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Saberon concept art.jpg
Faction/Affiliation Independent
Character classes Warrior, Rogue, Shaman, Hunter, Druid, Witch doctor, Shadow hunter, Blademaster, Pride
Racial capital Fang'rila
Racial leader(s) Tribal chieftains
Racial mount Skeletal raptor[1]
Homeworld Draenor (alternate)
Language(s) Common, Orcish
Organization(s) Tribes, Clans, and Prides

The vicious saberon are a cat-like race native to Draenor. They are almost universally hostile and territorial to all factions on the planet.


Beasts of the Savage Lands

Few creatures embody the savagery of Draenor as much as the saberon, vaguely feline beasts who have adapted to nearly all of this world's diverse environments. From the icy caverns of Frostfire to the steamy jungles of Tanaan to the maze-like rocky outcroppings of Nagrand, there's not a niche that the ferocious saberon haven't conquered. Saberon outwardly appear more advanced than beasts; they have a social structure and can shape simple tools into weapons. Adventurers should be especially wary of saberon hunting parties, whose coordinated attacks, sharp rending claws, and ability to shadowstep behind prey make them deadly indeed.[2]

Terokk and the Pridelord

600 years before the opening of the Dark Portal, the saberon tribes of the Spires of Arak delighted in preying upon the flightless Outcasts of arakkoan society. However, the Bloodmane tribe and its mighty young leader, Karash, grew bored with hunting the birdmen that were confined to the ground and instead made it a sport to bring down the arakkoa who could still fly. Karash trained his followers in the use of nets, ropes, and harpoons and commanded his hunters to bring him ten thousand arakkoa feathers. The Bloodmane initially targeted scouts to hone their abilities without alerting the other arakkoa, but once he was confident in his tribe's abilities, Karash declared war upon the high arakkoa. Bloodmane fighters began ambushing and slaughtering large groups of the winged creatures and laid siege to the spires themselves.

The arakkoa were thrown into disarray, for they had believed themselves to be immune to threats from "lower" creatures, and the Anhari priests struggled to find an explanation for why their beloved goddess Rukhmar had seemingly forsaken them. Terokk, Talon King of the high arakkoa, decided to take drastic action, launching raids on Bloodmane encampments by himself. He single-handedly turned the tide of the war, inspiring other arakkoa fighters to follow him against suicidal odds. After months of whittling away the Bloodmane, Terokk cornered Pridelord Karash and effortlessly slew him, ending the source of the saberon's tactical brilliance and winning the war. Satisfied that his message was clear, the Talon King left the Bloodmane to pick up the pieces of their broken tribe.[3][4]

Warlords of Draenor

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

The saberon are encountered in nearly every zone of Draenor and are almost all universally hostile. Unlike many of the other races of Draenor, the saberon are unaffiliated with anyone but themselves; warring on just about every faction that can be found. They are not unintelligent, as some can be found as mercenaries and are capable of speech, such as Vul'gor; who serves the Highmaul clan. Long ago, the Snarlpaw tribe wiped out an orcish village at the site of their home in Snarlpaw Ledge. The ghostly orc, Murgok, requests heroes avenge his people.[5] The Steamscar tribe are known thieves.[6][7] They stole the bloom of the genesaur, Dionor the Carnivorous, after he was felled slaying several magnaron. His bloom is retrieved by a hero and returned to the ancient, Birchus, who later visits this hero's garrison as a merchant.[8]

The saberon, Leorajh, was exiled from his people, the Bloodmane tribe, for being too weak; ultimately joining with the garrison of the hero that rescued him.[9] The saberon hunter known as Goldmane the Skinner, while non-communicative, was also capable of understanding diplomacy as they too joined the garrison of the hero that rescued them.[10] Prowler Sasha joined forces with the orc Kasah'drakor to rebel against their masters in the Stonemaul clan. He is non-verbal, but rewards the players for giving him ogre teeth for his trophies.[11] Afterwards, he can be found at the hero's outpost, for Horde or Alliance, if they chose the sparring arena for Beastwatch or Highpass. He can be summoned through the arena's ability alongside the other gladiators from it, aiding the hero in combat across Gorgrond.

The Blackfang tribe of saberon were the target of the Saberstalkers. According to Z'tenga the Walker, they are the strongest tribe he has seen on Draenor.[12] These saberon inhabited the massive area of Fang'rila, and were willing to accept challenges to the death at their arena.[13]

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

After the Mag'har of the alternate Draenor were transported to the world of Azeroth, some of the saberon were caught in Eitrigg's teleportation spell and ran off from Durotar towards the Northern Barrens.[14]


Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

Ruthless Brigands can crash the Ember Court parties and must be defeated.

Appearance and culture

Saberon are cat-like humanoids, standing around 6-7 feet tall.[citation needed]  Their ranks include hunters and warriors, as well as witchdoctors and "shadowshapers", both wielders of magic. The saberon have highly developed rituals and customs.[15] At least among the Bloodmane, those that are too weak are apparently forced out of their tribe and left to die.[9]

Melee types usually wear minimal clothing, often a simple loincloth, and may fight barehanded or with dual-wielded knife-like weapons. In contrast, the magical types are lavishly decorated with complex garments, ornamentation, and feathers, and wield large and lengthy jawbones as weapons. These saberon are adorned with necklaces, belts, shoulders, bracers, and headdresses, and wear wrap-like garments covering their lower bodies.

The difference between the appearance of the two groups is likely due to the higher position or rank of the magic-wielding types within saberon culture but may also relate to religious or ritual purposes.

They cook and eat other humanoids such as orcs.[16]


A saberon in its lair.

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.


Tribe Leader Territory Zone
Blackfang Mob  The Blackfang <Warboss of the Blackfang> Fang'rila Tanaan Jungle
Bloodmane Mob  Ralshiara <Bloodmane Matriarch> Bloodmane Valley Spires of Arak
Daggerjaw Mob  Vicegnaw Daggerjaw Intrusion Talador
Panthran Mob  Panthora Gorian Falls Ashran
Sabermaw Mob  Soulfang Sabermaw Nagrand
Sharpclaw Unknown Gorian Falls Ashran
Snarlpaw Mob  Boneseer Cold-Eye Snarlpaw Ledge Nagrand
Steamscar Mob  Ashripper <Chieftain of the Steamscar> Steamscar Rise Gorgrond
Tailthrasher Mob  Skull Thrash Tailthrasher Basin Gorgrond

Notes and trivia

  • Saberon have strong hearts, and shaman of the Laughing Skull clan find many uses for them.[17]
  • Conceptually they seem to be based at least partially on the tigon model.
  • The basic saberon model is also used for the druid [Claws of Shirvallah] form.
  • Saberon models were in the game during Mists of Pandaria.
  • Saberon use the same model skeleton and animations as saurok and male worgen.
  • Saberon are the only civilized Draenor race whose origins are not covered in Chronicle Volume 2. In fact, the only time saberon are mentioned in the book at all is in the story of Terokk.
  • A group of saberon known as the Sharptooth tribe were added in Battle for Azeroth but went unused. They are in the same slotting of NPCs as those used in island expeditions, but were likely removed due to the fact that, until the Mag'har recruitment questline, there were no saberon on Azeroth. (Or the main universe, for that matter.)


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

This species vanished or was completely annihilated when Draenor of the main universe was shattered into Outland.

