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Rageclaw tribe

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NeutralRageclaw tribe
Main leader IconSmall Wolvar.gif Chief Rageclaw
Race(s) Wolvar Wolvar
Capital None
  Formerly Rageclaw Den
Base of operations Light's Breach
Theater of operations Zul'Drak
Affiliation Independent
Status Active

The Rageclaw tribe is a small tribe of wolvar within Zul'Drak.

Before the war against the Lich King, the Drakkari trolls and Rageclaw wolvar were allies for thousands of years. They've been living in Zul'Drak, alongside the trolls, for generations, completely unaware of the ever-changing world.[1] After the Drakuru trolls pushed them out of their den they found sanctuary with the Argent Crusade in Light's Breach. They enlisted adventurers to free their brethren from the Scourge.

They see themselves as the smartest of all wolvar.[2]


