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NeutralGlimmerfin tribe
Main leader Neutral  Glimmergut
Secondary leaders Neutral  Glimmerfin Oracle
Race(s) MurlocMurloc Murloc
Character classes Forager, Oracle, Scout
Base of operations Venture Bay
Theater of operations Grizzly Hills, Northrend
Language(s) Nerglish
Affiliation Independent
Status Active

The Glimmerfin murlocs are found in Venture Bay in Grizzly Hills. They settled in the area after their home deeper in the oceans was disturbed.




  1. N [1-80] Glimmerfin Scale
  2. N [1-80] Glimmerfin Welcome
  3. N [1-80] A Big Horkin' Task
  4. N [1-80] Seer of the Waves
  5. N [1-80] Pearl in the Deeps
  6. N [1-80] Trainer's Test
  7. N [1-80] Wrap it Up
  8. N [1-80G] Guardian of the Smallest