Brightwater Lake

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Brightwater Lake

Brightwater Lake is the biggest lake in Tirisfal Glades, located just northeast of Brill, south of the North Coast, and west of the Scarlet Watch Post. Gunther's Retreat is situated on a large island in the center.

2,600 BDP, Eidre and her family owned the land around a keep near the lake. The dreadlord Kathra'natir infected the area. The first Guardian of Tirisfal, Alodi, battled the demon on a small island here.[1]

During the trial of Garrosh Hellscream, Vereesa and Sylvanas Windrunner met by the lake and spoke about poisoning Garrosh.[2]

Brightwater's entire western shore was scorched by the Lion's Wake during the Battle for Lordaeron, but the water itself and the islands on it were unaffected.




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es:Lago Aguasclaras