Arator the Redeemer

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Not to be confused with Arathor.
AllianceArator Windrunner
Image of Arator Windrunner
Title the Redeemer,
Son of Alleria
Gender Male
Race(s) Half-elf and Half-human (half-breed) (Humanoid)
Class Retribution paladin
Resource Mana
Affiliation(s) Knights of the Silver Hand, Honor Hold, Alliance, Silvermoon City[1]
Occupation Champion and a leader of the Silver Hand
Location Various
Status Alive
Relative(s) Alleria (mother)
Turalyon (father)
Lireesa (maternal grandmother)
Dorus (paternal grandfather)
Sylvanas and Vereesa (aunts)
Lirath, Rhonin (uncles)
Giramar, Galadin (cousins)
Zendarin (first cousin once removed)
Mentor(s) High Exarch Turalyon[2]

“I would gladly lay down my life and fight for the Order of the Silver Hand.”

— Arator the Redeemer[3]

Arator Windrunner[4] (pronounced "EH-ruh-tohr"),[5] commonly known as Arator the Redeemer, is the half-elven son of the high elven ranger Alleria Windrunner and the human paladin Turalyon. Before their departure for the Invasion of Draenor, Arathor was left on Azeroth in the care of his aunt Vereesa, while his parents ultimately disappeared following the destruction of the Dark Portal.

Two decades later, Arator became a paladin just like his father and spent much time searching for his missing parents during the invasion of Outland. At the time of the third invasion of the Burning Legion, he joined the ranks of the reformed Order of the Silver Hand and pledged his allegiance to its new Highlord as one of their champions. As a leader of the order's war council,[6] he participated in the meetings for important decisions and followed the Highlord on their campaign to Argus where he was finally able to reunite with Alleria and Turalyon.

Since the end of the invasion, he continued his activities as a paladin of the Silver Hand and was able to take the time to reconnect with his family.


Infant Arator with his parents.

Arator was born to Alleria Windrunner and Turalyon some time after the Second War. When Alleria handed Arator to her sister Vereesa at Nethergarde Keep,[7] he was still an infant, only a few months old,[5] just before she and Turalyon entered the Dark Portal[8] to Draenor with the Alliance Expedition. Once, during a frosty winter day, the toddler[9] Arator played in the courtyard of Stormwind Keep with a wooden sword, aiming for a frog but hitting a pillar instead. His mother saw him through a vision and sadly told him war was not glory.[10] He was apparently well-known by members of the Expedition, including Danath Trollbane, who called him "Little Arator". Along with the rest of the Expedition, Turalyon and Alleria were believed to have died when Archmage Khadgar sealed the Dark Portal. With his parents gone, Arator was raised by his aunt Vereesa and uncle Rhonin. Vereesa described him as a blessing in their home and in time, a guide for her own children, Giramar and Galadin.[11]

A few years later, as a boy,[9] he was present at a ceremony in the Valley of Heroes in Stormwind City, sitting on the shoulders of a Knight of the Silver Hand and looking up at the statue of his mother, a face he couldn't remember. Alleria was observing this with the help of Xe'ra[12] from aboard the Xenedar, the vessel of the Army of the Light, and sent her feelings to Arator through the Light. When he received her emotions the young Arator looked around, smiled, and then reached out to her statue. He would return again and again there to see her face, knowing she would always love him.[5]

The Burning Crusade

Bc icon.gif This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

Eighteen years after the Alliance Expedition left,[4][13] Lord Kazzak reopened the Portal and crossed over into Draenor, now known as Outland. At the beginning of the invasion of Outland, Arator, who had grown up to become a paladin in his father's footsteps, accompanied the Alliance reinforcements from Stormwind and Nethergarde to Honor Hold, where he remained as he searched for his missing parents. There, he met Father Malgor Devidicus who told him that he and his father were the best of friends, as he was the one who took care of keeping Turalyon healthy, before breaking down in tears, feeling responsible for Turalyon's disappearance. Arator asked the innkeeper Sid Limbardi to keep an eye on him and to make sure he is sober next time, as he was the only link between him and his parents.[14] Since Danath Trollbane was a family friend, he pledged his sword to Danath and the Sons of Lothar.[15]


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Arator in the Sanctum of Light.
Arator in Three Sisters.

