Gerald Green

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AllianceGerald Green
Image of Gerald Green
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-30 Elite
Class Warrior
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Valiance Expedition
Location Farshire, Borean Tundra[58, 62]
Status Alive

Gerald Green is a citizen in charge of the villagers of Farshire. He commands the defenses that are supposed to defend the town from the Scourge forces.


  • Ability warrior cleave.png Cleave — Inflicts 110% of normal melee damage to an enemy and its nearest allies, affecting up to 3 targets.


  1. Activequest A [10-30] Farshire
  2. Availablequest A [10-30] Military? What Military?
  3. Activequest A [10-30] Pernicious Evidence
  4. AvailablequestActivequest A [10-30] It's Time for Action
  5. AvailablequestActivequest A [10-30] Fruits of Our Labor
  6. Availablequest A [10-30] One Last Delivery
  7. Activequest A [10-30] Weapons for Farshire
  8. AvailablequestActivequest A [10-30] Call to Arms!



We're miners, farmers and craftsmen - not soldiers. But we'll defend our land with our bare fists if we must.

Patch changes

External links