Father Malgor Devidicus

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AllianceFather Malgor Devidicus
Image of Father Malgor Devidicus
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-30 Elite
Class Priest
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Honor Hold, Church of the Holy Light
Location Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula [54.3, 63.6]
Status Alive
Relative(s) Turalyon (best friend)

Father Malgor Devidicus is a human priest located within the inn of Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula. He appears to be quite the patron of the bar there. He is linked to Arator the Redeemer — as he was Turalyon's friend 15 years ago — who can be overheard telling the bartender, Sid Limbardi, that Father Malgor Devidicus "may be the only link" he has to his mother's and father's life.


Notable dialogue

Arator and Malgor

Father Malgor Devidicus says: Shay, what'sh your deal anywaysh? Are you shome kind of elf or shomethin? You look shorta familiar.
Arator the Redeemer says: I am Arator, son of Turalyon and Alleria. So yes, Father, I am "shome" kind of elf: half-elf to be precise.
Father Malgor Devidicus's face turns white. Sobriety seems to have set in rather quickly.
Father Malgor Devidicus says: By the Light! So this is why you look familiar. Is this fate? Destiny, perhaps? Arator, your father and I were the best of friends. It is I who kept him in good health... Oh the battles we fought... And...
Father Malgor Devidicus clears his throat.
Father Malgor Devidicus says: And... the battle we lost. I...I'm sorry, Arator. It was my fault...
Father Malgor Devidicus begins to sob.
Father Malgor Devidicus says: Quickly, Sid. Fill my tankard. Make the memories fade...
Sid Limbardi says: Oh brother... Listen, he's gonna be here crying like a baby for another five hours. If you're really the son of Turalyon, go speak with Trollbane. He's in the keep - top floor.
Arator the Redeemer says: Thank you Sid. Keep an eye on him; he is my only link to my mother and father, and I'd like to see him sober.

Patch changes

External links