At the beginning of the third invasion of the Burning Legion, some time after the death of Tirion Fordring during the Battle for Broken Shore, Arator moved to the Sanctum of Light where he attended the rebirth of the Order of the Silver Hand and the presentation of its new Highlord of the Silver Hand.[16] He could later be seen kneeling before a statue of his father within the sanctum.

Following the discovery of the Light's Heart that crashed towards the coast of Suramar, and listening to the message of High Exarch Turalyon who tasked the defenders of Azeroth to save their world by bringing the heart of the naaru Xe'ra to the Prophet Velen, Arator was summoned at the request of Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker during the meeting of the Silver Hand. As a leader of the organization, he mentioned the rumors he heard about a message recently found from his parents.[17] When Arator approached the Light's Heart, it felt his presence and revealed a message from his father, he learned that for him it has been "ages" that he and Alleria have fought the Burning Legion across the stars, and that Balnazzar had been ordered to destroy everything Turalyon held dear. He then told Arator that he must gather the defenders of the Light and fight, or all would be lost.[18]

Following the Battle for the Exodar and the discoveries on Balnazzar's Codex of Command, the Knights of the Silver Hand were mobilized by Arator, Aponi Brightmane, and Delas Moonfang to launch an attack on the Felblaze Ingress in Azsuna and destroy a Legion portal,[19] but they were captured and imprisoned on Niskara. They would be freed by the Highlord of the Silver Hand and the High Priest of the Conclave,[20] and learned from a Mysterious Stranger that Balnazzar and his armies were about to attack the Netherlight Temple, headquarters of the Conclave, hidden deep within the Twisting Nether.[21]

During the battle at the Netherlight Temple, he was present with the troops of the Silver Hand who came to support the priests of the Conclave. He fought against the hordes of demons summoned by Balnazzar, until Lothraxion and the Army of the Light came and helped them to eliminate the dreadlord for good.[22]

Arator later traveled with his aunt Vereesa aboard the draenei's new dimensional ship, the Vindicaar, to Argus. He reunited with his parents and questioned why they did not reach out to their people or to him. His mother responded that every choice they made was to keep him safe, and that it broke their hearts to be apart from him. She vowed that, now that they were reunited, she would not let them separate again.[23] He later had a conversation with Vereesa regarding the fate of Sylvanas and what Vereesa will tell Alleria, to which Vereesa responded that the thought of the conversation fills her with dread and the truth will break Alleria's heart.[24] Arator could also be found at Darkfall Ridge where he fought demons seeking to reach the Vindicaar.

After Sargeras was imprisoned by the Pantheon at the Seat of the Pantheon, Arator expressed uncertainty despite his joy of at long last finding his parents. The people who gave him life have been absent for it, and despite their fights to keep him safe they cannot suddenly become a happy family. They knew next to nothing about him, and he had only legends of them. Alleria, Turalyon, and Arator have much to learn about one another and many wounds to heal, but at least they will do it together.

Before the Storm

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Just before the Gathering, Turalyon told Anduin Wrynn that he and Arator were very similar, and that he'd ask his son to come to Stormwind soon.[25]

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

A vision of Arator being sacrificed to the Old God N'Zoth by Alleria.

An alternate version of Arator appeared in the Vision of Stormwind. Within the vision, Alleria had fallen to the madness of the void and was orchestrating the downfall of Stormwind from the Cathedral of Light. There, Turalyon was killed by Alleria as the former attempted to reason with her, dying just as adventurers entered into the vision, begging them to save his son. The adventurers were ultimately unsuccessful, as Alleria forced Arator into a portal of the void before engaging the adventurers and being ultimately defeated; with no resolution to Arator's fate, though this was inconsequential as it was ultimately not real.

The Vow Eternal

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

A few years later, Arator and his family were among those who attended the wedding of Lor'themar Theron and Thalyssra at the Lunastre Estate. At some point during the party, he chatted amicably with Dagran Thaurissan II under a tree, with whom he developed a friendship, and showed the prince a beautiful ceremonial dagger that he had worn at the wedding.[26]


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

After the war against the Primalists, a projection of Arator as a child was seen by the adventurer and Alleria in Triad's Conservatory in Eredath. Arator was standing in front of Statue of Alleria with Xe'ra above him.[12]

