Sir Finley Mrrgglton

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NeutralSir Finley Mrrgglton
Image of Sir Finley Mrrgglton
Title <Explorer's League>
Gender Male
Race Murloc (Humanoid)
Resource Energy
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Explorers' League
Occupation Adventurer, Archaeologist
Location Various
Status Alive

Sir Finley Mrrgglton is a sophisticated murloc adventurer who is a member of the Explorers' League.


Finley can be found at Dreyrgrot in Stormheim on the Broken Isles, where he gets involved in the affairs of blood-thirsty pirates led by the vrykul Blood-Thane Lucard while on his way to study the local murlocs.

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

He can also be found in one of the watchtowers on the atoll island of Sandy Beach in the Shimmering Expanse in Vashj'ir. Here he trades seashells for gold, which in turn can be traded with the wildlife in order to gather items that can again be traded for Finley's  [Red Crystal Monocle].

He can also be found in Rustbolt on Mechagon Island. While searching for the island's history clues, Finley accompanies the adventurer across the island.[1] He was given vrykul runestone fragments and tortollan relics for examination.[2][3] He also tasked the adventurer with finding and rescuing Leona Mistcaller, Dunkin Crackjaw, and Adalin Halfheight.[4]

He makes an appearance at the Maker's Ascent in Uldum during the Assault in Uldum along with several other members of the league.

Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

An alternate version of Mrrgglton can be seen fighting the forces of Deathwingurlugull in Azmerloth.

He can later be found at Tyrhold Reservoir in Thaldraszus as the vendor for Azmerloth items.


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Dreyrgrot, Stormheim 10-45 Elite Alliance Horde
Sandy Beach, Shimmering Expanse 50 Elite Alliance Horde
Mechagon Island 50 Elite Alliance Horde
Maker's Ascent, Uldum 50 Elite Alliance Horde During Assault in Uldum.
Azmerloth 68-70 Alliance Horde As an alternate self.
Tyrhold Reservoir in Thaldraszus 70 Alliance Horde


Inv misc food legion seashella1.png [Seashell]
Achievement jadeserpent 1.png [Scintillating Murloc Skin Lotion]
10 Glittergill Glitter 8 Symbiotic Plankton
Inv helmet 44.png [Red Crystal Monocle]
5 Captured Cavitation Bubble 5 Potent Gastropod Gloop 5 Scintillating Murloc Skin Lotion
Sir Finley Mrrgglton <Azmerloth Vendor>
Item Cost Type
 [Gill'dan] 2,750 Paracausal Flakes Battle pet
 [Paracausal Fragment of Thunderfin, Humid Blade of the Tideseeker] 1,750 Paracausal Flakes Trinket (DPS)


Sir Finley Mrrgglton in Stormheim.
Mechagon Island


Dreyrgrot gossip

What-ho traveler! What brings you to these dusty ruins?

Warlocks wielding  [Scepter of Sargeras]
I say, <race>. Is that the Scepter of Sargeras? Indeed! Quite the dodgy bit of history you've got there, hm?

In Hearthstone

Hearthstone This section contains information exclusive to Hearthstone and is considered non-canon.

Notes and trivia

  • His mount on Mechagon is a flying cloud.
  • He wrote the foreword for Harrison Jones' book,  [Is it a Rock? How to Identify Relics].
  •  [Sir Finley Mrrgglton's Coin] can be fished up from the fountain in the Legion version of Dalaran.
  • Finley was originally created for Hearthstone and was not part of World of Warcraft until Legion.
  • An unused ID of Sir Finley Mrrgglton exists from patch 7.3.0.
  • One of his Mercenary Portraits shows him riding a horse as a knight, hinting at his involvemnt during The Grand Tournament.
  • The lore of Sir Finley, the Intrepid is quite ambiguous. Considering Showdown in the Badlands — and consequently, Delve into Deepholm — are set in a time where Reno Jackson and Elise Starseeker have just met, and the League of Explorers hasn't formed yet, Sir Finley should not own the Scales of Justice yet, since he gained that artifact during the events of Saviors of Uldum, when the League had already formed. Also, according to Finley's lore, Elise first found him while he was still inside an egg, so Finley should not be grown up during the same time that Elise may meet him. Some fan theories suggest that this version of Sir Finley may be a time traveler, though this is all speculation.



Patch changes


External links