The Dead

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For lore and general information about the dead, see Undead.
The Dead
Race Orc
Hit Points 40
Armor 1
3 (1 upgrade)
5 (all upgrades)
Basic Damage 4
6 (1 upgrade)
8 (all upgrades)
Piercing Damage 1
Range melee
Cooldown 80
Speed 5
Sight 2
Priority 30
Decay Rate 45
Production Related
Summoned by Necrolyte
Unlocked in Grand Hamlet
WCOnH logo.png
This article contains lore or information taken from Warcraft: Orcs & Humans and/or its manual.

When any unit is killed, it will begin to decompose and the remains will slowly seep into the ground. Necrolytes are trained in the black arts, and can raise these fallen warriors if they can reach the corpse before it disappears into the earth forever.[1]


The Dead (called Skeletons in-game) are raised from dead bodies by Necrolytes using the Raise Dead spell on them. The Dead are best used to cover up your vulnerable units, to kill Peasants going from the Town Hall to the Gold Mine/forest or to cover up a hasty retreat. They are rather weak and attack slowly, but with a considerably sized group they can put up a fight.

The Dead have a "Magic" bar that will slowly decay as time passes. When it is emptied, the creature will continuously lose HP until it dies.

They are not the same unit type as the Skeletons found in dungeon missions.

Units that can be raised include: Peasants/Peons, Footmen/Grunts, Archers/Spearmen, Knights/Raiders, Clerics/Necrolytes, Conjurers/Warlocks, Brigands and heroes. Dead Knights and Raiders can only be raised after the corpses of their mounts completely disappear.

The two leftmost bodies can be raised, but the remaining two cannot; the second body from the right hasn't decayed enough yet, while the rightmost body cannot be raised until the mount's skeleton completely disappears.


Upgrade Axe Strength
Increases the basic attack damage of Grunts, Raiders, Necrolytes, Warlocks, Spiders, Daemons and The Dead by 2
Research Cost Researched At Upgrade Time
750 WC1Gold.gif Blacksmith 120
Upgrade Axe Strength
Further increases the basic attack damage of Grunts, Raiders, Necrolytes, Warlocks, Spiders, Daemons and The Dead by 2
The Dead as seen in the Warcraft: Orcs & Humans Manual.
Research Cost Researched At Upgrade Time
1500 WC1Gold.gif Blacksmith 120
Upgrade Shield Strength
Increases the armor of all your units and buildings by 2
Research Cost Researched At Upgrade Time
750 WC1Gold.gif Blacksmith 120
Upgrade Shield Strength
Further increases the armor of all your units and buildings by 2
Research Cost Researched At Upgrade Time
1500 WC1Gold.gif Blacksmith 120


  • In the game files, The Dead are given a cost of 100 gold, but this is inconsequential since The Dead cannot be created by anything other than a necrolyte's raise dead spell.[2]

See also


  1. ^ Warcraft: Orcs & Humans manual, Orcish Horde of the First War, The Dead
  2. ^ Warcraft: Orcs & Humans. The Cutting Room Floor. Retrieved on 2021-06-05.