A Whisper of Warning

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Arator continued to serve the Silver Hand and was revealed to live in Silvermoon City, where he was sometimes visited by his parents. They teased him about having a crush on twins named Breezeblossom who live near his home. His relationship with Turalyon was awkward, as Arator knew him through stories as a hero before ever knowing him as his father. One day while Turalyon was visiting Arator after traveling to Silvermoon for business with Liadrin, the father and the son were surprised to see Alleria stop by as well. The mother had recently been asked by Khadgar to investigate the Dark Heart and "the Harbinger", and came to see her son before beginning her mission. Alleria and Arator took a walk around the city, accompanied by guards assigned by Lor'themar Theron as Alleria was only allowed in until nightfall, during which Alleria made Arator promise not to get involved in her mission to hunt the Harbinger.[1]


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula[54.2, 63.6] 10-30 Elite Alliance Horde
Sanctum of Light 10-45 Normal/Elite Alliance Horde
Niskara; Netherlight Temple 10-45 Elite Alliance Horde As part of the Paladin Campaign.
Stormwind City; Azuremyst Isle 45 Elite Alliance Horde
Krokuun 47 Elite Alliance Horde As part of the Argus Campaign.
Vindicaar; Antorus, the Burning Throne 45 Elite Alliance Horde
Vision of Stormwind ?? Elite Alliance Horde As an alternate version.
Triad's Conservatory, Eredath 70 Elite Alliance Horde As a projection during N [70] The Path Taken.


Netherlight Temple
  • Spell holy holysmite.png Crusader Strike — An instant strike that causes Holy damage and increases Holy damage taken by 20% for 30 sec.
  • Spell holy innerfire.png Consecration — Consecrates the land beneath the caster, dealing Holy damage over 8 sec to enemies who enter the area.
  • Ability paladin divinestorm.png Divine Storm — An instant weapon attack that causes Holy damage to nearby enemies and heals the caster for 2% health.
  • Spell holy sealofmight.png Hammer of Justice — Stuns an enemy, rendering it unable to move or attack for 4 sec.
  • Spell holy sealofblood.png Seal of Command — All melee attacks have a chance to deal additional Holy damage.
Azuremyst Isle
  • Ability mount charger.png Summon Charger — Summons an[sic] Great Exarch's Elekk, which serves as a mount.

As a follower

Arator the Redeemer is a Retribution Paladin Class Hall champion with the following abilities:

  • Spell holy greaterblessingofkings.png Blessing of Might (Ability) — Mission success chance increased by 5% for every troop Vitality on the mission.
  • Spell holy auraoflight.png Retribution (Specialization) — A righteous crusader who judges and counters some Bosses with weapons and Holy magic. Counters: Boss Boss
  • Spell holy innerfire.png Consecration (Ability) — Consecrate the land beneath you to counter a MinionCounters: Minion

He can also be assigned as a bodyguard:

  • Ability paladin lightofthemartyr.png Bodyguard — Can accompany you as a guardian in the Broken Isles when assigned as a Combat Ally.
As the Bodyguard
  • Spell holy innerfire.png Consecration — Inflicts Holy Damage every second.
  • Spell holy innerfire.png Consecration — Consecrates the land beneath the caster, dealing Holy damage over 4 sec to enemies who enter the area.
  • Spell holy holysmite.png Crusader Strike — Inflicts 125% of normal weapon damage to an enemy and increases the Holy damage it takes by 125 per Crusader Strike. Can be applied up to 5 times. Lasts until canceled.
  • Ability paladin divinestorm.png Divine Storm — An instant weapon attack that causes Holy damage to to all enemies and healing to all friends within 8 yards.
  • Ability heroicleap.png Redemptor — Leap through the air and slam down on all enemies within 8 yards of the target area, causing 147% weapon damage.


Objective of


The Burning Crusade

Bc icon.gif This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.


I was only an infant when my father was deployed to this wasteland. All that I have ever known of him is what others have told me. Do your dreams change, <name>? Mine do not. I have one dream: A crimson skyline envelops me as Legion, numbering beyond comprehension, battle in the distance. I kneel before the body of a man, presumably my father, and weep. As he is gasping for air, his body wholly crushed, he whispers something. Despite every effort, I am unable to hear what he is trying to tell me.

