Tactical Mana Bombs (Alliance)

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AllianceTactical Mana Bombs
Start Captain Elleane Wavecrest [62.7, 73.6]
End Captain Elleane Wavecrest [62.7, 73.6]
Level 32-35 (Requires 32-35)
Type Daily PvP
Category Isle of Thunder
Experience 236000
Reputation +150 Kirin Tor Offensive
Rewards 19g 84s 50c 2 Lesser Charm of Good Fortune 75 Honor Points
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [35P Daily] Tactical Mana Bombs.


Plant a Tactical Mana Bomb on a Sunreaver ship, the Scrying Crystals, and on the most inland bridge of Dawnseeker Promontory.


Ah, <name>, just the <race> I was looking for. I have received another batch of tactical mana bombs that I need planted in key positions across Dawnseeker Promontory to the northwest.

Here, take these. It is time to give the Sunreavers a taste of their own medicine.

Plant one on the Sunreaver ships, another one on their scrying crystals, and the last on the bridge that connects to their forward base.


You will receive:




It pains me to resort to such weaponry, but the Sunreavers must be taught the price of their actions.




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