's Guide, pg. 27-31
  4. ^ Blizzard Entertainment. Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Manual, 142. 
  5. ^ Old Hatreds (WC3 Orc)
  6. ^ A [10-30] Messenger to the Feralfen
  7. ^ Wesley Yin-Poole 2009-03-07. Blizzard's Tom Chilton on the future of WoW.
  8. ^ Dvalen Ironrune
  9. ^ Image:Nexus-Prince Haramad.jpg
  10. ^ WarCraft III -> Brothers in Blood
  11. ^ WarCraft III -> Enemies at the Gate
  12. ^ B [7-30] King of the Foulweald
  13. ^ WarCraft III -> The Spirits of Ashenvale
  14. ^ Monster Guide, pg 85
  15. ^ Monster Guide, pg 84
  16. ^ Alliance Player's Guide, pg 12
  17. ^ A [10-30] Anguish of Nifflevar
  18. ^ PAX East 2018: World of Warcraft Daniel Stahl Developer Interview, 5:40
  19. ^ Dark Factions, pg. 11
  20. ^
  21. ^
  22. ^ Metzen talks about Wow Comic Book @ San Diego Comic Con, 2007,
  23. ^ MMO-Champion: Tier Sets in BfA, Developer Interviews, Hotfixes Nov 14, Blue Posts, Lineage 2
  24. ^ a b in The Burning Crusade Behind The Scenes - The Draenei (around 7:43)
  25. ^ Countdown To Classic – A World of Warcraft Classic Podcast, Episode #63 – The Making Of World Of Warcraft With Vanilla Dev, John Staats
  26. ^ Alliance & Horde Compendium, pg. 15
  27. ^ Horde Player's Guide, pg. 19
  28. ^ Mizzle the Crafty
  29. ^ N [20-30G] Into the Soulgrinder
  30. ^ Horde Player's Guide, pg. 28
  31. ^ H [15-30] Ogre Combat
  32. ^ as shown in Rise of the Horde (Page 263)
  33. ^ Tides of Darkness page 344
  34. ^ Horde Player's Guide, pg. 26
  35. ^ Horde Player's Guide, pg. 156
  36. ^ Horde Player's Guide, pg. 157
  37. ^ as stated in the Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 39
  38. ^ B [10-30D] Make Them Bleed
  39. ^ handclaw on Twitter: "@WarcraftDevs I know it's unlikely, but maybe you could add sometime a shattered hand skin tone for the Mag'har? It's quite distinct to other skin tones, as you can see in my proof of concept screenshots:"
  40. ^ Warlords of Draenor - Dark Portal Outro, 0:30
  41. ^ N [10-30D] Agamaggan's Charge
  42. ^ A [10-30] A Failure to Communicate
  43. ^ Dark Factions, pg. 121
  44. ^ Dark Factions, pg. 120
  45. ^
  46. ^ Sethrak Female Voice Over - Battle for Azeroth Alpha
  47. ^
  48. ^ E3 2018 – Blizzard Teased Blood Troll Allied Race
  49. ^ Developer Q&A with Ion Hazzikostas - Battle for Azeroth, 14. june 2018.
  50. ^ World of Warcraft: The Magazine Volume II Issue I
  51. ^ Day of the Dragon, pg. 89
  52. ^ Troll Compendium/Ice Trolls
  53. ^ Troll Compendium/Other Trolls
  54. ^ Patch 2.3.0 Trailer
  55. ^ Day of the Dragon, pg. 89
  56. ^ Troll Compendium/Ice Trolls
  57. ^ Troll Compendium/Other Trolls
  58. ^
  59. ^ The Silver Blade and The Wavecrest
  60. ^ Lands of Conflict, pg 11
  61. ^ Lands of Mystery, pg 4
  62. ^ The Greatest World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth Interview Ever | Mei Cosplay Edition
  63. ^ Battle for Azeroth Live Developer Q&A – April 26, 2018, 46:15