Dialogue with Malgor
Father Malgor Devidicus says: Shay, what'sh your deal anywaysh? Are you shome kind of elf or shomethin? You look shorta familiar.
Arator the Redeemer says: I am Arator, son of Turalyon and Alleria. So yes, Father, I am "shome" kind of elf: half-elf to be precise.
Father Malgor Devidicus's face turns white. Sobriety seems to have set in rather quickly.
Father Malgor Devidicus says: By the Light! So this is why you look familiar. Is this fate? Destiny, perhaps? Arator, your father and I were the best of friends. It is I who kept him in good health... Oh the battles we fought... And...
Father Malgor Devidicus clears his throat.
Father Malgor Devidicus says: And... the battle we lost. I...I'm sorry, Arator. It was my fault...
Father Malgor Devidicus begins to sob.
Father Malgor Devidicus says: Quickly, Sid. Fill my tankard. Make the memories fade...
Sid Limbardi says: Oh brother... Listen, he's gonna be here crying like a baby for another five hours. If you're really the son of Turalyon, go speak with Trollbane. He's in the keep - top floor.
Arator the Redeemer says: Thank you Sid. Keep an eye on him; he is my only link to my mother and father, and I'd like to see him sober.
Dialogue with Danath
Force Commander Danath Trollbane says: As I live and breathe! "Little" Arator? Is that you?
Arator the Redeemer says: Aye, Commander; but I am little no more. I have come to find my father. Have you any news to his whereabouts? I know he still lives. I have seen it in my dreams.
Force Commander Danath Trollbane looks at Arator grimly.
Force Commander Danath Trollbane says: I am afraid that I do not, Arator. I have not seen or heard from your father in 15 years. We had long since presumed him dead. But know this: I did all that was in my power to find him. From the bounds of Hellfire to the ravages of Nagrand, we searched... All for naught. If I could give my own life to bring Turalyon back, I would do so a thousand times over. I... I am sorry.
Arator the Redeemer says: As long as he remains unfound, I will search. I know that he lives. And I know that I must find him. I am thankful for what you have done, Commander. As my father called upon you, a brother in arms, know that you may call upon me. I am at your service, my Lord.
Arator the Redeemer says: Farewell, Commander. I will be staying at the inn, should you require my services.


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Dalaran gossip

I have always felt drawn to the Light. Perhaps because this was my father's calling as well, and I wished to follow in his footsteps.


Main article: Meeting of the Silver Hand#Notes
Main article: The Scion's Legacy#Notes
Main article: Translation: Danger!#Notes
Main article: Allies of the Light
Main article: United As One (paladin)#Notes
Main article: Champion: Arator the Redeemer#Notes
Main article: The Hand of Fate (Alliance)#Notes
Main article: Light's Exodus#Notes
Main article: Return to the Vindicaar#Notes
Main article: Gathering Light#Notes
Main article: Argus the Unmaker#Quotes
Combat ally
  • For justice!
  • For the Light!
  • The Light smites our foes!
Killed a mob
  • One by one our foes shall fall!
  • Victory!
  • The Light smiles upon us!
  • Grievous wounds... I must recover...
  • I need to recover... go on without me...


  • Good day to you.
  • Light bless you.
  • Greetings.
  • Peace friend.
  • Honor to you.
  • Yes?
  • What can I do for you?
  • Do you have a question?
  • You're testing my patience!
  • I am not usually vengeful, but I may have to make an exception.
  • Are you testing my wrath?!
  • Stop... or I will make YOU disappear.
  • Do not lose faith.
  • May the light guide you.
  • Carry on the Crusade.
  • For justice.
  • May your heart be true.
  • Steady travels.
  • Do not give up the fight.

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Vision of Stormwind
  • Mother... do not listen to the whispers!
  • No! I will never--aah!

A Whisper of Warning

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

  • Sometimes I would like to go fishing with Turalyon the man instead of sharpening my sword with Turalyon the High Exarch of the Army of the Light as he scrutinizes my whetstone.[2]
  • Listen, Mother. You may not know me as well as you would like, but you must know I would never abandon my duty. I would never shirk my responsibility and leave the risk to my fellow Knights. Can you imagine Father sitting home during a war? What would he do—knit socks and sing songs and pretend the world was good and safe while others died in the streets because he was not there to defend them?[27]
  • Your love I have never doubted. But I wish I knew you better, and I wish you would stay long enough for us all to grow bored and quarrelsome with each other. I cannot know myself unless I know you.[28]

