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A dungeon is an instance designed to be completed by a five-person party. They come in three difficulties - Normal, Heroic, and Mythic.

In order to enter, characters can use the Dungeon Finder tool to be matched into a standard party - one tank, one healer, and three damage dealers. Characters will be automatically teleported within the dungeon, and can teleport out afterwards, returning to their previous location. Players wishing to challenge Mythic difficulty dungeons must travel to the dungeon entrance themselves or be summoned with a Meeting Stone or warlock's [Ritual of Summoning].

Dungeons contain mostly elite creatures, which are more powerful than normal creatures. Dungeons are more challenging and take longer than quests, but are not as difficult or as time-consuming as raids.

Normal dungeon bosses typically drop Uncommon, Rare, and very rarely Epic quality loot. As the instance difficulty increases, so too does the quality of the loot.

Farming dungeons for loot is one of the main ways for players to acquire high-level gear as part of World of Warcraft's end-game, usually in Mythic+ difficulty.


Main article: Mythic+

The Mythic+ dungeon system provides an endlessly scaling challenge in 5-player Mythic dungeons. Parties compete against a timer while dealing with various affixes that encourage new tactics.


The term "megadungeon" has been used to describe specific massive 5-player dungeons that use a lockout system similar to a raid.

Infinite dungeon

The term "infinite dungeon" is used to describe Torghast, Tower of the Damned.[1]


See also


  1. ^ Shadowlands Landing Page. Blizzard Entertainment. Archived from the original on 2022-03-17.