Notes and trivia

  • Arator has dragon tattoos on his forearms, twining up his wrists. One arm's is dark and the other light.[1]
  • Arator's age when his parents left for war seems inconsistent. In The Burning Crusade, Arator himself stated that he was "only an infant" when his father was deployed to Draenor.[29] He is also described in A Thousand Years of War as "a few months old" when Alleria journeyed to Draenor[5] in Year 8, which would make him 32 years old in Dragonflight in Year 40. A Whisper of Warning has Alleria recall him still being a baby when she handed him to Vereesa before she went through the Dark Portal.[1] However, Shadows Rising instead describes him in a flashback, swinging with a wooden sword after a frog, while being watched by Alleria. This instance of Arator is described as a toddler in A Whisper of Warning. The short story also mentions that when Alleria was looking at a toddler while walking through Silvermoon, she remembered how she had been able to see her toddler son from far away thanks to the Light,[30] implying that the scene in Shadows Rising is actually this vision, which resolves the inconsistency with how Alleria could see her son as a toddler when she was supposed to be lost. In N [70] The Path Taken, Alleria says she was able to see Arator thanks to Xe'ra.
  • In the game, Arator initially had green eyes like his mother Alleria.[31] However, following patch 3.1.0, his eyes were made blue similar to normal high elves. This was changed again with the launch of Battle for Azeroth, where he was since given golden eyes.
    • Arator's depiction in Three Sisters, which was shortly before the Fourth War, shows him with green eyes once again.
    • In Shadows Rising, his eyes are described as "like the sun".[32]
    • In A Whisper of Warning, his eyes are said to have been green when he was a child, and turned gold later in life.[1]
    • In Alleria: Light and Shadow, his eyes as a baby are depicted green.
  • Arator used the model of a blood elf until patch 3.1.0, at which point he was changed to use the model of a high elf. Like other male high elven models in the game, Arator's on-click quotes were from one of the night elf male voice sets.
    • Although half-elf NPCs are rare in World of Warcraft, Arator is nonetheless the only one who uses a high elf model. Alodi and Kalec use human models.
  • As a bodyguard, Arator is seen by other players with the name Silver Hand Templar.
  • Arator is voiced by Yuri Lowenthal starting with Legion.
  • The name "Arator" is possibly a reference to J. R. R. Tolkien's "Aratar", the eight greatest of the Valar.


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
  • Interestingly enough, there is no mention of him in the novel Beyond the Dark Portal, even though his parents' relationship is explored in detail. Alleria was inexplicably cold toward Turalyon near the beginning of Beyond the Dark Portal, and her pregnancy and Arator's birth between Tides of Darkness and Beyond the Dark Portal might have been the reason.
  • He may have been named after Arathor, the first united human nation that also formed an alliance with the high elves.



Patch changes


  1. ^ a b c d e A Whisper of Warning
  2. ^ a b A Whisper of Warning, pg. 20
  3. ^ N Paladin [45] Champion: Arator the Redeemer
  4. ^ a b Ultimate Visual Guide
  5. ^ a b c d A Thousand Years of War
  6. ^ N Priest [45] United As One
  7. ^ Alleria: Light and Shadow‎
  8. ^ A Whisper of Warning, pg. 8 - 9
  9. ^ a b A Whisper of Warning, pg. 9
  10. ^ Shadows Rising, pg. 88
  11. ^ Three Sisters
  12. ^ a b N [70] The Path Taken
  13. ^ Timeline (from official site, 2007)
  14. ^ Arator and Malgor's dialogue in Honor Hold
  15. ^ Arator the Redeemer#quotes "I am thankful for what you have done, Commander. As my father called upon you, a brother in arms, know that you may call upon me. I am at your service, my Lord."
  16. ^ N Paladin [10-45] A United Force
  17. ^ N Paladin [10-45] Meeting of the Silver Hand
  18. ^ N Paladin [10-45] The Scion's Legacy
  19. ^ N Paladin [10-45] Translation: Danger!
  20. ^ N Paladin [45] Allies of the Light
  21. ^ N Paladin [45] The Mind of the Enemy
  22. ^ N Paladin [45] A Light in the Darkness
  23. ^ N [45] Return to the Vindicaar
  24. ^ N [45] Gathering Light
  25. ^ Before the Storm, chapter 28
  26. ^ The Vow Eternal
  27. ^ A Whisper of Warning, pg. 24
  28. ^ A Whisper of Warning, pg. 27
  29. ^ Honor Hold gossip text
  30. ^ A Whisper of Warning, pg. 21
  31. ^ Tides of Darkness, pg. 117
  32. ^ Shadows Rising, pg. 82 (ebook)

External links

Arator Templar Champion